
语言百科2024-10-30 09:30:10留学世界





1. 从颜色上来看,scarlet指的是“深红色”的意思。它比普通的红色更加鲜艳、更加醒目,可以用来形容某种颜色非常鲜艳或者某种东西非常醒目。

2. 在文学作品中,scarlet也有着特殊的象征意义。它通常被用来代表激情、罪恶或者禁忌。比如,在小说《红字》中,主角胸前佩戴着一枚红字“A”,就是因为她犯下了通奸罪行。

3. 在英国传统中,scarlet也与军队有着密切的关系。在古代,英国军队将士会穿上一件深红色的制服作为标志,并且被称为“红衣军”。因此,在英国人眼中,scarlet也可以表示“军队”或者“军人”。

4. 此外,在当今社会,scarlet也被用来指代一种特殊的纱布材料。它具有柔软、透气、吸水等特点,在医疗领域有着广泛的应用。

5. 最后,scarlet也可以作为一个人名。在英文中,它通常被当作女性名字,并且有着“红发女子”的意思。如果你遇到一个名叫Scarlet的女孩,不妨问问她的名字背后是否有着特殊的含义。



1. scarlet的意思是深红色,来自于拉丁语“scarlata”,也可以指代为鲜红色的绸缎材料。

2. 在英文中,scarlet的发音为/skɑːrlət/,其中的“a”发音为短音,类似于汉语拼音中的“啊”。

3. 可以用以下句子来帮助记忆scarlet的发音:“She wore a beautiful scarlet dress to the party.”(她穿着一件漂亮的深红色连衣裙去参加派对。)

4. 如果你想要更加准确地掌握scarlet的发音,可以在网上搜索相关视频或者使用语音识别软件来练*。

5. 此外,在英式英语中,有些人会将scarlet读作/skɑːlət/,而在美式英语中,则更倾向于读作/skɑːrlət/。

6. 不管是哪种发音方式,只要能够表达出深红色这个意思就可以了。所以不用太担心自己的发音是否完美。

7. 总之,scarlet是一个很常见的单词,在日常生活中我们可能会经常听到或者使用到。希望本次介绍能够帮助你更好地掌握它的发音


1. scarlet的定义和用法


- Scarlet作为形容词,表示“鲜红色的”、“猩红色的”,如:a scarlet dress(一条猩红色的裙子)、scarlet lips(鲜红的嘴唇)。

- Scarlet作为名词,指代鲜艳的红色,如:the color scarlet(猩红色)、the scarlet of the sunset(夕阳的猩红色)。

- Scarlet也可以用来指代一种植物,即“翠雀属”的植物,如:scarlet sage(翠雀属植物)。

2. 双语例句


- She was wearing a stunning scarlet dress, which made her stand out in the crowd.(她穿着一条惊艳的猩红裙子,在人群中显得格外抢眼。)

- The sky turned a deep shade of scarlet as the sun began to set.(太阳开始落山时,天空变成了深红色。)

- The scarlet flowers in the garden added a touch of color to the otherwise dull landscape.(花园里的猩红色花朵为原本单调的景色增添了一抹色彩。)

- She had a scarlet fever when she was a child, but luckily she recovered quickly.(她小时候得过猩红热,但幸运的是她很快就康复了。)

- The cardinal's feathers were a bright scarlet, making it easy to spot in the trees.(红衣主教的羽毛是明亮的猩红色,在树上很容易被发现。)


1. "Scarlet fever": 猩红热,指的是一种传染性疾病。

2. "Scarlet letter": 红字,指的是一种耻辱标记,源自美国作家霍桑的同名小说。

3. "Scarlet woman": 红衣女人,指的是一种不受社会道德约束的女性形象。

4. "Scarlet sky": 红色天空,通常用来形容日落时的天空颜色。

5. "Scarlet lips": 红唇,指的是鲜艳的红色嘴唇。

6. "Scarlet dress": 红裙子,通常指女性穿着的红色连衣裙。

7. "Scarlet wine": 红酒,指的是用红葡萄酿制而成的酒类。

8. "Scarlet feverishly": 费力地/兴奋地,常用来形容某人做事情时非常投入或兴奋。

9. "Scarlet passion": 热情如火,表示某人对某事物或某人有强烈的爱好或感情。

10. "Scarlet sunset": 火红夕阳,用来形容日落时天空呈现出橘红色或紫罗兰色


1. Crimson - This is a deep red color that is often used as a synonym for scarlet. It has a similar intensity and richness, making it a suitable alternative for describing the color.

2. Ruby - This gemstone-inspired word can also be used to describe the color scarlet. It has a slightly darker and more vibrant tone, but still captures the essence of scarlet.

3. Vermilion - This is another shade of red that can be used as a synonym for scarlet. It has a slightly orange tint to it, but still falls within the same color family.

4. Cardinal - This word not only refers to a type of bird, but also to a bright shade of red that is often used interchangeably with scarlet.

5. Burgundy - While this color is typically associated with wine, it can also be used to describe a dark shade of scarlet.

6. Maroon - This is another darker variation of red that can be used as an alternative for scarlet in certain contexts.

7. Carmine - This is a vivid red color that can be used as a synonym for scarlet, particularly when describing something with intense or bold coloring.

8. Brick - While this may seem like an unusual choice, brick red can actually be quite similar to scarlet in terms of its hue and intensity.

9. Cherry - This fruity word can also be used to describe the bright and vibrant shade of red that we know as scarlet.

10. Roseate - This word not only means "rosy" or "pinkish," but it can also refer to a reddish hue that could potentially encompass shades of scarlet

