你是否曾经遇到过“smoked before”这个翻译,却不知道它的真正含义?或者你想要了解更多关于“smoked before”的用法和词组,却苦于找不到合适的资料?不用担心,接下来我将为你揭开这个谜团。让我们一起探索“smoked before”的真正含义,学*它的正确读音以及它在双语例句中的使用方式。此外,我还会为你提供一些关于“smoked before”的同义词示例,让你更加深入地了解这个翻译。让我们一起来探索吧!
smoked before 是什么意思
在翻译行业中,经常会遇到一些难以理解的词汇,比如“smoked before”。这个词组听起来似乎有点奇怪,但实际上它是一个非常常见的短语。那么,“smoked before”究竟是什么意思呢?
那么,“smoked before”的意思就变得很明显了:在某个时间之前吸过烟。这个短语通常用来描述某人曾经吸过烟的经历,而现在已经戒掉了。
不过,在不同的语境下,“smoked before”的含义也可能有所不同。比如,在一些文学作品中,它可能指代某种特殊的香烟或者抽烟方式。因此,在具体使用时还需根据上下文来确定其准确含义
smoked before 怎么读
1. "smoked before"的发音是什么?
在英语中,"smoked"的发音为/sməʊkt/,而"before"的发音为/bɪˈfɔːr/。因此,"smoked before"的正确发音为/sməʊkt bɪˈfɔːr/。
2. "smoked before"是什么意思?
"smoked before"是一个短语,可以有多种不同的含义。根据上下文不同,它可以表示以下几种意思:
- 之前抽过烟:在这种情况下,"smoked before"指某人以前有过抽烟的经历。
- 在之前吸入过烟雾:这可能指某人曾经呆在一个充满烟雾的房间中。
- 在之前被抽过:这可能指一支香烟曾经被点燃过。
- 在之前被处理过:这可能指某物曾经被暴露在火焰或热源中。
3. "smoked before"可以用作动词吗?
是的,"smoked before"可以用作动词。它通常用来表示某人在过去抽过烟或者吸入过烟雾。例如:"I have smoked before, but I quit a few years ago."(我以前抽过烟,但几年前戒了。)
4. "smoked before"的近义词有哪些?
"smoked before"的近义词可以根据具体含义而定,但一般来说,它可以与以下短语互换使用:
- have smoked in the past(过去抽过烟)
- have been exposed to smoke before(之前被暴露在烟雾中)
- have had a cigarette lit before(之前点过一支香烟)
- have been treated with heat before(之前被加热处理过)
5. "smoked before"的反义词有哪些?
与其相反,"smoked before"的反义词可能是:
- never smoked(从未抽过烟)
- never been exposed to smoke(从未被暴露在烟雾中)
- never had a cigarette lit(从未点过香烟)
- never been treated with heat(从未被加热处理过)
6. "smoked before"可以用作名词吗?
一般来说,"smoked before"不可以用作名词。但是,在某些特定情况下,它也可以作为名词使用。例如:"The smoked-before smell lingered in the air."(那种被处理过的味道仍然弥漫在空气中。)这里,“smoked-before”作为一个形容词修饰“smell”,表示这种味道曾经被加热处理过
smoked before 的用法和双语例句
1. smoked before的用法
smoked before是一个英语短语,意为“之前抽过烟”。它通常用来描述一个人在某个特定的时间点或事件发生之前曾经抽过烟。这个短语可以用作一个形容词短语,也可以作为一个完整的句子。
2. 双语例句
1) Have you smoked before? (你之前抽过烟吗?)
2) I have never smoked before, but I am willing to try it now. (我以前从来没有抽过烟,但现在我愿意尝试一下。)
3) He had smoked before, but he quit after his doctor warned him about the health risks. (他以前抽过烟,但在医生警告他有健康风险后就戒掉了。)
4) She asked if I had ever smoked before and I told her no. (她问我以前有没有抽过烟,我告诉她没有。)
5) They didn't hire him because he had smoked before and they wanted a candidate with a clean record. (他们没有雇用他,因为他以前抽过烟,而他们想要一个记录干净的候选人。)
6) The doctor asked me if I had any history of smoking or if I had ever smoked before. (医生问我是否有吸烟史或者是否曾经抽过烟。)
7) I couldn't believe she had smoked before, she always seemed so healthy. (我无法相信她曾经抽过烟,她看起来总是那么健康。)
8) The teacher asked the students if any of them had smoked before and surprisingly, a few raised their hands. (老师问学生们是否有人以前抽过烟,令人惊讶的是,有几个人举手了。)
9) He had smoked before but he quit cold turkey and hasn't touched a cigarette since. (他以前抽过烟,但是他突然戒掉了,并且从那以后再也没有碰过香烟。)
10) She didn't want to admit that she had smoked before, so she lied and said no. (她不想承认自己曾经抽过烟,所以撒谎说没有。)
smoked before 的词组
1. 过去吸过烟
- He smoked before, but he quit last year.
- 他以前吸过烟,但去年戒了。
2. 曾经抽烟
- She used to smoke before, but she doesn't anymore.
- 她曾经抽过烟,但现在不再抽了。
3. 之前吸过烟
- Have you ever smoked before?
- 你之前吸过烟吗?
4. 经历过吸烟
- He has smoked before, so he knows how difficult it is to quit.
- 他经历过吸烟,所以知道戒烟有多难。
5. 吸食过
- The patient has a history of smoking before.
- 这位患者曾有吸食史。
6. 曾试过抽烟
- I've never smoked before, but I did try it once.
- 我从来没有抽过烟,但我试过一次。
7. 已尝试过抽烟
- He has already smoked before, so he knows the consequences.
- 他已经尝试过抽烟,所以知道后果。
8. 被迫吸食
- She was forced to smoke before by her friends.
- 她被朋友逼迫着抽了一次烟。
9. 遭遇了抽烟能力挑战的人生阶段
- Many teenagers go through a stage where they feel the need to smoke before.
- 许多青少年都会经历一个阶段,在这个阶段他们觉得需要抽烟。
10. 以前有吸烟*惯
- He had a smoking habit before, but he has since quit.
- 他以前有抽烟*惯,但现在已经戒了。
11. 曾是吸烟者
- She used to be a smoker before, but she has changed her lifestyle now.
- 她以前是个吸烟者,但现在已经改变了生活方式。
12. 曾沉迷于吸烟
- He was addicted to smoking before, but he sought help and overcame it.
- 他曾经沉迷于吸烟,但后来寻求帮助并克服了它。
13. 在过去抽过香烟
- I smoked before in the past, but I have no desire to do it again.
- 我过去曾抽过香烟,但现在我没有再做的欲望。
14. 曾试过吸入二手烟
- She was exposed to secondhand smoke before and it made her sick.
- 她之前曾受到二手烟的影响,导致她生病
smoked before 的同义词示例
1. "Been there, done that" - 曾经去过,做过
2. "Tried and tested" - 尝试过并且成功
3. "Experienced" - 有经验的
4. "Familiar with" - 熟悉的
5. "Previously smoked" - 之前吸烟过
6. "Inhaled before" - 曾经吸入过
7. "Puffed on before" - 之前吸过一口
8. "Had a drag of before" - 之前抽过一口
9. "Lit up before" - 之前点燃过
10. "Used to smoke" - 曾经抽烟
smoked before 是一个常见的短语,它的意思是“以前抽过烟”。它的发音是/sməʊkt bɪˈfɔː(r)/。在英语中,我们可以使用这个短语来描述某人曾经有过抽烟的经历。例如,“我smoked before,但现在已经戒烟了。”