1. 皮肤
首先当然是最常见的意思啦!skin作为名词,表示人或动物身体表面的外层组织。比如我们常说的“smooth skin”(光滑的皮肤),“sensitive skin”(敏感的皮肤)等等。
2. 皮革
除了指人和动物身体表面的组织,skin也可以指制作衣服、鞋子等用的皮革材料。比如我们常听到的“genuine leather”(真皮革)就可以用skin来表达。
3. 外壳
除了生物身体上的外层组织,skin也可以指物体表面的外壳。比如“banana skin”(香蕉皮),“snake skin”(蛇皮)等等。
4. 膜
在医学领域,skin也可以表示某些器官或部位上覆盖着的薄膜。比如我们耳朵里面就有一个叫做“eardrum”的薄膜,也可以叫做“tympanic membrane”。
5. 表面
除了特定物体上覆盖的外层组织,skin还可以表示一般的表面。比如我们常说的“skin deep”(表面上的),就是指只看到表面现象而没有深入了解。
6. 剥皮
作为动词,skin也可表示剥去皮肤或外层组织。比如我们常听到的“skin a fruit”(剥水果),“skin a fish”(剥鱼)等等。
7. 掠夺
除了字面意思,skin还可以引申为掠夺、勒索的意思。比如“to skin someone alive”(活活勒索某人),就是一个很生动的形象说法
比如,在美妆领域,“skin”可以指代一种自然、光滑、健康的肌肤状态。例如,你可能听过“dewy skin”,意思就是水润透亮的肌肤。又或者你会看到一些产品标榜自己可以帮助你拥有“glass skin”,就是指像玻璃般光滑透亮的皮肤。
除了美妆领域,还有一种常见用法是在谈论健身和健康方面。“skin”可以表示身体状态或者体脂率。比如,“I want to get rid of my extra skin and be in better shape.”(我想减掉多余的脂肪,让自己更健康。)或者,“She has great skin.”(她身材很棒。)
当然,作为俚语,“skin”还有一些比较负面的用法。比如,在美国黑人社区中,“skin”可以指代种族歧视和偏见。你可能听过“colorism”,意思是基于肤色的歧视。另外,“skin”也可以用来形容某人的外表或者性格特点。“He has thick skin.”(他很坚强。)或者,“She has a tough skin.”(她很强硬。)
1. Skin作为名词,表示“皮肤”,是人体最大的器官,具有保护身体、调节体温、排出废物等重要功能。例如:
- She has beautiful skin. (她有一张漂亮的皮肤。)
- The sun can damage your skin. (太阳会损伤你的皮肤。)
- The skin is the largest organ of the human body. (皮肤是人体最大的器官。)
2. Skin也可以作为动词,表示“剥去皮肤”或“擦伤”。例如:
- She skinned her knee when she fell off her bike. (她从自行车上摔下来时擦伤了膝盖。)
- Please skin the potatoes before cooking them. (请在烹饪之前剥去土豆的皮。)
3. Skin还可以用作形容词,表示“与皮肤相关的”或“光滑的”。例如:
- I have sensitive skin, so I have to be careful with what products I use. (我有敏感性皮肤,所以必须小心使用产品。)
- The snake's skin was smooth and shiny. (蛇的皮肤光滑而有光泽。)
4. 以下是一些关于skin用法和双语例句:
(1) in one's own skin: 意为“感到舒服自在”,常用于表达一个人对自己的身份、性格或处境感到满意和接受。例如:
- He finally feels comfortable in his own skin after years of struggling with self-acceptance. (经过多年的自我接受挣扎,他终于感到舒服自在了。)
- She is confident and happy in her own skin. (她对自己的身份感到自信和快乐。)
(2) skin-deep: 意为“肤浅的”,指表面上的或仅仅涉及外表的事物。例如:
- Their friendship was only skin-deep, so it didn't take much for them to drift apart. (他们的友谊只是表面上的,所以很容易就疏远了。)
- His kindness was only skin-deep; he didn't truly care about others. (他的善良只是表面上的,他并不真正关心别人。)
(3) get under someone's skin: 意为“惹恼某人”,让某人感到不舒服或烦躁。例如:
- The constant noise from the construction site is really getting under my skin. (来自建筑工地持续不断的噪音真让我心烦。)
- His arrogant attitude always gets under my skin. (他傲慢的态度总是让我恼火。)
(4) a thick/thin skin: 意为“厚/薄皮肤”,用来形容一个人的情绪或反应能力。例如:
- He has a thick skin and doesn't care about what others say about him. (他很有韧性,不在乎别人怎么说他。)
- She has a thin skin and gets upset easily. (她很敏感,容易生气。)
(5) skin and bones: 意为“皮包骨”,形容一个人非常瘦弱。例如:
- After being stranded on the island for months, he was nothing but skin and bones. (在岛上被困数月后,他已经瘦弱得只剩下皮包骨了。)
- She used to be healthy, but now she's just skin and bones because of her eating disorder. (她原本身体健康,但因为进食障碍现在变得瘦弱不堪。)
1. Skin-deep: 肤浅的,形容表面上的美丽或表现,但内在缺乏深度。
例句:Don't be fooled by her looks, she's just skin-deep.
