substantial 是什么意思
1. 什么是substantial
2. Substantial的同义词
3. Substantial在句子中的用法
Substantial作为形容词时,通常用来修饰名词,表示某物具有重要或实质性的特征。例如:“The company has made substantial progress in the past year.”(这家公司在过去一年取得了重大进步。)另外,它也可以用来修饰抽象概念,如:“There is substantial evidence to support this theory.”(有充分证据支持这一理论。)
4. Substantial作为名词时
当substantial作为名词使用时,通常指某物的重要部分或实质。例如:“The substantial of the contract is still under negotiation.”(合同的实质部分仍在谈判中。)此外,它也可以指某物的基础或本质,如:“The substantial of the problem lies in poor communication.”(问题的本质在于沟通不畅。)
5. Substantial在商业用语中的应用
在商业领域中,substantial也有着广泛的应用。例如,“substantial investment”(大量投资)、“substantial growth”(实质性增长)、“substantial profit”(可观利润)等。这些短语都可以帮助我们更准确地表达商业内容。
6. 与substantial相关的词汇
substantial 怎么读
1. 告别“substantial”这个难读单词,从现在开始读起来简单轻松。
2. 首先,把“sub”读成“萨布”,然后把“stan”读成“斯坦”,最后把“tial”读成“舒尔”。就是这么简单!
3. 你可能会问,“为什么要这样读?”。因为这是英语中的一个规律,当一个单词以“sub”开头时,通常会发音为“萨布”,比如submarine(潜水艇)、subway(地铁)等。
4. 接着,我们来看看“stan”的发音。它通常读作“斯坦”,比如stand(站立)、standard(标准)等。所以当我们把它和“萨布”连起来时,就变成了substan。
5. 最后一步就是把结尾的“tial”读作“舒尔”。这也是一个常见的规律,在英语中以此结尾的单词通常都会发音为“舒尔”,比如essential(必要的)、potential(潜在的)等。
6. 所以,现在你应该知道怎么正确地读出substantial啦!记住,“萨布斯坦舒尔”,就能轻松应对各种场合啦!
7. 当然,如果你觉得还是有点拗口,也可以简化一下,把“sub”读成“萨伯”,“tial”读成“舒尔”,就变成了“萨伯斯舒尔”。都是可以的哦!
8. 希望这个小技巧能帮助你更轻松地掌握英语发音,让你的翻译工作更加顺利。快来试试吧!
substantial 的用法和双语例句
1. 什么是substantial
2. Substantial的用法
- He made a substantial contribution to the project. (他为这个项目做出了重要贡献)
- The company has seen a substantial increase in profits this year. (今年公司利润大幅增长)
- The evidence is substantial enough to prove his innocence. (证据足以证明他的清白)
3. Substantial的双语例句
- His wealth is substantial, but his happiness is even more so. (他的财富很可观,但他的幸福更加重要)
- The company's growth has been substantial over the past few years. (公司近几年发展迅速)
- She has a substantial amount of experience in this field. (她在这个领域有丰富的经验)
4. 与substantial相关的常用短语
- A substantial amount/number of: 大量/数量可观的
- Make a substantial difference: 带来重大改变
- Substantially improve/increase/decrease: 大幅改善/增加/减少
substantial 的词组
1. Substantial amount: 大量的
Substantial amount指的是数量大、重要的事物。比如:“She has a substantial amount of money in her bank account.”(她在银行账户里有大量的钱。)
2. Substantial evidence: 充分的证据
当我们需要证明某件事情时,就需要充分的证据来支持我们的观点。Substantial evidence指的是足够多、可信度高的证据。比如:“The police have gathered substantial evidence to prove his guilt.”(警方已经收集了充分的证据来证明他的罪行。)
3. Substantially different: 显著不同
当两个事物之间有明显差异时,我们可以说它们是substantially different。比如:“The new model is substantially different from the previous one.”(这款新型号与之前的那个有明显差异。)
4. Substantially increase/decrease: 大幅增加/减少
当数量或程度发生巨大变化时,我们可以用substantially increase(大幅增加)或substantially decrease(大幅减少)来描述。比如:“The company's profits have substantially increased this year.”(公司今年利润大幅增加了。)
5. Substantial improvement: 显著改善
当某件事情得到很大程度上改善时,我们可以用substantial improvement来表达这一点。比如:“There has been a substantial improvement in his health since he started exercising regularly.”(自从他开始定期锻炼以来,他的健康状况得到了显著改善。)
6. Substantial investment: 大量投资
当投入的资金数量巨大时,我们可以用substantial investment来形容。比如:“The government has made a substantial investment in the education sector.”(政府在教育领域进行了大量投资。)
7. Substantially contribute: 有重大贡献
当某人或某事物对于某件事情起到重要作用时,我们可以说它们substantially contribute(有重大贡献)。比如:“Her research has substantially contributed to the field of medicine.”(她的研究对医学领域起到了重大贡献。)
8. Substantially different from: 与...截然不同
当两件事物完全不同的时候,我们可以用substantially different from来表达这一点。比如:“His personality is substantially different from his brother's.”(他的性格与他兄弟的完全不同。)
9. Substantial support: 充分支持
当我们需要得到充分支持时,我们可以说需要substantial support。比如:“The project would not have been successful without substantial support from the community.”(如果没有社区的充分支持,这个项目就不可能成功。)
10. Substantial impact: 重大影响
当某件事情对其他事物产生重大影响时,我们可以用substantial impact来描述。比如:“The new policy will have a substantial impact on the economy.”(新政策将对经济产生重大影响。)
substantial 同义词示例
1. Considerable
- This word is often used to describe something that is large or significant in size, amount, or importance.
- Example: The company made a considerable profit this year.
- 同义词示例:substantial, significant, sizable, substantial
2. Substantive
- This word can be used to describe something that is real, meaningful, or important.
- Example: The negotiations resulted in a substantive agreement between the two parties.
- 同义词示例:substantial, significant, meaningful, important
3. Considerable
- Similar to the first example, this word can also be used to describe something that is large or significant.
- Example: The project required a considerable amount of time and resources.
- 同义词示例:substantial, significant, sizable, substantial
4. Solid
- This word is often used to describe something that is strong and reliable.
- Example: The team has a solid foundation for their project plan.
- 同义词示例:substantial, strong, robust, reliable
5. Ample
- This word can be used to describe something that is plentiful or enough in quantity or size.
- Example: The company provided ample training for its new employees.
- 同义词示例:substantial, plentiful, sufficient, abundant
6. Considerable
- In addition to its previous meanings mentioned above, this word can also be used to emphasize the importance or seriousness of something.
- Example: She has shown considerable improvement in her performance since last year.
- 同义词示例:substantial, significant, remarkable
7. Significant
- This word can be used to describe something that is important and has an impact on a situation or event.
Example: The new policy had a significant effect on the company's profits.
同义词示例:substantial, important, noteworthy, influential
8. Material
- This word can be used to describe something that is relevant or essential to a situation or event.
- Example: The evidence provided was material to the case.
- 同义词示例:substantial, relevant, essential, crucial
9. Considerable
- This word can also be used to describe something that is worthy of attention or respect.
- Example: The artist's work received considerable praise from critics.
- 同义词示例:substantial, notable, commendable
10. Substantial
- Lastly, this word can also be used to describe something that is of significant size or value.
- Example: The company made a substantial investment in the new technology.
- 同义词示例:considerable, significant, substantial amount/value