1. 高个子的
2. 高耸的
3. 充满魅力的
4. 丰满的
5. 艰难的
1. “tall”的基本发音
2. “tall”的变体发音
除了上面提到的基本发音外,在某些情况下,“tall”还有着不同的变体发音。比如在美式英语中,当“tall”用作名词时,则读作/tal/;当它用作副词时,则读作/tɔli/. 而在英式英语中,“tall”用作名词和副词时则保持不变。
3. “tall”的幽默发音
1. tall的基本含义
2. tall的英式发音
3. tall的美式发音
4. tall作为形容词时的用法
(1) 形容人:指身高超过平均水平或者超过他人。
例句:She is very tall for her age. (她比同龄人都高大。)
(2) 形容物体:指垂直方向上有较大高度。
例句:The building is very tall and can be seen from far away. (这座建筑很高,可以从远处看到。)
(3) 形容抽象概念:指程度或数量较大。
例句:He has a tall order to complete by the end of the week. (他要在本周末完成一项艰巨的任务。)
5. tall作为名词时的用法
例句:She was surrounded by a group of talls at the party. (在聚会上,她被一群身材高大的人包围着。)
6. tall的常见搭配
(1) be/get tall:变得高大。
例句:As he grew older, he got taller and taller. (随着年龄的增长,他变得越来越高大。)
(2) stand/sit tall:站得/坐得笔挺。
例句:She stood tall and proud on stage. (她在舞台上站得笔挺自豪。)
(3) a tall order:艰巨的任务。
例句:It's a tall order, but I believe we can do it. (这是一项艰巨的任务,但我相信我们能做到。)
7. tall的双语例句
(1) She is taller than her sister by a few inches.
(2) The tree is so tall that we can't see the top of it.
(3) It was a tall building with 50 floors.
1. tall and slim 苗条高大
2. tall building 高楼大厦
3. tall tales 虚构的故事
4. stand tall 矗立挺拔
5. tall order 难以完成的任务
6. tall glass of water 一杯高脚杯的水
7. tall trees 高大的树木
8. a tall ship 一艘高大的船只
9. tall grass 高耸的草丛
10. a tall order 要求很高的事情
11. taller than average 高于平均身高
12. a tall tale 一个夸张的故事
13. stand head and shoulders above others 超出众人一筹
14. long and lanky 长腿瘦长的
15. tower over others 超越他人身高
16. look up to someone 看得起某人(因为他们身材高)
17. high-rise buildings 高层建筑物
18. sky-high prices 天价
19. towering mountains 山峰耸立
20 .tall and handsome 英俊挺拔
1. High
- This word can be used as a synonym for tall, especially when describing the height of a person or object. For example: "He is very high, almost touching the ceiling."
2. Elevated
- Another way to express tall in English is by using the word elevated. It can also refer to something that is raised above the ground or at a higher level. For instance: "The building has an elevated structure, making it look very tall."
3. Towering
- This adjective is often used to describe something that is exceptionally tall and imposing. It can also convey a sense of awe or admiration towards the height of an object or person. Example: "The mountain has towering peaks that are difficult to climb."
4. Lofty
- When something is described as lofty, it means it is tall and impressive in a noble or majestic way. It can also suggest a sense of superiority or grandeur. For example: "The cathedral has a lofty spire that can be seen from miles away."
5. Statuesque
- This word refers to someone who is tall and graceful in appearance, often with well-proportioned features. It can also be used to describe objects that have a similar elegant and imposing quality. Example: "She looked statuesque in her long dress, standing next to the tall columns."
6. Statured
- Statured is another word for tall, but it specifically refers to someone's physical height and build. It can also imply a certain level of importance or status based on one's height and presence. For instance: "He was always self-conscious about his statured frame, but he learned to embrace it over time."
7. Sky-high
- Used as an adjective, sky-high means extremely high or towering towards the sky. It can also refer to prices or values that are very high and almost unreachable. Example: "The skyscraper has a sky-high observation deck that offers breathtaking views of the city."
8. Lanky
- This word is often used to describe someone who is tall and thin, with long limbs. It can also convey a sense of awkwardness or clumsiness in their movements. For example: "He was always teased for his lanky figure, but he grew into it and became a successful basketball player."
9. Giant
- While giant can refer to someone who is exceptionally tall, it can also be used to describe objects or animals that are much bigger than average. It can also suggest a sense of strength and power. For instance: "The giant redwood trees are some of the tallest in the world."
10. Colossal
- Colossal is an adjective that means extremely large or massive in size, often used to describe something that is taller than average. It can also convey a sense of awe or amazement towards the size of an object or structure. Example: "The colossal statue stands tall and proud in the center of the city."