1. 故事
最常见的解释就是故事。Story可以指代一个人或一件事的经历、事件或情节。比如,“I have a story to tell you”(我有一个故事要告诉你),“This is a sad story”(这是一个悲伤的故事)。
2. 传说
除了指代真实的故事,story也可以用来表示虚构的传说或神话。比如,“The story of King Arthur and the Knights of the Round Table”(亚瑟王和圆桌骑士的传说)。
3. 小说
在文学领域,story也可以指代小说。比如,“I'm reading a great story right now”(我现在正在读一本很棒的小说)。
4. 谎言
另外,story还可以表示谎言或捏造的故事。比如,“He made up a story to cover his mistake”(他编了个谎言来掩盖自己的错误)。
5. 事件
除了以上几种含义,story还可以用来表示某件具体的事件或情况。比如,“What's the whole story behind this?”(这背后到底发生了什么事?)
1. Story是一个英文单词,读作[ˈstɔːri]。
2. 它的意思是“故事”,可以指真实的或虚构的故事,也可以指某种经历或事件。
3. Story这个词来源于古英语的“storia”,意为“历史、事件”。
4. 在日常生活中,我们常用story来形容一个人或一件事情发生的经过和情节。
5. 比如,你可以说:“请给我讲一个有趣的故事(story)吧!”
6. Story也可以用作动词,意为“讲述、叙述”。
7. 比如,你可以说:“他总是喜欢把他旅行的故事(story)跟我们分享。”
8. 此外,story还有其他相关词汇:
a) storyteller [ˈstɔːritelər] n. 讲故事者;
b) storytelling [ˈstɔːritelliŋ] n. 讲故事(艺术);
c) storybook [ˈstɔːribʊk] n. 故事书;
d) storyline [ˈstɔːraɪn] n. 故事情节。
9. 总之,story是一个非常常用且多义的单词,在不同场合中可能会有不同的含义,请根据上下文来理解它的意思。
10. 最后,提醒一下,story这个词不要和storey [ˈstɔːri] 混淆,后者是指“楼层”的意思
1. 什么是story?
2. story作为名词的用法
a. 表示故事、故事集合或小说:I love reading stories before going to bed.(我喜欢在睡前阅读故事。)
b. 表示谎言或编造的情节:He told me a story about how he saved a princess from a dragon.(他给我讲了一个关于他如何从龙手中拯救公主的故事。)
c. 表示楼层:Our office is located on the 10th story of the building.(我们办公室位于这栋大楼的第十层。)
3. story作为动词的用法
a. 讲述或描述一个故事:She loves to story about her travels around the world.(她喜欢讲述自己周游世界的经历。)
b. 编造或虚构情节:He always stories about his achievements to impress others.(他总是编造自己的成就来给别人留下印象。)
4. 双语例句
a. The teacher asked the students to write a short story for their English class.
b. She told me a story about her childhood adventures.
c. I can't believe you're still storying about your imaginary girlfriend.
d. The movie is based on a true story of a man's journey to find his lost family.
1. A different story:完全不同的故事,指与众不同的情况或观点。
2. Tell a story:讲述一个故事,形容某人擅长讲故事或者某件事情有趣且引人入胜。
3. Make up a story:编造一个故事,通常指撒谎或虚构的情况。
4. The whole story:整个故事,指完整的经历或事件。
5. Love story:爱情故事,指浪漫的爱情经历或者电影、小说等作品中的爱情情节。
6. Fairy tale story:童话故事,指充满想象力和奇幻色彩的故事。
7. Horror story:恐怖故事,指令人毛骨悚然的恐怖情节。
8. Success story:成功故事,指成功人士的经历和成就。
9. Life story:生活故事,指某人生平经历和成长过程。
10. Short story:短篇小说,通常长度在1000-20000字之间
1. Narrative - a story or account of events, experiences, or the like, whether true or fictitious.
Example: The narrative of the film was captivating and kept the audience on the edge of their seats.
2. Tale - a story, especially one that is imaginative or exaggerated.
Example: The old man told us a tale about his adventures in the jungle.
3. Legend - a traditional story sometimes popularly regarded as historical but unauthenticated.
Example: The legend of King Arthur has been passed down for generations.
4. Fable - a short story, typically with animals as characters, conveying a moral.
Example: The fable about the tortoise and the hare teaches us to never underestimate our opponents.
5. Myth - a traditional story, especially one concerning the early history of a people or explaining some natural or social phenomenon.
Example: The Greek myth of Persephone explains the changing of seasons.
6. Anecdote - a short and amusing or interesting story about a real incident or person.
Example: My grandfather always had an anecdote to share at family gatherings.
7. Saga - a long and complicated series of events.
Example: The saga of their love affair spanned over several decades.
8. Chronicle - an account of events in chronological order.
Example: The chronicle of his life was documented in his autobiography.
9. Adventure - an exciting experience involving risk and danger.
Example: They embarked on an adventure through the Amazon rainforest.
10. History - a continuous record of past events that are significant to a particular group or subject.
Example: The history of this town dates back to the 1800s when it was first settled by pioneers