1. Shed是什么意思?
2. Shed的发音和词源
3. Shed作为名词的用法
a. Shed作为建筑物:在英语中,shed一般指小型的建筑物,通常用来存放工具、材料或者用作车库。例如:“He built a shed in his backyard for his tools.”(他在后院建了一个棚子来存放工具。)
b. Shed作为身体部位:在动物学中,shed指动物身上脱落的毛发、羽毛或者外壳等。例如:“Snakes shed their skin regularly.”(蛇会定期蜕皮。)
4. Shed作为动词的用法
a. 脱落:当我们说某种东西shed时,通常指它从表面上脱落或掉落。例如:“The leaves on the trees are starting to shed.”(树上的叶子开始掉落。)
b. 流出:当我们说某种液体shed时,通常指它从某个容器中流出。例如:“The tears shed from her eyes.”(泪水从她的眼睛流出。)
c. 散布:当我们说某种东西shed时,也可以指它散布或传播开来。例如:“The news of his resignation quickly shed throughout the company.”(他辞职的消息迅速传遍了整个公司。)
5. Shed的常见搭配
a. Shed light on something:意为“阐明、解释某事”。例如:“The new evidence shed light on the case.”(新证据阐明了这个案件。)
b. Shed blood:意为“流血”。例如:“Many innocent lives were shed during the war.”(许多无辜的生命在战争中丧生。)
c. Shed tears:意为“流泪”。例如:“She shed tears of joy when she saw her son graduate.”(当她看到儿子毕业时,她感动得流下了幸福的眼泪。)
6. Shed和其他词汇的区别
a. 与shade的区别:Shed和shade都可以作为名词使用,但shade指的是遮阳物或者阴凉处,而shed则是指建筑物。
b. 与spill的区别:Shed和spill都可以作为动词使用,但spill通常指液体从容器中溢出,而shed则是指液体从表面上流出。
c. 与cast的区别:Shed和cast都可以作为动词使用,但cast通常指投掷或抛弃,而shed则是指脱落或流出。
7. Shed在口语中的常用表达
a. Shed a tear:意为“流泪”。例如:“I couldn't help but shed a tear when I heard the sad news.”(当我听到这个悲伤的消息时,我忍不住流下了眼泪。)
b. Shed some light on something:意为“解释、阐明某事”。例如:“Could you shed some light on this confusing matter?”(你能否解释一下这件令人困惑的事情?)
c. Shed a few pounds:意为“减肥”。例如:“She's been trying to shed a few pounds before her wedding.”(她一直在努力在婚礼前减肥。)
1. Shed的基本意思
2. Shed的读音
3. Shed作为名词时的含义
4. Shed作为动词时的含义
作为动词,shed有两种不同的含义。第一种意思是“脱落”,通常指植物、树木或者毛发等自然现象。例如,“The trees shed their leaves in autumn.”(树木在秋天落叶)。第二种意思是“摆脱”,通常指消除或者抛弃某种情感、*惯或者行为。“She shed her shyness and became more outgoing.”(她克服了羞怯,变得更加外向)。
5. Shed的其他用法
6. Shed在口语中的使用
在口语中,shed通常被缩写为shd或者sh’d,并且常常与介词“off”连用。“Shed off your worries and enjoy the moment.”(抛开烦恼,享受当下时刻)。
7. Shed的近义词和反义词
8. Shed的相关短语
除了以上提到的“shed off”,shed还可以与其他单词组合成一些常用短语。例如:“shed light on”(阐明)、“shed tears”(流泪)、“shed blood”(流血)等。
9. Shed在文学作品中的使用
Shed作为一个普通的英语单词,在文学作品中也经常被使用。例如,在莎士比亚的戏剧《李尔王》中,主角李尔王曾经说过一句名言:“How sharper than a serpent's tooth it is to have a thankless child!”(没有比有一个不知感恩的孩子更令人痛苦的了)。
10. Shed的衍生词
11. Shed在现代文化中的使用
在现代文化中,shed也经常被用来作为商标名称。例如,美国知名户外用品品牌The North Face就有一款名为Shed Rain Jacket的雨衣产品。
1. Shed的基本意思:Shed作为动词,意为“脱落;流出;摆脱;放弃”。作为名词,指的是“小屋;棚子”。
2. Shed的常见用法:
- To shed tears: 流泪
- To shed light on something: 阐明某事
- To shed weight: 减肥
- To shed blood: 流血
3. Shed在双语例句中的用法:
- She couldn't help but shed tears when she saw the touching scene. 她看到感人的场景时忍不住流下了眼泪。
- The new evidence sheds light on the mystery surrounding the case. 新证据阐明了围绕这个案件的谜团。
- He has been working out regularly to shed some extra pounds. 他一直在定期锻炼,想要减掉一些额外的重量。
- The battle had caused many soldiers to shed blood for their country. 这场战斗让很多士兵为了国家而流血。
4. Shed也可以用来表示“散发(气味)”的意思,比如:
- The flowers in the garden are shedding a sweet fragrance. 花园里的花散发着甜美的香气。
5. Shed作为名词时,还有一种特殊用法,指的是“脱落物”,比如:
- The snake's skin sheds every few months. 蛇每隔几个月就会蜕皮。
