
语言百科2024-11-09 17:27:23留学世界




1. thick的含义

在英语中,thick一词有多种含义。最常见的意思是“厚”的意思,可以用来形容物体的宽度或者厚度。比如,“这本书很厚”就可以说成“This book is thick”。除此之外,thick还可以表示“密集”的意思,比如“雾很浓密”可以说成“The fog is very thick”。

2. thick的解释

除了上述两种基本含义外,thick还有一些其他的解释。首先,它可以表示“浓郁”的意思,通常用来形容液体或者食物。比如,“这杯咖啡很浓郁”就可以说成“This cup of coffee is very thick”。其次,thick也可以表示“愚笨”的意思,常用来形容某人的智力水平低下。例如,“他真是个愚蠢的人”可以说成“He is a thick person”。

3. thick作为反义词


首先,在表示“厚”的意思时,thin是最常见的反义词。比如,“这张纸很薄”可以说成“This paper is thin”。其次,在表示“密集”的意思时,sparse可以作为反义词。例如,“这片森林很稀疏”可以说成“This forest is very sparse”。

其次,在表示“浓郁”的意思时,dilute是一个常见的反义词。比如,“这杯果汁太稀了”可以说成“This juice is too dilute”。最后,在表示“愚笨”的意思时,smart是一个常用的反义词。例如,“他很聪明”可以说成“He is very smart”


1. 读音:[θɪk],重音在第一音节。

2. 用法:

a. 指物体厚度或宽度的程度,通常与thin(薄)相对应。例如:She has a thick book in her hand.

b. 形容人的身材健壮、肥胖,也可指头发浓密。例如:He is a tall man with thick hair.

c. 表示液体或物质的浓稠程度。例如:The soup is too thick to drink.

d. 指思维缜密、理解力强。例如:He has a thick understanding of the subject.

e. 用于比喻,表示某种情况非常严重或复杂。例如:The plot of the movie is getting thick and hard to follow.

3. 幽默小故事:


4. 反问句:


5. 举例说明:

在英语中,thick也可以用来形容关系密切的朋友。例如:We've been friends for so long, we're as thick as thieves.(我们已经是多年的朋友了,关系非常亲密。)


1. Thin

- Definition: having a small distance between opposite sides or surfaces; not thick.

- Example: The paper used for this book is very thin, making it lightweight and easy to carry around.

2. Slim

- Definition: having a small or slender build; not thick or bulky.

- Example: She has a slim figure, which she maintains through regular exercise and a healthy diet.

3. Narrow

- Definition: having a small width in relation to length; not wide or thick.

- Example: The road leading up to the mountain was narrow and winding, making it difficult to drive through.

4. Fine

- Definition: of high quality; delicate or subtle; not thick or coarse.

- Example: The artist used fine brushes to create intricate details in his paintings.

5. Svelte

- Definition: slender and elegant in figure or posture; not thick or heavy.

- Example: She looked svelte in her form-fitting dress, turning heads as she walked into the room.

6. Delicate

- Definition: easily broken or damaged; fragile; not thick or sturdy.

- Example: The delicate glassware should be handled with care to avoid any accidents.

7. Slender

- Definition: gracefully thin and delicate; not thick or heavy.

- Example: The model had long, slender legs that made her perfect for walking the runway.

8. Sleek

- Definition: smooth and glossy in appearance; streamlined; not thick or bulky.

- Example: The new sports car had a sleek design that made it more aerodynamic and faster on the track.

9. Trim

- Definition: neat and well-proportioned in appearance; not fat or bulky.

- Example: He kept himself trim by going to the gym regularly and watching his diet.

10. Lean

- Definition: having little body fat; thin but muscular; not thick or plump.

- Example: The athlete had a lean physique, thanks to his strict training regimen and healthy lifestyle


1. Thin

Thick的最常见反义词就是thin,它表示物体或者表面的厚度或者宽度较小,与thick相反。例如,“The book has a thick cover, while the magazine has a thin cover.”(这本书有厚厚的封面,而杂志的封面很薄。)

2. Slim

Slim也可以用来表示thick的反义词,它强调物体或者人的身材修长、纤细。例如,“She used to be quite thick, but now she is very slim.”(她以前身材很胖,但现在变得非常苗条。)

