
语言百科2024-11-04 05:16:19留学世界




1. source的定义


2. source作为名词使用


3. source作为动词使用


4. source与resource的区别


5. 不同领域中对于source的理解


6. source与plagiarism(抄袭)的关系


7. 如何正确使用source




1. 来源是什么?- 源自哪里?


2. 如何发音?- 读音是什么?

在英语中,“source”的发音为/sɔːs/,其中字母o发音为长音/sɔː/,而字母u则发音为短音/ə/。不过,在美式英语中,有些人也会将字母o发音为短音/ɑː/。如果你想更准确地了解如何发音,可以搜索“source pronunciation”来听一下原生者的发音。

3. 什么时候用?- 使用场景有哪些?


4. 有哪些同义词?- 其他表达方式有哪些?


5. 怎么用于句子中?- 搭配有哪些?


1. Source的用法


2. 双语例句

1) The source of the Nile River is located in Uganda.


2) It is important to cite the sources of your research.


3) The company is looking for new sources of funding.


4) The journalist refused to reveal his source for the story.


5) The professor used a variety of sources to support his argument.


6) The source code for this software is available online.


7) We need to trace the source of this problem before we can solve it.


8) He was able to find a reliable source for organic vegetables.


9) The company has multiple sources of income, making it more stable.


10) She always checks multiple sources before believing something she reads online.



1. Source of information: 信息来源

2. Primary source: 主要来源

3. Secondary sources: 次要来源

4. Reliable source: 可靠的来源

5. Credible source: 可信的来源

6. Original source: 原始来源

7. Primary source material: 主要资料

8. Primary source document: 主要文献资料

9. Authentic source: 真实的来源

10. Valid source: 有效的来源


1. Origin

- 源头、起源:the origin of something

- 来源:a reliable source of information

- 出处:a quote without a source

2. Cause

- 原因:the cause of the problem

- 缘故:I don't know the source of his anger.

- 动机:What was the source of his betrayal?

3. Generator

- 发生器、发电机:a power source for the building

- 产生者、制造者:the source of pollution

- 创造者、创作者:The author is the source of this story.

4. Spring

- 泉水、水源:the source of a river

- 泉源、泉脉:the source of inspiration

- 泉涌、涌流:tears were a never-ending source for her

5. Fountainhead

- 源泉、始流处:the fountainhead of knowledge

- 根源、本源:greed is the fountainhead of corruption

6. Beginning

- 开端、起点:the beginning and the end

- 起始点、起始处: The Nile is considered to be the ultimate source.

7. Root

- 根部、根源: The root cause must be addressed.

- 起因: The root of this problem lies in miscommunication.

8. Foundation

- 基础、根基: Education is the foundation for success.

- 基础设施: A reliable power source is essential for any city's foundation.

- 创立者: He was one of the sources behind this organization's foundation.

9. Originator

- 发起人: She was seen as the source and originator of the movement.

10. Creator

- 创造者、创作者: He is the source and creator of this innovative technology.

- 造物主: Many believe that God is the ultimate source and creator of all things.

11. Author

- 作者、著作人: The author of this book is a reliable source on the subject.

- 起草人、制定者: The author of this legislation remains unknown.

12. Composer

- 作曲家、音乐家: Beethoven is considered to be one of the greatest sources in classical music.

- 创作人、编写者: She was a key source in creating this successful marketing campaign.

13. Inventor

- 发明家、创造者: Thomas Edison is known as one of the greatest sources in modern history.

- 发明者、设计师: Steve Jobs was a major source behind the invention of the iPhone.

14. Producer

- 生产商、制造商: This company is a major source in producing high-quality goods.

- 制片人、制作人: Steven Spielberg is a well-known source in Hollywood for producing blockbuster films.

15. Supplier

- 供应商、提供者:This supplier is our main source for raw materials.

- 供给者:Airplanes are a major source for transportation around the world.

16. Provider

- 提供者:The government is a major source for providing public services.

- 养家糊口的人:As a single parent, she was the sole source and provider for her family.

17. Resource

- 资源:Natural resources are essential sources for economic development.

- 财富:Her intelligence and skills were her greatest sources of wealth.

18. Reserve

- 储备、储藏:Oil reserves are important sources of energy for many countries.

- 资源、财力:His savings were his only source of income in retirement.

19. Repository

- 存储处、仓库: This library is a valuable source for rare books.

- 知识库、资料库: The internet is a vast source of information and knowledge.

20. Stockpile

- 储备、积蓄: The country has a large stockpile of weapons.

- 大量来源: This company has a stockpile of talented employees.

21. Storehouse

- 仓库、库房: The storehouse was the main source for supplies during the war.

- 贮藏室、储存处: Her mind was a storehouse for memories and knowledge.

22. Reservoir

- 水库、蓄水池: The reservoir is the main source of water for the city.

- 储备物、贮藏物: Her heart was a reservoir of love and compassion.

23. Wellspring

- 泉源、水源: Nature is often seen as the wellspring of inspiration for artists.

- 源泉、根源: His faith was the wellspring of his strength during difficult times.

24. Font

- 泉源、涌出处:The font of creativity seemed to have run dry.

- 字体:She changed the font to make it more visually appealing.

25. Mother lode

- 富矿带:The miners struck gold in the mother lode, making them rich overnight.

- 大量来源:This book is a mother lode of information on ancient civilizations

