
语言百科2024-11-09 16:07:22留学世界





1. 含义


2. 用法

(1)these和those都可以作为单数形式使用,例如:This is my book.(这是我的书)和That is my book.(那是我的书)。但是,在口语中,这两个词通常会加上复数形式后缀-s,例如:These are my books.(这些是我的书)和Those are my books.(那些是我的书)。


- 主语:These are the best days of our lives.

- 宾语:I love these shoes.

- 定语:Those flowers are beautiful.

- 表语:These are delicious.


- with these/those

- in these/those

- for these/those

3. 区别


(1)these通常用来指代较小的事物或人,而those则用来指代较大的事物或人。例如:These cookies are delicious.(这些饼干很好吃)和Those cakes are expensive.(那些蛋糕很贵)。

(2)这两个词也可以用来强调说话人的立场或观点。例如:These are my rules.(这是我的规则,强调说话人自己的立场)和Those are your opinions.(那是你的观点,强调说话人对对方的立场)


1. Those - 指代和these相同的对象,但是在句子中位置不同,these通常用于指代较近的对象,而those则用于指代较远的对象。

2. That - 与this相似,指代单数对象,但是that通常用于指代较远的对象。

3. They - 用于指代复数第三人称,可以与these一起使用来表达对比或区别。

4. Them - 与us相似,用于指代复数第三人称作为宾语。

5. Others - 指其他不属于these范围内的对象或事物。

6. This - 用于指代单数对象,通常比that更接近说话者。

7. Here - 表示位置靠近说话者,与there相反。

8. There - 表示位置远离说话者,在口语中也可用来表示“存在”或“就在那里”等含义。

9. Not these/none of these - 表示这些都不是或没有这些选项可供选择。

10. The others/other than these - 表示除了这些之外的其他事物或选择


1. These apples are ripe and juicy, while those apples are still green and sour.


2. I prefer these shoes over those shoes because they are more comfortable.


3. These flowers are beautiful, but those flowers are wilted and dying.


4. I need to return these books to the library, but I can keep those books for another week.


5. These students are hardworking and dedicated, while those students are lazy and unmotivated.


6. I love these warm summer days, but I hate those cold winter nights.


7. These cookies are delicious, but those cookies taste burnt.


8. I trust these friends with my life, but I don't trust those strangers at all.


9. These ideas are innovative and creative, while those ideas are unoriginal and boring.


10. I enjoy spending time with these relatives, but I can't stand being around those relatives.




1. these与those

这两个词都是指示代词,但是它们的使用场景有所不同。当我们想要指代离说话者较近的人或物时,可以使用these;而当我们想要指代离说话者较远的人或物时,则应该使用those。例如,“These cookies are delicious”和“Those cookies are delicious”分别表示“这些饼干很好吃”和“那些饼干很好吃”。

2. these与those的数量

除了表示距离远近之外,these和those还可以用来表示数量。当我们想要强调数量较少时,可以使用these;而当我们想要强调数量较多时,则应该使用those。例如,“These apples are all I have left”和“Those apples are too many to count”分别表示“这些苹果是我剩下的全部”和“那些苹果太多了无法计数”。

3. these与this

这两个词都是指示代词,但是它们在数量上有所不同。this通常用来表示单数或不可数名词,而these则用来表示复数名词。例如,“This book is interesting”表示“这本书很有趣”,而“These books are interesting”则表示“这些书很有趣”。

4. these与that

这两个词也都是指示代词,但是它们的使用场景和these与those相似。当我们想要指代离说话者较近的人或物时,可以使用these;而当我们想要指代离说话者较远的人或物时,则应该使用that。例如,“These shoes are comfortable”和“That shoe is comfortable”分别表示“这些鞋子很舒服”和“那双鞋子很舒服”


1. 这些/那些 these/those

- 这些书 these books

- 那些人 those people

- 这些问题 these questions

- 那些国家 those countries

2. 这个/那个 this/that

- 这个城市 this city

- 那个男孩 that boy

- 这个机会 this opportunity

- 那个决定 that decision

3. 这样/那样 like that/like this

- 我喜欢这样的风格 I like this style.

- 他不喜欢那样的人 He doesn't like people like that.

- 我们要做出这样的改变 We need to make changes like this.

- 你怎么能这样对我? How could you do this to me?

4. 这边/那边 here/there

- 请坐在这边 Please sit here.

- 她住在那边 She lives over there.

- 我们要去这边的餐厅 We're going to the restaurant over here.

- 他在哪里?在那边 Where is he? Over there.

5. 此处/彼处 here/there (formal)

- 在此处停下来 Stop here.

- 我们将在彼处建立一座新医院 We will build a new hospital there.

- 此处禁止吸烟 No smoking here.

- 彼处有一座美丽的花园 There is a beautiful garden over there.

6. 此时/彼时 now/then

- 此时我很忙 I'm busy now.

- 彼时的他还是个孩子 He was just a child back then.

- 我们此时应该做出决定 We should make a decision at this time.

- 彼时的情况和现在不同 The situation was different back then.

7. 此地/彼地 here/there (formal)

- 请在此地签字 Sign here.

- 我们将在彼地建立一座新工厂 We will build a new factory there.

- 此地有一家很受欢迎的餐厅 There is a popular restaurant here.

- 他在彼地度过了一段美好的时光 He spent some wonderful time there.

8. 这里/那里 here/there

- 这里有一家超市 There's a supermarket here.

- 那里是一个美丽的海滩 There's a beautiful beach over there.

- 我们要去这里的博物馆 We're going to the museum here.

- 你在哪里?我在那里 Where are you? I'm over there.

9. 此刻/彼刻 now/then (formal)

- 此刻我很累 I'm tired now.

- 彼刻我们还没有意识到这个问题 Then we didn't realize this problem.

- 我们此刻应该做出决定了 We should make a decision at this moment.

- 彼刻他正在考虑未来 Then he was thinking about the future.

10. 这时/那时 at this time/at that time

- 这时他正在工作 He's working at this time.

- 那时她还是个孩子 She was just a child at that time.

- 在这时做出决定是明智的 Making a decision at this time is wise.

- 那时的情况和现在不一样 The situation was different at that time

