1. 概念解释
2. 修补与拼接
3. 伤口缝合
4. 毛线编织
5. 比喻用法
除了字面上的含义外,stitches还可以用来比喻某种情况或状态。比如,“a few loose stitches”指的是一些松散的针脚,可以比喻为某件事情做得不够仔细或者有所疏忽。而“falling apart at the stitches”则表示某件事情即将崩溃或者失败。
6. 歌曲名
除了作为名词使用外,stitches也是一首著名歌曲的名称。这首歌曲由加拿大歌手Shawn Mendes演唱,在2015年发行后迅速走红,并且成为了他的代表作之一。
1. 什么是stitches?
2. 如何读音?
3. 如何正确使用stitches?
4. stitches与其他相关词汇
- stitch up:欺骗、捉弄
- stitch in time saves nine:及时行事、防微杜渐
- stitch together:拼凑、连接
5. 与其他语言中的对应词汇
- 中文:缝合线/针
- 日语:縫い目 (nui-me)
- 韩语:바느질 (ba-neu-jil)
1. 使用方式:stitches可以作为动词或名词使用,作为动词时意为“缝合”,作为名词时意为“缝线”。
2. 例句:
- As a verb:
She stitches her own clothes.
- As a noun:
The tailor used different stitches to repair the tear on the shirt.
3. 常见搭配:
- do stitches: 做缝合
- remove stitches: 拆除缝线
- neat stitches: 整齐的缝线
- stitch up: 缝合,修补
4. 双语例句:
- The doctor stitched up the wound and gave me some antibiotics.
- She spent hours doing cross-stitching to create a beautiful pattern.
1. In stitches: 笑得前仰后合,捧腹大笑
例句:The comedian's jokes had the audience in stitches.
2. Pick up the stitches: 拾起针脚,继续编织
例句:After dropping a stitch, she carefully picked up the stitches and continued knitting.
3. Stitch by stitch: 一针一线,一步一个脚印
例句:She sewed the dress stitch by stitch, making sure every detail was perfect.
4. Stitch together: 缝合,拼凑
例句:She stitched together different pieces of fabric to make a quilt.
5. Stitch in time saves nine: 及时补救可以避免更大的麻烦
例句:He fixed the leak before it became a bigger problem, proving that a stitch in time saves nine.
6. Running stitch: 跑针,直线缝合
例句:She used a running stitch to hem the edges of the fabric.
7. Cross-stitch: 十字绣,十字缝法
例句:She spent hours working on her cross-stitch project, creating intricate patterns with different colored threads.
8. Blanket stitch: 毛毯钉法,毛边缝法
例句:She used a blanket stitch to finish the edges of her handmade blanket.
9. Stitch marker: 针脚标记器,编织标记器
例句:She placed a stitch marker at the beginning of each round to keep track of her knitting progress.
10. Whipstitch: 鞭打针法,鞭边缝法
例句:She used a whipstitch to attach the two pieces of fabric together
1. Seams - These are the lines of stitching that join two pieces of fabric together. Just like stitches, they hold things together and keep them from falling apart.
2. Sutures - This word is often used in medical contexts to refer to the stitches used to close a wound or incision. It can also be used more generally to describe any type of stitching.
3. Embroidery - While stitches are typically functional, embroidery is decorative stitching that adds beauty and detail to fabric. It can be done by hand or by machine.
4. Lacing - This refers to a type of stitching where one piece of fabric is woven through another, creating a lattice-like pattern. It can be used for decoration or to hold things together.
5. Quilting - This involves stitching layers of fabric together with padding in between, creating a warm and cozy blanket or quilt.
6. Basting - This temporary type of stitching is used to hold pieces of fabric together before they are permanently sewn together with more durable stitches.
7. Darning - When a piece of clothing gets a hole in it, darning is the process of repairing it with small, neat stitches that blend in with the rest of the fabric.
8. Whipstitching - This simple stitch involves passing the needle over and under the edges of two pieces of fabric, creating a strong and secure seam.
9. Cross-stitching - Popular among crafters, this type of stitch creates an X-shaped pattern on fabric by crossing two sets of threads over each other.
10. Zigzagging - Also known as a serge stitch, this type of stitch creates a zigzag pattern along the edges of fabric, preventing fraying and adding durability.
11. Running Stitch - A basic stitch where the needle passes through the fabric in a straight line, creating evenly spaced stitches that are often used for gathering or as a decorative element.
12. Blanket Stitch - This stitch is often used to finish the edges of fabric, creating a neat and decorative border.
13. Hemming - A type of stitching used to finish the edges of fabric, creating a clean and polished look.
14. Lockstitch - A type of stitch created by two threads that interlock with each other, creating a strong and secure seam.
15. Overlock Stitch - This stitch is commonly used in garment construction to finish raw edges and prevent fraying.
16. Whipstitching - Similar to the whipstitch, this stitch creates a strong seam by passing the needle over and under the fabric edges in a continuous motion.
17. Ladder Stitch - A nearly invisible stitch used for closing openings or attaching small details to fabric.
18. Topstitching - A decorative stitching that is visible on the outside of the fabric, often used to add detail or reinforce seams.
19. French Knots - A type of embroidery stitch that creates small, raised knots on the surface of fabric for added texture and detail.
20. Crosshatching - This technique involves creating intersecting lines of stitches on fabric for added strength and durability