
语言百科2024-11-10 11:21:27留学世界



1. Timeless一词源自英语,由time(时间)和-less(没有)两部分组成。


2. 它的意思是“永恒的”、“永久的”,指的是没有时间限制或不受时间影响的事物。

3. 在翻译行业中,timeless通常指的是那些能够经久不衰、流传至今仍然具有价值的作品。

4. 比如,一部经典小说、一首不朽歌曲、一幅名画等都可以被称为timeless作品。

5. 除此之外,timeless也可以用来形容某种风格或时尚,它们不会随着时间而改变或过时,而是持久流行。

6. 因此,在翻译行业中,“timeless英文版”可能指的是那些经过精心翻译后仍然保持原作风格和魅力、具有永恒价值的作品


1. timeless的词性及含义

- timeless是一个形容词,意为“永恒的,不受时间影响的”。

- 在日常生活中,我们也可以用timeless来形容某件事物或人具有经久不衰的特质,如“这首歌是一首timeless的经典之作”。

2. timeless的发音

- timeless的发音为英文中比较常见的/tʌɪmləs/,其中/t/为清辅音,/ʌ/为短元音,/ɪ/为短元音,/l/为清辅音,/m/为唇齿塞擦音,/s/为清辅音。

3. timeless的用法示例

- His music is truly timeless. (他的音乐真正是永恒不朽的。)

- This dress has a timeless design that will never go out of style. (这件连衣裙拥有永恒不变的设计,永远不会过时。)

- The story of Romeo and Juliet is a timeless tale of love and tragedy. (《罗密欧与朱丽叶》这个故事是一部永恒爱情和悲剧的传说。)

4. 时间状语与timeless连用

- always: He will always be remembered as a timeless hero. (他将永远被铭记为一个永恒英雄。)

- forever: The beauty of nature is timeless and will last forever. (大自然的美是永恒的,将永远持续下去。)

- eternally: The bond between them is timeless and will be eternally strong. (他们之间的纽带是永恒的,将永远坚不可摧。)

5. 相关词汇

- timelessness (名词):指永恒、不受时间影响的状态。

- timeless beauty:指具有永恒美丽的特质。

- timeless classic:指经典作品,具有经久不衰的价值。

6. 延伸阅读


- "The Timeless Appeal of Classic Literature" by The New York Times


- "The Timeless Beauty of Nature" by National Geographic


- "The Timelessness of Love in Shakespeare's Works" by Shakespeare Birthplace Trust




1. What does timeless mean?

Timeless is an adjective that describes something that is not affected by the passage of time or that remains relevant and valuable despite the changing times. It can also refer to something that is eternal or everlasting.

2. How to use timeless in a sentence?

- Her beauty was timeless, she looked just as stunning now as she did when she was young.

- The classic design of this dress makes it timeless, it will never go out of style.

- His music is truly timeless, it still resonates with people of all ages.

- The love between them was timeless, it knew no boundaries of time or distance.

3. Timeless synonyms

Eternal, everlasting, enduring, ageless, immortal, undying, unchanging.

4. Timeless antonyms

Temporary, fleeting, ephemeral, transient.

5. Timeless in different languages

- Spanish: atemporal

- French: intemporel

- German: zeitlos

- Italian: senza tempo

- Portuguese: atemporal

- Japanese: 時間を超える (jikan o koeru)

- Chinese: 永恒的 (yǒnghéng de)

- Arabic: خالد (khaled)

6. Timeless quotes

"Timeless thoughts of a winter's stare." - Avijeet Das

"True beauty is timeless." - Marilyn Monroe

"Music is the soundtrack of your life; it's timeless and memory-less." - Billy Joel

"Love knows no boundaries of time or space; it is timeless and eternal." - Unknown

7. Timeless examples in literature and film

In literature:

The Great Gatsby by F. Scott Fitzgerald - This novel explores the concept of timelessness through the character Jay Gatsby who desperately tries to recreate a past love that he believes to be timeless.

In film:

The Curious Case of Benjamin Button - This film tells the story of a man who ages in reverse, highlighting the idea of timelessness and the fleeting nature of time.

8. Timeless songs

- "Time After Time" by Cyndi Lauper

- "Yesterday" by The Beatles

- "Unchained Melody" by The Righteous Brothers

- "Forever Young" by Bob Dylan

- "Ain't No Mountain High Enough" by Marvin Gaye and Tammi Terrell

9. How to incorporate timeless into your daily vocabulary?

- Use it to describe something that will never go out of style or lose its value.

- Use it to describe something that is eternal or everlasting.

- Use it in a positive context, such as complimenting someone's timeless beauty or talent.

- Use it to refer to classic or vintage items that have stood the test of time.

- Use it as a reminder to focus on things that are truly important and will last in the long run.

10. Conclusion

Timeless is a powerful word that conveys the idea of something that transcends time and remains relevant and valuable throughout history. It can be used to describe various aspects of life, from love and beauty to art and design. Incorporating this word into your vocabulary can add depth and significance to your communication


1. Timeless beauty: 永恒的美丽

2. Timeless charm: 永恒的魅力

3. Timeless elegance: 永恒的优雅

4. Timeless fashion: 永恒的时尚

5. Timeless classic: 永恒的经典

6. Timeless style: 永恒的风格

7. Timeless appeal: 永恒的吸引力

8. Timeless tradition: 永恒的传统

9. Timeless love: 永恒的爱情

10. Timeless memories: 永恒的回忆

11. Timeless wisdom: 永恒的智慧

12. Timeless beauty tips: 保持青春美丽的秘诀

13. The timeless allure of nature: 自然永不过时的魅力

14. The timeless charm of vintage fashion: 复古时尚永远迷人

15. The timeless appeal of black and white photography: 黑白摄影永不过时的吸引力


1. Classic

- Definition: having a high quality or standard that is enduring and timeless.

- Example: The black dress she wore was a classic piece that never goes out of style.

2. Everlasting

- Definition: lasting forever; eternal.

- Example: Their love for each other was everlasting, just like the timeless beauty of nature.

3. Enduring

- Definition: continuing or long-lasting.

- Example: The timeless appeal of his music has endured for decades and will continue to do so.

4. Time-honored

- Definition: respected and valued because it has been used or done for a long time.

- Example: The time-honored tradition of celebrating Christmas with family and friends is a timeless tradition.

5. Perennial

- Definition: lasting or existing for a long or apparently infinite time; enduring or continually recurring.

- Example: The timeless beauty of the cherry blossom trees in Japan is a perennial attraction for tourists.

6. Time-tested

- Definition: proven effective or reliable through experience over a period of time.

- Example: This recipe has been passed down for generations and is a time-tested method for making the perfect apple pie.

7. Unchanging

- Definition: not changing in amount, status, quality, etc.; remaining the same.

- Example: The timeless charm of the old town remains unchanging despite the modern developments around it.

8. Immortal

- Definition: living forever; never dying or decaying.

- Example: The works of Shakespeare are considered immortal as they continue to be studied and performed centuries later.

9. Ageless

- Definition: not affected by the passage of time; timeless.

- Example: The ageless beauty of Audrey Hepburn continues to inspire generations even after her passing.

10. Invariable

- Definition: not changing or capable of being changed; constant.

- Example: The message behind this book remains invariable and relevant, making it a timeless piece of literature


