
语言百科2024-11-03 01:30:16留学世界




1. smoke的词源及含义


2. smoke在不同语境中的意思

在不同语境下,smoke可以有多种意思。例如,在火灾发生时,我们会说“there's smoke”,意为“有烟”。而在日常生活中,如果某人抽香烟,我们可能会说“he's smoking”,表示他正在吸烟。此外,在一些俚语中,smoke也可以指代欺骗或蒙蔽。

3. smoke作为动词和名词

除了作为名词外,smoke也可以作为动词使用。作为动词时,它通常表示“吸入”、“喷出”或“冒出”等意思。例如,“the chimney is smoking”可以理解为“烟囱冒烟了”。此外,当我们说某物品是smoking时,则意味着它正在燃烧。

4. smoke的相关词汇

除了smoke本身外,还有一些与它相关的词汇。比如,smoker指的是吸烟者,smoking则是形容词,表示“冒烟的”或“吸烟的”。另外,smoke也可以用来构成一些短语,如secondhand smoke(二手烟)、passive smoking(被动吸烟)等。

5. smoke在文化和*语中的使用

由于吸烟在过去曾经被认为是一种时尚和社会地位的象征,在英语中也产生了许多与smoke相关的*语。例如,“no smoke without fire”意为“无风不起浪”,暗指某件事情可能有其真相;“go up in smoke”则表示“付之一炬”,指某事物遭到毁灭。



1. smoke这个词在英文中有多种含义,可以根据不同的语境来解释。下面将介绍几种常见的意思及其读法。

2. 首先,smoke作为名词,可以表示烟雾、烟尘或者烟火等。它的读音为/sməʊk/,发音时要注意舌头放在嘴巴后面,唇部稍微张开,发出长音。

3. 其次,smoke也可以作为动词使用,表示吸烟或者冒烟的意思。它的读音和名词相同,都是/sməʊk/。

4. 另外,smoke还可以指某些物质或食物散发出来的香气或味道。这时候它的读音为/sməʊk/,和前面两种意思相同。

5. 在某些俚语中,smoke也可以表示“骗人”、“欺骗”的意思。此时它的读音为/smok/,去掉了末尾的e。

6. 此外,在英文中还有一个常见的短语“no smoke without fire”,意思是“无风不起浪”,用来形容事情往往有一定原因或根据。其中smoke一词仍然保持原来的读法/sməʊk/。

7. 最后,smoke还可以作为一种姓氏,在这种情况下它的读音为/sməʊk/,和前面介绍的意思相同。

8. 总的来说,smoke这个词在英文中有多种含义,但是它的读音都是相同的。根据具体的语境来理解它的意思,可以帮助我们更准确地使用这个词汇


1. smoke的基本意思


2. smoke的常见用法

a. smoke as a noun(名词用法)

- Would you like a cigarette? I don't smoke.


- The room was filled with smoke from the fire.


b. smoke as a verb(动词用法)

- He smokes two packs of cigarettes a day.


- The chimney was smoking heavily.


3. smoke的双语例句

a. He was sitting in the corner smoking a pipe.


b. The factory was emitting thick black smoke into the air.


c. She's trying to quit smoking for her health.


d. The city is often covered in a blanket of smog from all the car exhaust and factories.


e. The firemen were able to rescue the people trapped in the burning building despite the thick smoke.


f. He blew smoke rings into the air, showing off his impressive smoking skills.


g. The smoke from the barbecue filled the backyard with a delicious aroma.


h. She could see smoke coming from her neighbor's chimney and knew they must be having a cozy fire inside.



1. Smoke and mirrors - 虚假的表象,欺骗性的手段

2. No smoke without fire - 无风不起浪,没有空穴来风

3. Go up in smoke - 成为泡影,化为乌有

4. Smoke screen - 烟幕弹,掩人耳目的手段

5. Up in smoke - 烟消云散,毁灭殆尽

6. Blow smoke - 吹牛,夸大其词

7. Smoke out - 发现并揭露真相,揭穿阴谋

8. Smoke and mirrors tactics - 障眼法,欺骗手段

9. Like a chimney - 像个烟囱一样(形容抽烟很多)

10. Cough up a lung - 咳得像要咳出肺一样(形容咳嗽很厉害)


1. Puff: A popular slang term for smoking, often used in a casual or playful manner. "Let's go for a puff on our cigarettes."

2. Light up: Another common phrase for smoking, often used to describe the action of lighting a cigarette or cigar. "He lit up a cigarette after dinner."

3. Inhale: To take in smoke from a cigarette or other smoking substance. "She took a deep inhale of her cigarette."

4. Drag: A slang term for taking a puff of a cigarette, often used when referring to the act of smoking in general. "I need to take a drag before we go inside."

5. Cigarette break: A short break from work or other activities to smoke a cigarette. "Let's take a quick cigarette break before we get back to work."

6. Ciggy: A shortened version of the word "cigarette," commonly used among friends or in casual conversations. "Can I bum a ciggy off you?"

7. Nicotine fix: Describes the craving or need for nicotine that smokers experience and satisfy by smoking cigarettes or other tobacco products.

8. Cancer stick: A humorous and somewhat derogatory term for cigarettes, highlighting their harmful effects on health.

9. Chain-smoke: To continuously smoke one cigarette after another without taking breaks in between.

10.Smolder: To burn slowly without flames, often used metaphorically to describe someone who is constantly smoking cigarettes.

11.Pipe up: To light and smoke from a pipe, usually associated with older generations and more traditional forms of smoking.

12.Vape: The act of using an electronic cigarette or similar device that produces vapor instead of smoke.

13.Cigarillo: A smaller version of a cigar, often flavored and popular among younger smokers.

14.Smoking cessation: The process of quitting smoking and overcoming nicotine addiction.

15.Secondhand smoke: The smoke that is exhaled by a smoker or comes from the end of a lit cigarette, which can be harmful to those who inhale it

