
语言百科2024-11-11 02:55:27留学世界



1. toll的含义



2. toll的解释

2.1 名词解释

- 过路费:toll作为名词最常见的意思就是指交通工具通过某条道路或桥梁时所需支付的费用。这种费用通常由政府或私人机构收取,用于维护和建设道路。

- 通行费:除了指交通工具通过道路时所需支付的费用外,toll也可以指其他形式的通行费,比如进入某些特定区域或场所需要支付的费用。

- 损失:toll还可以表示因某种原因而产生的损失。比如自然灾害造成的人员伤亡和财产损失,就可以称为“death toll”(死亡人数)和“damage toll”(损失金额)。

- 代价:除了经济上的损失外,toll也可以指付出的其他代价。比如长期熬夜会对身体产生不良影响,就可以说是“taking a toll on health”(对健康造成损害)。

2.2 动词解释

- 收取过路费:toll作为动词时,可以指收取过路费。比如“the government plans to toll the highway”(政府计划对这条高速公路收取过路费)。

- 产生损失:toll也可以表示某种行为或事件所产生的损失。比如“the war has taken a heavy toll on the country's economy”(战争已经给该国的经济造成了巨大损失)。

3. toll的使用场景


4. 与toll相关的短语

- pay the toll:支付过路费或通行费。

- take a toll on:对某事物造成不良影响。

- death toll:死亡人数。

- damage toll:损失金额。

- emotional toll:情绪上的压力或伤害


1. “toll”一词在英语中是一个名词,也可以作为动词使用。它的发音为/təʊl/,其中“t”的发音是清辅音,发音部位在舌尖和上齿之间,与汉语中的“t”不同;而“o”的发音为长元音,发音时嘴唇要微微向外突出;最后的“l”发音要轻声带气。整个单词的读法要平稳流畅,没有明显的停顿。

2. 在名词意义下,“toll”的意思是收费、通行费或者死伤人数。例如,“The toll for crossing the bridge is $5.”(穿过这座桥需要支付5美元的通行费);“The toll of the earthquake has risen to 200.”(地震造成的死伤人数已经上升到200人)。这里需要注意的是,“toll”的复数形式仍然是“toll”,没有加“s”。

3. 当“toll”作为动词时,它有两种不同的意思。一种意思是收费、征税,例如,“The government plans to toll all vehicles entering the city center.”(政府计划对所有进入市中心的车辆收取通行费)。另一种意思则是敲钟、鸣响警报或者鸣笛。例如,“The church bells tolled to mark the beginning of the ceremony.”(教堂的钟声鸣响,标志着仪式的开始);“The ship's horn tolled as it entered the harbor.”(船只驶入港口时鸣笛)。

4. “toll”的发音在不同的语境中可能会有一些变化。例如,在美国英语中,它可以发音为/toʊl/,这种发音比较接近汉语中的“tuo”。而在英国英语中,则更倾向于发音为/tɒl/,这种发音比较接近汉语中的“tu”。

5. 在一些特定的短语中,“toll”也可以作为前缀使用,例如“toll-free”(免费拨打电话)、“toll road”(收费公路)、“death toll”(死亡人数)。在这些短语中,“toll”的意思仍然是收费或者死伤人数,但是它们都有一些特定的搭配用法。

6. 最后需要注意的是,在某些方言或者口语中,“toll”的发音可能会有所不同。例如,在澳大利亚和新西兰英语中,它可以发音为/tɔːl/或者/toːl/;在加拿大法语和法国法语中,则可能会发音为/tɔl/。因此,在具体使用时,还需要根据所处的语境和国家来确定正确的发音。

7. 总的来说,“toll”一词在英语中是一个常用且重要的单词,它有多种不同的意思和用法,因此在学*和使用时需要注意其发音和语境。希望通过本小节对“toll”的发音和读法有了更深入的了解


1. 什么是toll?