3. Narrow

Narrow表示狭窄、瘦长,与thick相反。它通常用来描述物体或者空间的大小或形状。例如,“The path was too narrow for the car to pass through.”(这条小路太窄了,车无法通过。)

4. Sparse

Sparse是一个形容词,意为“稀疏的、稀少的”,与thick相反。它可以用来描述物体表面上分布不均匀或者某种资源缺乏的情况。例如,“The trees in this area are sparse compared to the thick forest on the other side of the mountain.”(这片地区的树木相比山另一边茂密的森林来说比较稀疏。)

5. Scant

Scant也可以用来表示thick的反义词,它的意思是“不足的、缺乏的”。它通常用来描述数量或者程度不够充足的情况。例如,“The information provided was scant and not enough for us to make a decision.”(提供的信息很少,不足以让我们做出决定。)

6. Sparse

Sparse和thick一样都可以用来表示稀疏、稀少,但是它们在使用上略有不同。Sparse更多指数量上的稀少,而thick则强调物体本身的厚度或者密度。例如,“The crowd was sparse in the beginning, but as the event went on, it became thick with people.”(一开始人群很稀疏,但随着活动进行,人群变得密集起来。)

7. Fine

Fine可以用来表示细小、纤细,与thick相反。它通常用来描述物体表面上的细节或者颗粒大小。例如,“The sand on this beach is fine, unlike the thick grains of sand on the other beach.”(这个海滩上的沙子很细腻,不像另一个海滩上那么粗犷。)

8. Delicate

Delicate也可以表示纤细、精致,与thick相反。它强调物体或者事物具有柔软、精巧的特点。例如,“She has delicate fingers, unlike his thick and rough hands.”(她的手指纤细柔软,不像他那双粗糙的手。)

9. Flimsy

Flimsy表示薄弱、不结实,与thick相反。它通常用来描述物体的质量或者结构不够坚固。例如,“The walls of this house are flimsy, unlike the thick stone walls of the castle.”(这所房子的墙很薄弱,不像城堡那样厚实的石墙。)

10. Sparse

Sparse和thick一样都可以用来表示稀疏、稀少,但是它们在使用上略有不同。Sparse更多指数量上的稀少,而thick则强调物体本身的厚度或者密度。例如,“The crowd was sparse in the beginning, but as the event went on, it became thick with people.”(一开始人群很稀疏,但随着活动进行,人群变得密集起来。)

11. Slender

Slender也可以用来表示纤细、苗条,与thick相反。它通常用来形容人或者物体的外形修长、优美。例如,“The model has a slender figure, unlike the thick and bulky bodybuilders.”(模特身材苗条修长,不像肌肉健将那样粗壮笨拙。)

12. Spindly

Spindly是一个形容词,意为“细长的、纤弱的”,与thick相反。它通常用来形容物体或者植物的形状。例如,“The spindly legs of the table looked like they could break at any moment.”(桌子细长的腿看起来随时都可能断裂。)

13. Lean

Lean也可以用来表示纤细、苗条,与thick相反。它强调物体或者人身材瘦小、不臃肿。例如,“His body used to be thick and muscular, but now he is lean and fit.”(他以前身材粗壮肌肉发达,但现在变得苗条健康。)

14. Fine-drawn

Fine-drawn是一个形容词,意为“精致的、精巧的”,与thick相反。它通常用来形容物体或者线条的细腻程度。例如,“The fine-drawn details on the painting were breathtaking, unlike the thick and bold strokes of the other artist.”(这幅画上精致的细节令人惊叹,不像另一位艺术家那样粗犷大胆的笔触。)

15. Sparse

Sparse和thick一样都可以用来表示稀疏、稀少,但是它们在使用上略有不同。Sparse更多指数量上的稀少,而thick则强调物体本身的厚度或者密度。例如,“The crowd was sparse in the beginning, but as the event went on, it became thick with people.”(一开始人群很稀疏,但随着活动进行,人群变得密集起来。)


1. 在文学翻译中的使用场景


2. 在商务翻译中的使用场景


3. 注意事项


- 了解原文的语境:反义词的使用必须符合原文的语境,否则可能造成误解。

- 考虑受众:不同领域、不同受众对词汇的理解和接受程度不同,需要根据具体情况选择合适的反义词。

- 注意情感色彩:一些词汇具有明显的情感色彩,如“light”可以形容轻松、愉快,但也可能带有肤浅、不严肃的负面意义。因此,在使用时需要谨慎

