1. 什么是tick?
2. Tick的发音和拼写
3. Tick作为名词的用法
3.1 打勾、标记
3.2 滴答声
Tick也可以指代钟表或手表发出的滴答声。比如,“I can hear the tick of the clock.”(我能听到时钟的滴答声)
4. Tick作为动词的用法
4.1 打勾、标记
与名词相同,Tick作为动词也可以表示打勾或标记。例如,“Please tick the correct answer.”(请在正确答案上打勾)
4.2 刺痛、轻拍
Tick也可以指“刺痛”或“轻拍”的动作。比如,“The mosquito ticked my arm.”(蚊子叮了我的手臂)
5. Tick的其他用法
5.1 轻微的震动
Tick也可以指代一种轻微的震动感觉。例如,“I felt a tick in my pocket.”(我感觉到口袋里有一点震动)
5.2 短暂的时间段
在英语中,tick还可以表示一段短暂的时间。例如,“We'll be there in a tick.”(我们很快就会到那里)
5.3 检查、核对
Tick也可以表示检查或核对某项事物。比如,“I need to tick off all the items on the list.”(我需要把清单上所有的项目都勾选出来)
6. Tick的常见搭配
- Tick the box: 在方框内打勾
- On tick: 赊账、欠账
- Ticking time bomb: 滴滴答答的定时炸弹,比喻即将发生的危险事件
1. tick的含义
2. tick的发音
3. tick在不同语境中的用法
- Tick作为名词时,常见搭配有:
- A tick: 一次轻拍、一次勾号
- On the tick: 准时、按时
- Take a tick: 稍等一下
- The clock is ticking: 钟表滴答作响
- Tick作为动词时,常见搭配有:
- Tick off: 勾掉、打钩、勾选(表示完成某项任务)
- Tick away/at: 轻拍、轻敲(表示时间匆匆流逝)
- Tick over/on: 继续运行(指钟表等)
4. tick在翻译行业中的具体含义
5. 如何正确使用tick
- 在书写时,tick通常用来表示正确或者已完成的事项。例如,在待办事项列表中,我们可以用tick来标记已经完成的任务。
- 在口语中,tick也可以用来表示“稍等一下”的意思。例如,当有人向你提出请求时,你可以说“Give me a tick(稍等一下)”来表示你需要时间去处理这个请求。
- 在翻译行业中,我们可以使用tick来标记已经翻译或者校对过的内容。这样可以帮助我们更好地掌握翻译进度,并且避免重复工作。
1. Tick的基本含义
2. Tick作为名词的用法
a. Tick作为昆虫的名称,在英文中被称为“tick”,是一种常见的寄生虫,常见于家畜和野生动物身上。例如:The dog was infested with ticks.(这只狗身上有很多蜱虫。)
b. Tick也可以指时间的短暂流逝,类似于秒表上的滴答声。例如:I'll be back in a tick.(我马上就回来。)
3. Tick作为动词的用法
a. 打勾号:Tick也可以表示在表格或清单中打勾号来标记已完成或已确认事项。例如:Please tick the boxes that apply to you.(请在适合您的选项前打勾。)
b. 轻拍:Tick还可以表示轻拍或轻敲某物。例如:He ticked the cat's nose playfully.(他顽皮地轻拍了猫咪的鼻子。)
c. 滴下:Tick也可以表示液体缓慢地滴下。例如:The faucet was ticking all night.(水龙头整晚都在滴水。)
4. Tick的双语例句
a. The clock was ticking loudly, reminding me of the time passing by.(钟表滴答作响,提醒着我时间的流逝。)
b. Don't forget to tick off the items on your to-do list as you finish them.(完成任务后别忘了在待办事项清单上打勾。)
c. The doctor used a tick remover to get rid of the tick on my dog's ear.(医生用蜱虫钳将我狗耳朵上的蜱虫除去。)
d. The rain was ticking against the window, creating a soothing sound.(雨点打在窗户上,发出令人放松的声音。)
1. Tick off: 记录,勾选,标记
比如说,我每天都会tick off我的待办事项,以确保没有遗漏。
2. Tick the box: 勾选方框
在填写表格时,请务必记得tick the box来表示你的选择。
3. Ticking time bomb: 滴滴答答的定时炸弹
他的脾气就像是一枚ticking time bomb,随时可能爆发。
4. Ticked off: 生气的,不高兴的
她被老板连续三次拒绝后,整个人都ticked off了。
5. On the tick: 准时地,按时地
他总是能够准时出现在会议上,真是on the tick啊!
6. Ticked all the boxes: 符合所有要求
这份简历真是太完美了,简直就是ticked all the boxes。
7. Ticklish situation: 棘手的局面
我们目前处于一个非常ticklish situation中,需要谨慎处理。
8. A tick in the box: 达成某个目标或完成某件事情
我终于完成了这项任务,可以在我的清单上打上一个*的tick in the box了!
1. Checkmark - This is another way to say "tick" in English. It refers to a small mark or symbol used to indicate that something is correct or has been completed.
2. Mark - Similar to "checkmark," this word can also be used as a synonym for "tick." It can also be used as a verb, meaning to make a mark or symbol on something.
3. Tally - This word can be used as both a noun and a verb, and it means to count or record something by making marks or ticks.
4. Indication - This word refers to a sign or signal that something is present or happening. It can be used as a synonym for "tick" when talking about marking off items on a list.
5. Notch - As a noun, this word refers to a small cut or indentation in an object. When used as a verb, it means to make such cuts or marks, similar to how one would make ticks on a list.
6. X - While not technically the same as "tick," the letter X can also be used as a symbol for marking items off of a list.
7. Cross off - This phrasal verb means to remove an item from a list by making a mark (such as a tick) next to it.
8. Check off - Another phrasal verb meaning to mark an item off of a list with some sort of symbol, such as a tick.
9. Complete - While not directly related to the act of marking something with ticks, this word can be used in place of "tick" when talking about finishing tasks or completing items on a list.
10. Done - Similar to "complete," this word can also be used instead of "tick" when discussing finished tasks or checked-off items on lists