
语言百科2024-11-10 11:01:27留学世界




timeless是一个英文单词,它的意思是“永恒的”或“永久的”。它由time(时间)和-less(没有)两部分组成,字面上的意思就是没有时间限制的。在翻译行业中,timeless通常被用来形容那些不受时间影响、永远不会过时的作品或产品。比如,一部经典电影可以被称为“a timeless film”,一首经典歌曲可以被称为“a timeless song”。总的来说,timeless指的是那些具有长久价值、不受时间限制、可以跨越时代的东西


1. timeless的发音


2. timeless的词性和含义


3. timeless的同义词和反义词

同义词:eternal, everlasting, ageless, immortal

反义词:temporary, fleeting, ephemeral, transient

4. timeless在句子中的用法举例

(1) This classic novel has a timeless appeal that can be enjoyed by readers of all ages.


(2) The beauty of nature is timeless and will always be appreciated.


(3) The fashion designer aims to create timeless pieces that can be worn for years to come.


5. 其他相关短语表达

- stand the test of time 经得起时间考验

- never go out of style 永远时尚

- timeless beauty 永恒的美

- timeless love 永恒的爱情

- timeless design 永恒的设计

6. 与timeless相关的词汇

- timelessness n. 永恒性,永久性

- timeliness n. 及时,适时

- timely adj. 及时的,适时的

- timepiece n. 时间记录器,钟表

7. 与timeless相关的名人名言

(1) "Timeless moments in life are the ones that take your breath away." - Anonymous (生活中永恒的瞬间是那些让你屏住呼吸的时刻。)

(2) "The only way to have a life that is timeless is to live everyday fully, staying true to yourself." - Oprah Winfrey (拥有一个永恒的生活唯一方法就是每天都充实地生活,忠于自己。)

(3) "Music is a timeless art form that has the power to bring people together." - Stevie Wonder (音乐是一种永恒的艺术形式,有能力将人们聚集在一起。)


1. 什么是timeless?


2. 如何使用timeless?

Timeless通常作为形容词使用,放在名词前面,例如:a timeless love(永恒的爱情)、a timeless classic(永恒的经典)。

3. 什么样的事物可以被称为timeless?


4. timeless与everlasting有什么区别?


5. 双语例句:

- This song is a timeless classic that will never go out of style.


- Their love for each other is truly timeless, it never fades.


- The beauty of nature is timeless, it will always be there for us to enjoy.



1. "Timeless Beauty": 这个词组可以用来形容那些永恒不变的美丽,比如经典的名著、古老的建筑等。

2. "Timeless Love": 这个词组可以指代那种跨越时空的爱情,无论时光如何变迁,爱情仍然保持不变。

3. "Timeless Fashion": 这个词组可以用来形容那些永不过时的时尚,比如经典的款式、流行多年仍然受欢迎的服饰等。

4. "Timeless Wisdom": 这个词组可以指代那些经久不衰的智慧,比如古代圣贤的言论、流传至今仍然有启发性的格言等。

5. "Timeless Memories": 这个词组可以用来形容那些永远珍藏在心中的回忆,无论时间过去多久,都能让人回想起美好的瞬间。

6. "Timeless Classics": 这个词组可以指代那些经典作品,在任何时代都能引发人们共鸣和赞赏。

7. "Timeless Elegance": 这个词组可以用来形容那种永恒优雅的风格,无论是服饰、家居还是艺术作品,都能让人感受到它们的高贵和典雅。

8. "Timeless Traditions": 这个词组可以指代那些历久不衰的传统,比如节日*俗、家族传承的技艺等。

9. "Timeless Charm": 这个词组可以用来形容那种永远迷人的魅力,无论是一个人的气质还是一个地方的风景,都能让人为之倾倒。

10. "Timeless Values": 这个词组可以指代那些永恒不变的价值观,比如真善美、友情、家庭等


1. Everlasting: This word carries the same meaning as timeless, emphasizing the idea of something that will last forever.

2. Eternal: Similar to everlasting, this word also conveys the idea of something that is timeless and will never end.

3. Ageless: This word suggests that something is not affected by time and remains unchanged throughout the ages.

4. Enduring: This word describes something that can withstand the test of time and remains relevant and significant.

5. Time-honored: This phrase refers to something that has been respected and valued for a long time, making it timeless.

6. Classic: Often used to describe things that have stood the test of time and remain popular or influential.

7. Timeless Classic: Combining both words, this phrase emphasizes the idea of a classic that will never go out of style or lose its significance.

8. Perpetual: This word suggests something that is continuous and unchanging, making it timeless.

9. Undying: Similar to perpetual, this word conveys the idea of something that will never die or fade away with time.

10. Unfading: This word describes something that remains fresh and relevant despite the passing of time

