1. 发光、发亮
首先,“shine”最基本的意思就是发光、发亮。比如,“The sun is shining brightly today.”(今天阳光明媚。)或者“The stars shine in the night sky.”(夜空中闪烁着星星。)所以,如果你想表达某物在发光或发亮,不妨用“shine”。
2. 优秀、出色
除了表示物体本身的发光状态外,“shine”也可以用来形容人或事物出色、优秀。比如,“She really shined in her performance last night.”(她昨晚的表演真是太出色了。)或者“He always shines in everything he does.”(他做什么都很出色。)所以,在英文里,“shine”也可以表示某人或某事非常成功。
3. 擦亮、擦拭
除了上述两种含义外,“shine”还可以指擦亮或擦拭某物使其变得干净明亮。比如,“I need to shine my shoes before the party.”(我需要在聚会前擦亮鞋子。)或者“Can you help me shine the windows?”(你能帮我擦亮窗户吗?)所以,如果你想让某物变得干净明亮,也可以说“shine”。
4. 发光的头发
在英文中,还有一个有趣的用法是指某人的头发看起来闪闪发光。比如,“Her hair was shining in the sun.”(她的头发在阳光下闪闪发光。)这种形容词可以让人感觉到某人的头发非常健康、有光泽。
5. 一种特殊的舞蹈
1. 独特性强的原创内容
2. 不要出现超链接
3. 内容精准详细
名词“shine”的发音为[ʃaɪn]或[ʃaɪn (g)],其中[g]为浊辅音,在发音时加入声带振动。重点在于第二个音节[in]或[ing]的发音。
1. shine的基本含义
2. shine的用法
a. 作为动词,shine有多种用法:
- 指物体发出光芒:The sun is shining brightly today.
- 表示清洁、擦亮:She shined her shoes before the party.
- 指人的精神状态:Her eyes were shining with excitement.
- 表示优秀、突出:Her performance on stage really shined.
b. 作为名词,shine通常指“光芒”:
- The moon's shine illuminated the dark night sky.
3. shine的双语例句
a. The sun was shining through the trees, casting dappled shadows on the ground.
b. She always shines in her role as a leader, motivating and inspiring her team.
c. The diamond ring shone brilliantly in the light, catching everyone's attention.
d. Her smile could light up a room, shining with warmth and happiness.
e. The city's skyline was shining with all the lights from the buildings.
1. Let your light shine - 让你的光芒闪耀
2. Shine bright like a diamond - 闪耀如钻石般明亮
3. Shine on - 继续发光
4. Make someone's day shine - 让某人的一天变得光彩照人
5. The sun is shining - 太阳正在发光
6. A moment to shine - 一刻发光的机会
7. Let your talent shine - 让你的才华闪耀出来
8. A shining example - 一个闪亮的榜样
9. The stars are shining - 星星在闪烁
10. Brighten up someone's day with a smile - 用微笑让某人的一天变得明亮起来
1. Gleam
- Definition: A brief flash or beam of light; a bright or shining quality
- Example: The sun's gleam reflected off the water, creating a beautiful sight.
2. Radiance
- Definition: A warm, bright glow; the quality of being radiant or shining
- Example: The bride's radiance was undeniable as she walked down the aisle.
3. Luster
- Definition: A gentle sheen or soft glow; the quality of being shiny or glossy
- Example: The polished silver had a beautiful luster that caught everyone's eye.
4. Glitter
- Definition: Tiny, sparkling pieces; to shine with small, bright flashes of light
- Example: The Christmas decorations were covered in glitter, making the room look magical.
5. Brilliance
- Definition: Intense brightness or vividness; exceptional talent or intelligence
- Example: The star player's brilliance on the field led his team to victory.
6. Sparkle
- Definition: To shine brightly with small flashes of light; to be lively and full of energy
- Example: The diamond ring sparkled on her finger, catching everyone's attention.
7. Glisten
- Definition: To shine softly with a wet or glossy surface; to reflect light in a gentle way
- Example: The morning dew made the grass glisten in the sunlight.
8. Glint
- Definition: A quick flash of light; a small gleaming spot
- Example: She caught a glint of gold in the sand and dug it up to find a lost earring.
9. Shimmer
- Definition: A soft, wavering light; to shine with a faint, unsteady glow
- Example: The aurora borealis shimmered in the night sky, creating an ethereal beauty.
10. Twinkle
- Definition: To shine with intermittent flashes of light; to have a mischievous or playful quality
- Example: The stars twinkled in the sky, making it seem like they were winking at us