
语言百科2024-11-10 08:01:27留学世界



1. Tidy是一个英语单词,意为“整洁的”、“干净的”、“整齐的”。

2. 在日常生活中,我们经常会用到tidy这个词来形容一件事物或者一个地方的状态,比如说“我的房间很tidy”,就是指房间很整洁、干净。


3. Tidy也可以用作动词,表示“整理”、“收拾”,例如“我要花点时间把书桌tidy一下”。

4. 这个词也可以用来形容一个人的外表,比如说“他总是穿得很tidy”,就表示这个人衣着整洁、干净。

5. Tidy还可以用来描述思维或者逻辑,比如说“她的思路很tidy”,就是指她的思维清晰、条理分明。

6. 总之,Tidy这个词可以用来形容各种不同的状态和情况,但都与整洁、干净、有条理有关。所以,在日常生活中,我们可以多多使用这个词来描述自己或者身边的事物


1. 读音


- I always like to keep my room tidy. (我总是喜欢保持我的房间整洁。)

- She is a very tidy person. (她是一个非常整洁的人。)

2. 词义解释


- She is very tidy and always keeps her desk clean. (她非常整洁,总是保持她的桌子干净。)

- Could you please tidy up your room before we have guests? (在我们有客人之前,你能把房间收拾一下吗?)

3. 词源


4. 近义词

clean, neat, orderly, organized

5. 反义词

messy, untidy, disorganized, chaotic

6. 用法示例

- Keep your room tidy and organized. (保持你的房间整洁有序。)

- She always makes sure to tidy up before going to bed. (她总是在睡觉前确保收拾干净。)

7. 搭配短语

- tidy up: 整理、收拾

- keep tidy: 保持整洁

- neat and tidy: 整洁干净的

- in a tidy manner: 整齐地

8. 常见错误


9. 场景运用


- He always looks so tidy and put-together. (他看起来总是很整洁、有条理。)

- The house was a mess, but she managed to make it look tidy before guests arrived. (房子一团糟,但是她设法在客人到来之前把它弄得整洁了。)

10. 总结回顾

tidy一词的读音为/tʌɪdi/,含义为“整洁的、干净的”,源自古英语中的tīd(时期、季节)。常见搭配短语有tidy up和keep tidy,常见错误是将其误写为tide或者tiday。在日常生活中,我们可以用tidy来形容一个人的外表或者环境的整洁程度


1. Tidy的基本含义


2. Tidy作为形容词的用法


- The room is always tidy and clean.


- She keeps her desk tidy and organized.


3. Tidy作为动词的用法


- I need to tidy up my closet, it's a mess.


- Could you help me tidy the living room before the guests arrive?


4. Tidy的双语例句

- She always keeps her room tidy and neat.


- He spent the whole afternoon tidying his garden.


- The maid comes every morning to tidy the house.


- It's important to keep your workspace tidy for better productivity.


5. Tidy的常见搭配

- Tidy up: 整理、收拾

- Keep tidy: 保持整洁

- Tidy room/house: 整洁的房间/房子

- Tidy desk/workspace: 整洁的桌子/工作区

6. Tidy和clean的区别


7. Tidy和neat的区别



1. Keep things tidy: 保持整洁

2. Tidy up: 收拾,整理

3. In a tidy manner: 整齐地

4. Tidy sum: 一笔可观的金额

5. Tidy profit: 可观的利润

6. Tidy investment: 可观的投资

7. Tidy income: 可观的收入

8. Tidy savings: 可观的储蓄

9. Tidy budget: 整洁的预算

10. Tidy housekeeping: 整洁的家政管理

11. Keep your room tidy: 保持你的房间整洁

12. A tidy desk, a tidy mind: 整洁的桌子,清晰的思绪

13. Tidy appearance: 整洁的外表

14. Keep your thoughts tidy: 保持你的思绪整洁

15.Tidying up the mess: 清理混乱

16.Tidying up the loose ends: 收拾杂事

17.Tidying up the details: 整理细节

18.Tidying up after the party: 宴会后收拾

19.Tidying up the files and documents: 整理文件和文档

20.Tidying up your schedule: 调整你的日程安排

21.Tidying up your wardrobe/closet/drawer/room/garage/garden/yard/etc.: 清理你的衣柜/抽屉/房间/车库/花园/院子等等

22.Tidy and organized: 整洁有序

23.Tidy and clean: 整洁干净

24.Tidy and neat: 整洁整齐

25.A tidy appearance is important for a job interview: 面试时整洁的外表很重要

26.Tidy up before the guests arrive: 客人到来前收拾一下

27.Keep your workspace tidy for better productivity: 保持工作空间整洁以提高生产力

28.Tidy up your diet: 调整你的饮食*惯

29.Tidy up your thoughts before making a decision: 在做决定之前梳理你的思绪

30.A tidy room helps promote relaxation and restful sleep: 整洁的房间有助于放松和获得良好的睡眠


1. Neat: This word is often used to describe something that is orderly and well-organized, just like tidy. For example, "She keeps her room neat and tidy."

2. Organized: Similar to tidy, organized refers to things that are arranged in a systematic and efficient manner. "Her desk is always so organized and tidy."

3. Neatly: This adverb can be used to describe the way something is arranged or put away in a neat and orderly fashion. "She folded her clothes neatly and put them away in the closet."

4. Clean: While clean primarily refers to something being free of dirt or mess, it can also be used to describe something that is neat and well-maintained. "His workspace is always so clean and tidy."

5. Shipshape: This word has a nautical origin but can also be used figuratively to mean neat and orderly. "The kitchen was spotless, everything was shipshape and tidy."

6. Taut: This word can mean tight or tense, but it can also be used to describe something that is neatly arranged or well-kept. "The bed sheets were pulled taut and looked very tidy."

7. Trim: To trim means to make something neat by removing excess or unwanted parts, so it can also be used as a synonym for tidy. "She trimmed the hedges until they were perfectly tidy."

8. Spotless: Just like clean, spotless can refer to something being free of dirt or mess, but it can also imply that something is very neat and well-maintained. "The living room was spotless, everything was perfectly tidy."

9. Immaculate: This word means extremely clean or pure, but it can also be used to describe things that are very neat and orderly in appearance. "Her handwriting was immaculate, every letter was perfectly formed and tidy."

10.Crisp: This word can mean fresh or clean, but it can also be used to describe something that is neatly arranged or well-maintained. "The bed sheets were crisp and tidy, making the room look very inviting."

