1. 原意:首先,让我们来看一下tattoo这个词的原意。它来自于塔希提语“tatau”,意为“在皮肤上刺画”。也就是说,tattoo最初是指在皮肤上刺绣、刺青的技艺。
2. 纹身:随着时间的推移,tattoo逐渐演变成指代纹身的术语。它可以指任何形式的图案或文字被永久地刻在人体皮肤上。
3. 艺术:对于很多人来说,纹身已经不仅仅是一种装饰或标志,更是一种艺术形式。纹身艺术家们使用他们的技巧和想象力,在人体上创作出独特的作品。
4. 文化:除了艺术外,纹身也承载着丰富的文化内涵。在某些文化中,纹身可以象征着身份、地位或宗教信仰。比如,在日本,纹身被视为一种勇气和忠诚的象征。
5. 趋势:近年来,纹身已经成为流行趋势的一部分。越来越多的年轻人选择在自己的身体上留下独特的痕迹,以表达自己的个性和态度。
6. 热爱:最重要的是,tattoo也代表着对纹身艺术的热爱和欣赏。无论是创作还是拥有,都需要付出一定的勇气和决心。
1. "Tattoo"是一种英文单词,发音为/təˈtuː/,读作"ta-too"。
2. 这个单词源自塔希提语中的"tatau",意为在皮肤上刺上图案。
3. 早期的英文拼写为"tattow",后来演变为现在的"Tattoo"。
4. 在英国和美国,人们通常将第一个音节读得更重一些,即/TAT-too/。
5. 在澳大利亚和新西兰等国家,人们倾向于将两个音节读得更平均一些,即/tə-TOO/。
6. 无论是哪种发音方式,都可以被认为是正确的。
7. 如果你想要更加正式地发音,在重读第一个音节时可以稍微延长一下/təˈtuː/。
8. 除了作为名词表示纹身外,"tattoo"也可以用作动词,意为给某人做纹身。例如:"She got a tattoo yesterday."(她昨天做了一个纹身。)
9. 此外,在军事领域也有使用"Tattoo"这个单词的传统。它指的是晚间举行的仪式或表演。例如:"The military base held a tattoo ceremony last night."(军事基地昨晚举行了一个仪式。)
10. 总的来说,无论是作为名词还是动词,"tattoo"都是一个非常有趣且多功能的单词,它不仅有着深厚的文化背景,也是现代年轻人身上最具个性的标志之一
1. 什么是tattoo?
2. tattoo的用法
Tattoo可以作为名词使用,表示刺青本身,也可以作为动词使用,表示给某人做刺青。例如:“I got a new tattoo on my arm.”(我在手臂上做了一个新的刺青。)
3. tattoo的双语例句
- She has a beautiful butterfly tattoo on her back.(她背后有一个漂亮的蝴蝶刺青。)
- Many people choose to get a tattoo as a way to express themselves.(许多人选择做刺青来表达自己。)
- The process of getting a tattoo can be painful, but the result is worth it.(做刺青的过程可能会很痛苦,但结果是值得的。)
- He has tattoos all over his body, each with its own special meaning.(他全身都有刺青,每个都有特殊的含义。)
- In some cultures, tattoos are seen as a symbol of bravery and strength.(在一些文化中,刺青被视为勇气和力量的象征。)
1. Inked up: 涂满纹身的
2. Permanent body art: 永久的身体艺术
3. Skin decoration: 皮肤装饰
4. Body ink: 身体墨水
5. Skin canvas: 皮肤画布
6. Needlework: 针织品,也指纹身艺术
7. Body markings: 身体标记
8. Skin illustrations: 皮肤插图
9. Body modification: 身体改造
10. Living art: 活生生的艺术品
1. Ink: This is a commonly used synonym for tattoo, as it refers to the ink that is used to create the design on the skin.
2. Body art: This term is often used to describe tattoos, as they are a form of art that is created on the body.
3. Skin art: Similar to body art, this term emphasizes the fact that tattoos are created on the skin.
4. Permanent mark: Tattoos are considered permanent, so this term can be used to describe them as well.
5. Body modification: This phrase encompasses not only tattoos, but also other forms of body alterations such as piercings and scarification.
6. Body design: A more creative way of referring to tattoos, as they are designs that are permanently placed on the body.
7. Inked up: A slang term for having multiple tattoos or being heavily tattooed.
8. Skin decoration: Another way of describing tattoos, as they are decorative designs on the skin.
9. Body adornment: Similar to skin decoration, this term emphasizes that tattoos are a form of decoration for the body.
10. Artwork: While not specifically referring to tattoos, this term can be used in certain contexts to describe them as pieces of artwork on the body.
11. Body graffiti: This phrase highlights the fact that tattoos are like graffiti on the canvas of one's skin.
12. Permanent illustration: A more formal way of describing a tattoo, as it is a permanent illustration on the body.
13. Skin painting: This term can be used to describe tattoos in a more artistic sense, as they involve painting designs onto the skin with ink and needles.
14. Body inscription: Similar to permanent mark, this phrase emphasizes that tattoos are inscriptions made onto one's body.
15. Dermal embellishment: A more scientific way of describing tattoos, as they involve modifying and decorating the dermis layer of skin.
16. Skin tapestry: This phrase brings to mind the intricate and detailed designs that can be created with tattoos, similar to a tapestry.
17. Flesh art: Another way of referring to tattoos, as they are a form of art on the flesh of one's body.
18. Body ink: A simple and straightforward synonym for tattoo, as it refers to the ink used to create the design on the body.
19. Skin illustration: This term can be used in a more formal context to describe tattoos, as they are illustrations made on the skin.
20. Living canvas: This phrase highlights the fact that tattoos are created on a living and constantly changing canvas - the human body