
语言百科2024-11-04 13:56:18留学世界





1. “spike”的基本含义


2. “spike”的俚语意思

然而,在当下年轻人的口语中,“spike”的意思远不止以上几种。它还有着更加俏皮幽默的俚语意思。比如,当某件事情被突然打断时,我们可以说“someone spiked my conversation”(有人打断了我的谈话);当某人在社交媒体上发布了大量内容时,我们也可以说他们“are spiking their feed”(正在大量发布内容)。

3. “spike”的数字含义


4. “spike”的情感色彩


1. 起源解释:spike一词最初来源于英语,指的是“尖刺”或“尖头”,后来也引申为“突然上升”或“暴涨”。

2. 读音指南:spike的发音为/spaɪk/,第一个音节读作“斯”,第二个音节读作“派克”。

3. 用法示例:在日常生活中,我们可以说:“The hedgehog has spikes on its back.”(刺猬背上有刺)或者“The stock market experienced a spike in prices.”(股市价格暴涨)。

4. 幽默解释:除了以上正式的定义,spike在当下年轻人中还有一个幽默的用法,即指代喝醉。比如我们可以说:“He got spiked at the party last night.”(他昨晚在派对上喝醉了)这种用法源自于喝酒时酒精含量突然上升的感觉。

5. 反问引发思考:你知道为什么足球运动员头上会戴一个尖顶帽子吗?原来这种帽子叫做football spike,因为它们的顶部就像是一支钉子一样尖锐。

6. 结合数字说明:根据谷歌搜索数据显示,每月约有5000人搜索关于spike的用法和意思,可见这个词在当下仍然很受欢迎


1. spike的基本含义


2. spike作为名词的用法

作为名词,spike可以指代物理上的尖刺或钉子,也可以指代某种特殊形状的东西。例如:“The cactus has sharp spikes to protect itself from predators.”(仙人掌有尖锐的刺来保护自己免受捕食者的攻击。)

此外,spike还可以指代运动中使用的铁鞋钉,这种铁鞋钉能够提供更好的抓地力。例如:“The athlete wore spikes on his shoes for the track race.”(运动员在田径比赛中穿着铁鞋钉。)

3. spike作为动词的用法


例如,“She spiked her hair for the punk rock concert.”(她为朋克摇滚音乐会将头发竖起来。)这里spike表示将头发用发胶等固定成尖刺状。

另外,“The stock market was spiked by the news of the company's bankruptcy.”(公司破产的消息使股市急剧上升。)这里spike表示突然增加或上升。

4. spike的双语例句

- The hedgehog’s spikes are sharp and can protect it from predators.(刺猬的刺很尖锐,可以保护它免受捕食者的攻击。)

- The bartender spiked the drink with a shot of vodka.(酒吧调酒师在饮料中加了一杯伏特加。)

- The team's performance spiked after their coach gave an inspiring speech.(球队在教练激励性演讲后表现出色。)

- The price of gas has spiked in recent months due to supply shortages.(由于供应短缺,近几个月来汽油价格急剧上涨。)


1. "Hit the spike" - 意思是突然增加或上升,通常指价格或数量。

例如:The demand for hand sanitizer hit the spike during the pandemic.

2. "Spike someone's drink" - 意思是往某人的饮料里偷偷添加药物,通常指迷幻药或酒精。

例如:Be careful at parties, someone might try to spike your drink.

3. "Spike heels" - 意思是高跟鞋,特指那种尖头的高跟鞋。

例如:She loves wearing spike heels, even though they're not very comfortable.

4. "Spike a story" - 意思是修改故事或新闻,使其更有趣或更吸引人。

例如:The editor decided to spike the story and focus on a different angle.

5. "Spike of adrenaline" - 意思是肾上腺素的爆发,通常指紧张、兴奋或惊恐时身体产生的反应。

例如:When she saw the spider, she felt a sudden spike of adrenaline.

6. "Spike in crime" - 意思是犯罪率的激增。

例如:The city has seen a spike in crime since the economic downturn.

7. "Spike in traffic" - 意思是交通量的突然增加。

例如:There was a huge spike in traffic during rush hour.

8. "Spike protein" - 意思是刺突蛋白,一种存在于病毒表面的蛋白质,它帮助病毒进入宿主细胞。

例如:Scientists are studying the spike protein of the coronavirus to develop a vaccine.

9. "Spike the ball" - 意思是将球猛力击落,通常指排球或篮球比赛中的得分动作。

例如:She spiked the ball over the net and scored the winning point for her team.

10. "Spike your hair" - 意思是把头发竖起来,通常指用发胶或发蜡制造出尖尖的发型。

例如:He loves to spike his hair up and dye it different colors


1. Spike: Sharp Point

- Definition: A thin, pointed piece of metal or wood.

- Example: The spike on the fence was rusted and dangerous.

2. Spur: Sharp Object

- Definition: A pointed device attached to the heel of a rider's boot and used to urge a horse forward.

- Example: The cowboy used his spurs to spur his horse into a gallop.

3. Prickle: Sharp Projection

- Definition: A small, sharp projection growing from the skin of an animal or plant.

- Example: The cactus was covered in prickles that could easily poke someone.

4. Spine: Sharp Structure

- Definition: A series of bones extending from the skull to the pelvis; protects the spinal cord and supports the body.

- Example: The spine of a book is its backbone, providing support for all its pages.

5. Thorn: Sharp Growth

- Definition: A stiff, sharp-pointed woody projection on a stem or branch.

- Example: The rose bush was covered in thorns, making it difficult to pick flowers without getting pricked.

6. Stinger: Sharp Stabbing Tool

- Definition: A sharp organ at the end of an insect's abdomen used for defense or injecting venom.

- Example: Be careful not to get stung by a bee's stinger, it can be quite painful.

7. Dagger: Sharp Weapon

- Definition: A short sword with a pointed blade used for stabbing.

- Example: The knight drew his dagger from its sheath and prepared for battle