2. toll的用法


- 翻译费用:当客户需要翻译服务时,通常会与翻译公司或个人达成协议,支付一定的翻译费用。这些费用可以被称为“translation toll”(翻译费用)。

- 累积损失:有时候,在进行复杂的翻译任务时,可能会出现一些错误或不准确的地方。这些错误可能会导致客户需要额外支付更多的时间和精力来修正。这些额外花费也可以被称为“toll”,即累积损失。

- 质量把关:在一些大型项目中,可能会有多位翻译人员参与其中。为了保证整体质量,可能需要雇佣专门的校对人员来进行质量把关。这也可以被称为“quality toll”(质量把关)。

3. toll的例句


- The translation toll for this project is $5000.


- The toll of working on this project was too high, and I couldn't afford it.


- Due to the poor quality of the translation, we had to pay a high toll for revisions.



1. Toll fee - 收费

例:The toll fee for this highway is $5.

2. Toll road - 收费公路

例:The toll road is the fastest route to our destination.

3. Toll booth - 收费亭

例:Make sure to have enough cash when passing through the toll booth.

4. Toll plaza - 收费站

例:We got stuck in traffic at the toll plaza.

5. Toll collector - 收费员

例:The toll collector was very friendly and helpful.

6. Toll evasion - 逃避收费

例:Toll evasion is a serious offense and can result in fines or penalties.

7. Electronic toll collection (ETC) - 电子收费系统

例:With ETC, you no longer need to stop at the toll booth to pay your fees.

8. Toll road authority - 收费公路管理机构

例:The toll road authority announced an increase in fees for next year.

9. Toll-free number - 免费电话号码

例:You can call our customer service hotline using our toll-free number.

10. Toll bridge - 收费桥梁

例:We had to cross a long toll bridge to get to the other side of the river.

11. Tolls and charges - 费用和收费项目

例:Before using a toll road, make sure you are aware of all the applicable tolls and charges.

12. Road tolls - 道路收费

例:Road tolls are used to fund maintenance and improvements on highways and bridges.

13. Paying a toll - 支付收费

例:You can pay your toll using cash, credit card, or electronic payment methods.

14. High-toll area/region- 高收费区域

例:Living in a high-toll area can greatly increase your transportation expenses.

15. Toll hike - 收费上涨

例:The toll hike has caused public outcry and protests from commuters.

16. Toll violation - 收费违规

例:If you commit a toll violation, you may receive a ticket or citation in the mail.

17. Toll road network - 收费公路网络

例:The country's toll road network has greatly improved transportation efficiency.

18. Tolling policy - 收费政策

例:The government is considering implementing a new tolling policy to reduce traffic congestion.

19. Toll revenue - 收费收入

例:The toll revenue from this highway is used to fund road maintenance and construction projects.

20. Toll plaza exit - 收费站出口

例:Take the next exit after the toll plaza to reach your destination


1. Charge - This word can be used as a synonym for "toll" in the context of paying a fee for using a particular service or road. For example, "The toll for crossing the bridge is $5."

2. Fee - Similar to "charge," this word can also be used to refer to the amount of money that must be paid for something, such as a toll. For instance, "There is a small fee for using the express lane on the highway."

3. Levy - This word can be used to describe a tax or fee that is imposed on something, including tolls. For example, "The government has increased the levy on toll roads to fund infrastructure projects."

4. Fare - While this word is typically associated with public transportation, it can also be used to refer to the price of using a toll road or bridge. For instance, "The fare for driving through this tunnel is quite expensive."

5. Tollway - This term can be used as an alternative to "toll road" or "toll bridge." It specifically refers to a road or route where drivers must pay a fee in order to use it.

6. Turnpike - Similar to "tollway," this word specifically refers to a road where drivers must pay tolls in order to use it.

7. Tollbooth - This term refers to the physical location where drivers must stop and pay their toll before continuing on their journey.

8. Toll plaza - Another term for the location where drivers must pay their tolls before continuing on their journey.

9. Toll collector - This phrase refers to the person who collects tolls at the tollbooth or plaza.

10. Toll-free - While not directly related to paying fees, this term can be used in contrast with "toll" when referring to phone calls or services that do not incur any charges.

Overall, these synonyms for "toll" can be used in various situations and contexts when discussing fees, charges, and taxes that must be paid for using a particular service or road. They can add variety to your writing and help avoid repetition of the same word

