1. 什么是squirt?
2. Squirt的具体含义
根据Merriam-Webster Dictionary的定义,Squirt可以表示以下含义:
- 名词:
a. 指液体小喷射或喷溅的动作或声音
b. 指一小撮液体
c. 指一小撮肥皂泡沫
d. 指性行为中女性阴道分泌物的喷出
- 动词:
a. 用力挤压或喷出液体
b. 发出小而急促的声音
3. Squirt在不同语境中的使用
- 当我们用水枪向别人喷水时,可以说“Don't squirt me!”(不要向我喷水!)
- 在做烹饪时,如果将柠檬汁挤到食物上,可以说“Squirt some lemon juice on the fish.”(在鱼上挤点柠檬汁。)
- 在性教育课程中,老师可能会使用这个单词来解释女性性行为中阴道分泌物的喷出。
- 在音乐会上,当乐手演奏小提琴时,我们可以听到琴弦发出的小而急促的声音,这就可以用Squirt来形容。
4. Squirt的同义词和反义词
- 同义词:spray, jet, spurt
- 反义词:pour, drip
5. Squirt在不同语言中的翻译
- 法语:éclabousser
- 西班牙语:chorro
- 德语:spritzen
- 日语:吹き出す (fukidasu)
- 韩语:뿜다 (ppumda)
1. 什么是squirt?
2. 怎么读?
3. 为什么选择squirt?
4. 感受squirt带来的幸福
5. 不仅仅是饮料
6. 让squirt成为你生活中不可或缺的一部分
1. Squirt的意思是什么?
2. Squirt的用法有哪些?
a. 名词用法:
- She gave the bottle a small squirt and the liquid came out.
- I can't believe you drank a whole squirt of hot sauce!
b. 动词用法:
- The cat squirted milk out of its nose when it sneezed.
- He squirted ketchup all over his fries.
3. Squirt的双语例句
- The water gun was filled with colorful squirts of liquid.
- She squirted some lemon juice onto her fish for added flavor.
- The clown entertained the children by squirting water from his flower lapel.
- The chef used a squirt bottle to add the finishing touch of sauce to the dish.
1. Squirting - 潮吹
2. Squirt gun - 喷水枪
3. Squirt bottle - 喷雾瓶
4. Squirtle - 杰尼龟 (精灵宝可梦角色)
5. Squirt away - 远离,逃跑
6. Squirt out - 喷出,挤出
7. Squirt some tears - 流泪,哭泣
8. Squirty cream - 奶油喷雾 (用于装饰甜点)
9. Squirt a little - 喷一点点,涂抹一些
10. Squirting distance - 喷射距离
1. Spray - This word can be used as a synonym for squirt, as both describe the action of liquid being ejected forcefully in a small stream. For example, "The water gun can squirt or spray water at your target."
2. Spurt - Similar to squirt, this word also describes the action of liquid being ejected forcefully in a small stream. It can also be used to describe a sudden burst of energy or emotion. For example, "The hose suddenly spurted water all over the garden."
3. Jet - This word is often used to describe a narrow stream of liquid or gas being propelled at high speed, similar to how squirt is used. For example, "The fountain jetted water into the air."
4. Gush - While this word typically refers to a large amount of liquid flowing out forcefully, it can also be used as a synonym for squirt in certain contexts. For example, "The lemon gushed juice when I squeezed it."
5. Squeeze - This word can be used as a synonym for squirt in the sense that it involves applying pressure to release liquid from something small and narrow like a bottle or tube. For example, "I squeezed some ketchup onto my burger."
6. Eject - This word can be used as an alternative for squirt when describing something being forcefully expelled from its source. For example, "The fire extinguisher ejected foam onto the flames."
7. Shoot - Similar to jet and spray, this word is often associated with something being propelled quickly and forcefully in a small stream or burst. For example, "The water gun shoots out bursts of water with each squeeze of the trigger."
8. Stream - While not commonly used as a direct synonym for squirt, this word can still convey the idea of liquid being ejected in a narrow flow from its source. For example, "The faucet produced a steady stream of water when turned on."
9. Sputter - This word can be used to describe the action of liquid being ejected in small, intermittent bursts, similar to how a squirt bottle may release liquid. For example, "The old car engine sputtered as it struggled to start."
10. Dribble - While this word is typically used to describe a slow and steady flow of liquid, it can also be used as a synonym for squirt in certain contexts. For example, "The water bottle dribbled water onto my shirt when I accidentally squeezed it."