1. tight的含义
2. tight的常见用法
a) tight + 名词:表示某物与另一物或某人之间有着紧密联系或关系。
例如:The lid was on tight, so I couldn't open it. (盖子很紧,我打不开。)
b) be/get tight with + 人:表示与某人关系密切。
例如:He is tight with his boss and can always get a promotion easily. (他和老板关系很好,总能轻易获得晋升。)
c) keep a tight rein on + 名词:表示对某事物保持严格控制。
例如:The government keeps a tight rein on the country's economy. (政府对国家经济保持严格控制。)
d) in a tight spot/squeeze/jam:表示处于困境中。
例如:I'm in a tight spot now, I need your help. (我现在处于困境,需要你的帮助。)
3. tight的近义词
a) close:与tight相同,表示“紧密的、牢固的”。
例如:The door was closed tight. (门紧紧关着。)
b) firm:表示“牢固的、坚定的”。
例如:He shook my hand with a firm grip. (他用坚定的握力和我握手。)
c) snug:表示“舒适的、合身的”。
例如:She put on her new snug sweater and went out. (她穿上了新买的合身毛衣出门了。)
4. tight与其他词汇搭配
a) tight budget/money:表示“拮据的预算/资金”。
例如:We have to stick to a tight budget this month, so no unnecessary expenses. (这个月我们必须遵守严格预算,不要有不必要的开支。)
b) tight schedule/deadline:表示“紧凑的日程表/最后期限”。
例如:I have a very tight schedule today, I can't meet you for lunch. (我今天日程很紧,不能和你一起吃午餐。)
c) tight muscles/rope/belt: 表示“绷紧的肌肉/绳子/皮带”。
例如:After exercising, my muscles were all tight and sore. (锻炼之后,我的肌肉都变得绷紧和酸痛。)
5. tight的常见搭配短语
a) hold tight:表示“紧紧抓住”。
例如:Hold tight, I'll pull you up. (紧紧抓住,我会把你拉上来。)
b) keep a tight grip on:表示“紧握、牢牢掌握”。
例如:He kept a tight grip on the steering wheel while driving. (他开车时一直紧握方向盘。)
c) be in a tight corner:表示“陷入困境”。
例如:I'm in a tight corner now, I don't know what to do. (我现在陷入困境,不知道该怎么办了。)
1. tight的基本含义
Tight是一个英语单词,它的基本意思是“紧”的,可以用来形容物体之间的距离很小,或者物体表面光滑、平整。例如:“The rope is tight.”(绳子很紧),“The lid is tight on the jar.”(罐子盖子很紧)。
2. tight的其他含义
除了表示“紧”的意思外,tight还可以表示“严密的”、“牢固的”、“精确的”等含义。例如:“He has a tight grip on the steering wheel.”(他手握方向盘牢牢的),“The security at the airport is very tight.”(机场的安全措施非常严密)。
3. tight作为副词使用
除了作为形容词外,tight也可以作为副词使用,表示“紧密地”、“严格地”。例如:“They held onto each other tightly.”(他们紧紧地抓住对方),“She manages her time very tightly.”(她把时间管理得非常严格)。
4. tight与其他词汇搭配
a. Tight fit:指衣服或鞋子等穿着时非常贴身、合身。
b. Tight budget:指预算很紧张。
c. Tight deadline:指时间非常紧迫。
d. Tight spot:指处境困难、险恶。
e. Tighten up:指变得更加严格或紧张,也可以指调整某物的紧密程度。
f. Tight-lipped:指不愿意说话或保持沉默。
g. Tighten one's belt:指节约开支,过紧日子。
5. tight的发音
6. tight的同义词和反义词
a. 同义词:taut、firm、secure
b. 反义词:loose、slack、relaxed
7. tight的常见搭配短语
a. Keep a tight rein on:严格控制或管理。
b. In a tight spot:处境困难。
c. Hold on tight:紧紧抓住。
d. Be in a tight corner:陷入困境。
e. Sit tight:保持安静或等待
1. tight的基本意思
2. tight作为物体状态的描述
- The lid of the jar was screwed on tight, making it difficult to open.
- The rope was pulled tight, securing the boat to the dock.
3. tight作为人情绪的形容词
- She was feeling really tight and anxious before her job interview.
- He's been working non-stop for days and he's starting to feel really tight.
4. tight作为人际关系的描述
- Our family is very close-knit, we have a very tight bond.
- The team has a tight dynamic, everyone works well together.
5. 更多用法及搭配
- hold on/tight:紧紧抓住
例句:Hold on tight to the railing, the stairs are slippery.
- tight budget:紧张的预算
例句:We have to stick to a tight budget this month.
6. tight的反义词
- The dress is too loose, I need a smaller size.
- The rope was tied too loosely, it came undone easily.
7. 双语例句
- She held her baby tight in her arms, protecting him from the cold wind.
- The company is facing a tight deadline for this project, so everyone needs to work extra hard.
1. "Tighten one's belt" - 拉紧裤带,指节约生活费用
例如:With the current economic situation, we all need to tighten our belts and cut down on unnecessary expenses.
2. "Tight-lipped" - 保密的,不爱说话的
例如:The company's CEO was tight-lipped about the new product launch, keeping all details under wraps.
3. "In a tight spot" - 处于困境中
例如:I'm in a tight spot right now, I need to find a job as soon as possible.
4. "Tight-knit" - 关系紧密的,密切联系的
例如:Our group of friends is very tight-knit, we've known each other since childhood.
5. "Tighten the screws" - 施加压力,加强控制
例如:The government plans to tighten the screws on tax evaders and increase penalties for those caught avoiding taxes.
6. "Tight deadline" - 超紧急的截止日期
例如:We have a tight deadline for this project, we need to work overtime to get it done on time.
7. "Tightly-wound" - 紧绷的,紧张不安的
例如:After months of stress at work, she was feeling tightly-wound and needed a break.
8. "Airtight" - 无懈可击的,完全封闭的
例如:The contract was written with an airtight clause to protect both parties from any future disputes.
9. "Keep a tight rein on something/someone" - 对某事/某人严格控制
例如:The manager kept a tight rein on the team's budget to ensure they stayed within their limits.
10. "Tight-fisted" - 吝啬的,小气的
例如:Don't expect him to pay for dinner, he's known to be quite tight-fisted
1. Snug
- Meaning: fitting closely and tightly
- Example: The dress was snug against her body, showing off her curves.
2. Secure
- Meaning: firmly fixed or fastened; not likely to give way or come loose
- Example: He made sure the rope was secure before attempting to climb the mountain.
3. Constricted
- Meaning: tight or narrow, especially as a result of pressure or restriction
- Example: The bandage was constricted around his arm, cutting off circulation.
4. Taut
- Meaning: stretched or pulled tight; not slack
- Example: She held onto the rope, keeping it taut as she walked across the tightrope.
5. Compressed
- Meaning: pressed together or reduced in volume by pressure; compacted
- Example: The files were compressed into a smaller size for easier storage.
6. Restricted
- Meaning: limited or confined within certain boundaries or limits
- Example: His movements were restricted due to the tight space in the elevator.
7. Firm
- Meaning: solidly fixed in place; not easily moved or shaken
- Example: She held onto his hand with a firm grip as they walked through the crowded street.
8. Close-fitting
- Meaning: fitting closely and snugly to the body
- Example: The close-fitting shirt accentuated his muscular physique.
9. Dense
- Meaning: closely packed together; thick
- Example: The dense fog made it difficult to see more than a few feet ahead.
10. Restrained
- Meaning: controlled or limited in expression, action, or emotion
- Example: He spoke in a restrained manner, trying not to show his anger