6. Shed也可以用来表示“丢弃;摆脱”的意思,比如:
- He finally decided to shed his old habits and start a new life. 他终于决定放弃旧*惯,开始新的生活。
7. Shed作为名词时,还可以指“小屋;棚子”,比如:
- I spent the summer vacation in my grandfather's shed, reading books and enjoying the peacefulness. 暑假期间我在爷爷的小屋里度过,读书和享受宁静。
8. 总结:Shed这个词有多种含义,主要是指“脱落;流出;摆脱”的动作或状态,也可以表示“小屋;棚子”等物体。在日常生活中我们经常会用到这个词,希望以上双语例句能够帮助你更好地理解它的用法
1. Shed light on:揭示,阐明
例如:The new evidence shed light on the mystery of the missing painting.
2. Shed tears:流泪
例如:The movie was so touching that I couldn't help shedding tears.
3. Shed pounds:减肥
例如:She has been shedding pounds by following a strict diet and exercise routine.
4. Shed blood:流血
例如:The war has shed too much blood and caused too many casualties.
5. Shed skin:蜕皮
例如:Snakes shed their skin as they grow bigger.
6. Shed a tear for someone/something:为某人/某事而流泪
例如:He shed a tear for his lost love.
7. Shed clothes:脱衣服
例如:The athletes shed their clothes after finishing the race.
8. Shed a bad/good light on someone/something:对某人/某事有利/不利的影响
例如:His behavior at the party shed a bad light on him and his company.
9. Shed one's inhibitions :放下顾虑,释放自我
例如:After a few drinks, she finally shed her inhibitions and danced on the table.
10. Shed some pounds :减轻体重,瘦身
例如: She decided to join a gym and shed some pounds before her wedding day
1. Discard - to get rid of something that is no longer needed or wanted, similar to "shedding" something.
Example: I need to discard all the old clothes in my closet and make room for new ones.
2. Cast off - to let go of something, similar to "shedding" it.
Example: It's time for me to cast off my fears and take a chance on that job opportunity.
3. Release - to set free or let go, similar to "shedding" something.
Example: The therapist helped me release all the negative thoughts that were weighing me down.
4. Unload - to get rid of a burden or responsibility, similar to "shedding" it.
Example: I can't wait to unload all my work responsibilities and go on vacation.
5. Ditch - to abandon or leave behind, similar to "shedding" something.
Example: It's time for me to ditch this toxic relationship and move on with my life.
6. Jettison - to discard or throw away, similar to "shedding" something.
Example: The company decided to jettison its outdated policies and adopt new ones.
7. Rid oneself of -to free oneself from something unwanted, similar to "shedding" it.
Example: I need to rid myself of these bad habits before they ruin my life.
8. Relinquish -to give up or surrender, similar to "shedding" something.
Example: It's time for me to relinquish control and trust others with this project.
9. Shake off -to get rid of something by moving or shaking, similar to "shedding" it.
Example: I need a good workout session at the gym in order shake off all this stress.
10. Disclose -to reveal or make known, similar to "shedding light on" something.
Example: The investigation finally disclosed the truth behind the mysterious disappearance