1. "settlements"是一个复数名词,表示“定居点”或“解决(纠纷)”。它的发音为/sɛtlmənts/,其中/s/为清音,/ɛ/为开前不圆唇元音,/t/为清辅音,/l/为清辅音,/m/为鼻音,/ənts/为中央元音和清辅音组合。如果你觉得这个发音有些复杂,可以简化成/setl-mənts/来读。
2. 在英文中,“t”和“d”的发音经常会混淆。因此,在读单词"settlements"时,要注意将最后一个字母"s"读成/dz/而不是/ts/。这样才能正确地表达出这个单词的意思。
3. 如果你想要更加准确地掌握这个单词的发音及读法,在网上可以找到很多关于英语发音的视频教程。通过模仿老师或者其他人的发音来练*也是一种有效的方法。
4. 另外,在学*发音时,也可以结合使用一些辅助工具,比如音标表。通过对照音标和发音来学*,可以帮助你更快地掌握正确的发音
1. settlements的定义
2. 在翻译行业中的用法
3. 例句
- The two parties finally reached a settlement after months of negotiations.
- The company is facing a legal dispute and is currently in the process of seeking a settlement.
- The United Nations has been working towards a peaceful settlement of the conflict in the region.
4. settlements在不同语境下的翻译
- 结算:settlement, payment, clearance, liquidation
- 解决:settlement, resolution, solution, settlement agreement
- 定居点:settlement, settlement area, colony, settlement point
5. 注意事项
1. Settlement agreement: 和解协议
例句:The two parties reached a settlement agreement after months of negotiations.
2. Financial settlements: 财务结算
例句:The company is still working on the financial settlements for the previous year.
3. Legal settlements: 法律和解
例句:The court ordered them to enter into legal settlements to resolve the dispute.
4. Out-of-court settlements: 庭外和解
例句:They decided to avoid a lengthy trial and opted for out-of-court settlements.
5. Property settlements: 财产分割协议
例句:The divorce was finalized with a property settlement that satisfied both parties.
6. Class action settlements: 集体诉讼和解
例句:The company agreed to pay a large sum of money in class action settlements for their faulty products.
7. Settlement negotiations: 和解谈判
例句:The two sides are currently in settlement negotiations to resolve the labor dispute.
8. Final settlement: 最终结算
例句:After all the expenses were accounted for, we were left with a final settlement of $10,000.
9. Settlement terms: 和解条款
例句:The settlement terms were agreed upon by both parties and signed by their legal representatives.
10. Settlement offer: 和解提议
例句:Despite their disagreements, they are open to considering a settlement offer from the other party
1. 解决方案 (solutions)
例如:The company has reached settlements with all the parties involved in the dispute.
2. 协议 (agreements)
例如:The two countries have finally come to a settlement on the border issue.
3. 调解 (compromises)
例如:After much negotiation, they were able to reach a settlement that satisfied both parties.
4. 结算 (payments)
例如:The insurance company will make a settlement payment for the damages caused by the accident.
5. 安家费 (reparations)
例如:As part of the peace settlement, the defeated country was required to pay reparations to the victor.
6. 建立定居点 (establishment)
例如:The early settlers faced many challenges in their efforts to establish settlements in the new world.
7. 定居地 (colonies)
例如:The British established settlements in various parts of India during their colonial rule.
8. 村庄 (villages)
例如:The small settlement was located in a remote area, surrounded by mountains and forests.
9. 居民点 (community)
例如:The government provided funding for the development of new settlements in rural areas to improve living conditions for its citizens.
10. 居住区域 (residential areas)
例如:Many people are moving out of cities and into suburban settlements for a quieter and more peaceful lifestyle