1. 前言
2. toilet的定义
3. toilet的起源
4. toilet在不同国家和地区的称呼
5. toilet的文化含义
6. toilet的相关词汇
1. toilet的定义
2. toilet的发音
3. toilet的同义词
- Bathroom:这个单词通常指代一个包含浴缸、淋浴和洗手盆等设施的房间。
- Restroom:这个单词通常指公共场所提供给顾客或者员工使用的厕所。
- Lavatory:这个单词通常指代一个小型的卫生间。
- Washroom:这个单词通常指代一个提供洗手盆和厕所的房间。
4. toilet的用法
- 指代一个房间:例如,“Where is the toilet?”(厕所在哪里?)
- 指代一个设备:例如,“The toilet is clogged.”(厕所堵了。)
- 指代使用厕所这个行为:例如,“I need to use the toilet.”(我需要上厕所。)
- 表示使用厕所这个行为:例如,“He went to toilet.”(他去上厕所了。)
- 表示清洁或修理厕所:例如,“I need to toilet the bathroom.”(我需要清洁浴室。)
5. toilet在英语中的其他含义
- 指代一种盥洗用具:例如,“She bought a new toilet for her bathroom.”(她给浴室买了一个新的盥洗用具。)
- 指代一种女性头饰:例如,“She wore a beautiful toilet on her head.”(她头上戴着一顶漂亮的女性头饰。)
1. toilet的用法:
2. toilet的双语例句:
1) Please use the toilet on the first floor. (请使用一楼的厕所。)
2) The toilet is out of order, please use the one next door. (这个厕所坏了,请用隔壁的。)
3) Can you show me where the toilet is? (你能告诉我卫生间在哪里吗?)
4) I need to go to the toilet before we leave. (我们走之前我需要上个厕所。)
3. 关于toilet的一些常用表达:
1) Go to the toilet:去上厕所
2) Use the toilet:使用卫生间
3) Toilet paper:卫生纸
4) Public toilet:公共厕所
5) Flush the toilet:冲马桶
4. 关于toilet的相关*语:
1)Go down the toilet:完蛋了,毁了
例句:All our plans went down the toilet when she quit her job.(当她辞职时,我们所有计划都完蛋了。)
2)On the toilet:在上厕所
例句:I had a brilliant idea while I was on the toilet.(我在上厕所时想出了一个好主意。)
3)Toilet humor:厕所幽默
例句:I don't appreciate your toilet humor.(我不欣赏你的厕所幽默。)
5. 关于toilet的一些趣闻:
1. Bathroom: 这是最常见的用法,特别是在北美地区。
2. Restroom: 这个词比较礼貌,通常用于公共场所。
3. Lavatory: 一般指的是洗手间,也可以指厕所。
4. Washroom: 也是比较礼貌的说法,通常用于公共场所。
5. Powder room: 这个词比较雅致,一般指的是女性使用的厕所。
6. Loo: 这是英式俚语,比较随意和幽默的说法。
7. John: 这个词源自于苏格兰方言,也是一种俚语。通常用于男性厕所。
8. Can: 这个词源自于美国俚语,也是一种随意的说法。通常用于公共厕所。
9. Privy: 这个词有点老旧了,但仍然可以听到。它通常指的是户外或农村地区使用的厕所。
10. Throne room: 这个词带有一点幽默感,它暗指厕所就像一个王座一样重要
1. Bathroom: This is a commonly used synonym for toilet in British English. It refers to the room where the toilet is located and can also be used to refer to the toilet itself.
2. Lavatory: This term is more formal and often used in public places or formal settings. It can also be shortened to "lav" or "loo" in informal contexts.
3. Restroom: Another commonly used term for toilet, especially in public places like restaurants, malls, and airports.
4. Washroom: This term is more commonly used in Canadian English and refers to a room with a toilet and sink for washing hands.
5. W.C.: This abbreviation stands for "water closet" and is commonly used in British English to refer to a small room with a toilet.
6. John: A slang term for toilet that originated in the United States, possibly from the name of an inventor who patented an early flushing toilet.
7. Commode: This term can refer to either a portable chair with a hole for toileting or a piece of furniture that contains a hidden chamber pot.
8. Privy: An old-fashioned term for an outhouse or an outdoor toilet.
9. Latrine: A military term for a simple, makeshift toilet facility.
10. Throne: A humorous or grandiose way of referring to a toilet, often used by children or in jest.
11. Pot: Another slang term for the actual bowl of the toilet where waste is collected.
12. Potty: A childish or informal way of referring to a toilet, often used when talking to young children about using the bathroom.
13. Can: A slang term for the actual bowl of the toilet, possibly derived from "canister."
14. Head: A nautical term for a ship's bathroom facilities, often referring to toilets on boats as well.
15. Chamber pot: An old-fashioned type of portable toilet that was used before modern flushing toilets became common.
16. Facilities: A general term for public restrooms or toilets in a building or public space.
17. Convenience: A euphemistic way of referring to a toilet or bathroom, often used in polite company.
18. Loo: A British slang term for toilet, possibly derived from the French word "l'eau" meaning water.
19. Gents/Ladies: These terms are used to indicate separate bathrooms for men and women, often found in public places like restaurants or theaters.
20. Powder room: A small room with a toilet and sink, often found in private homes as a guest bathroom.
21. Necessary: An old-fashioned term for a toilet, often used in rural areas or by older generations.
22. Washlet: A brand name for a type of high-tech toilet with additional features like heated seats and bidet functions.
23. Comfort station: Another old-fashioned term for a public restroom, often used in the early 20th century.
24. Sanitary facility: A more formal way of referring to a toilet or bathroom, often used in official documents or reports.
25. WC: This abbreviation is commonly used in French and stands for "water closet," similar to the British usage mentioned earlier
toilet是一个常见的英语单词,它的意思是厕所。它的发音为/tɔɪlət/,读起来并不困难。在日常生活中,我们经常会用到toilet这个词,比如在问路时需要找到附近的toilet,或者在公共场合使用toilet时需要注意卫生。除了基本的用法外,我们还可以通过一些词组来丰富自己的表达,比如flush the toilet(冲马桶)、use the toilet(使用厕所)等。此外,toilet还有一些同义词,比如bathroom、restroom等,在不同场合可以根据需要选择使用。最后,我是本文的编辑小明,在此感谢大家的阅读和关注。如果你喜欢我的文章,请多多关注我哦!