2. Thick-skinned: 厚脸皮的,形容对他人的批评和责备不在意,不容易受到伤害。
例句:You need to be thick-skinned to work in this industry.
3. Skin and bones: 瘦骨嶙峋的,形容人非常瘦弱。
例句:She used to be so healthy, but now she's just skin and bones.
4. Skin the cat: 做事方法多样化,有多种途径可以达到同一个目的。
例句:There are many ways to skin the cat, you just need to find the one that works for you.
5. Jump out of one's skin: 吓得心跳加快或惊讶到极点。
例句:The loud noise made me jump out of my skin.
6. Skin a cat: 做事方法多样化,有多种途径可以达到同一个目的。
例句:There's more than one way to skin a cat, you just need to be creative.
7. In one's skin: 自在,自如,感觉舒服。
例句:She finally feels comfortable in her own skin.
8. Save one's own skin: 自救,保全自己。
例句:He didn't care about anyone else, he was just trying to save his own skin.
9. Skin the surface: 浅尝辄止,只了解表面。
例句:You need to dig deeper, you're only skimming the surface.
10. Thick-skinned person: 厚脸皮的人,形容一个人不容易受到伤害或批评。
例句:You have to be a thick-skinned person to work in this industry.
1. Epidermis - This is the outermost layer of the skin, also known as the surface layer. It is responsible for protecting the body from external elements such as bacteria and UV rays.
2. Dermis - This is the middle layer of the skin, which contains blood vessels, nerves, and hair follicles. It provides support and nourishment to the epidermis.
3. Cutis - Another term for skin, derived from Latin. It refers to the entire organ that covers the body.
4. Integument - This is a medical term used to describe the skin and its appendages such as hair and nails.
5. Complexion - This word refers to the natural color and texture of someone's skin, often used to describe their overall appearance.
6. Tegument - Similar to integument, this term also describes the covering of an organism's body.
7. Pelt - A more informal term for skin, often used in a humorous or derogatory manner.
8. Derma - Derived from Greek, this word also means "skin" and is commonly used in medical terminology.
9. Hide - Another informal term for skin, often used when referring to animal skins or leather.
10. Membrane - The skin can also be described as a thin layer or sheet that covers an organ or tissue, similar to a membrane.
11. Covering - A general term for any material that covers something else, including but not limited to skin.
12. Shell - Similar to covering or membrane, this word is often used when referring to hard outer layers such as a turtle's shell or an eggshell.
13. Tissue - The skin is made up of multiple layers of tissue that work together to form a protective barrier for the body.
14. Coat - A common term used when referring to animal fur or hair on human bodies.
15. Surface - Another way of describing the outer layer of the skin, often used in scientific or medical contexts.
16. Film - This word can be used to describe a thin layer or coating, similar to how the skin covers and protects the body.
17. Flesh - A more poetic term for skin, often used in literature or art to describe the physical aspect of the human body.
18. Envelope - Similar to tegument and integument, this word also refers to a covering or outer layer of something.
19. Tunic - A term used in anatomy to describe a covering or layer of tissue around an organ.
20. Rind - Similar to hide and pelt, this word is often used when referring to animal skins or leather
通过本文的阅读,相信大家已经了解了skin的含义、发音及使用方法。它可以作为名词表示“皮肤”,也可以作为动词表示“剥皮”。在双语例句中,我们可以看到skin有多种用法,例如“smooth skin”(光滑的皮肤),“skin a fish”(剥鱼皮)。此外,还有一些与skin相关的词组,如“skin deep”(表面的)、“under the skin”(深入人心)等。同时,我们也可以通过阅读同义词示例来丰富自己的词汇量。最后,我作为网站的编辑,希望能够为大家提供更多有趣、实用的英语知识。如果您喜欢本文,请关注我,让我们一起学*英语吧!