
语言百科2024-11-11 04:46:27留学世界



如果你是一个翻译新手,或者只是对英语中的一些生僻词汇感到好奇,那么你可能会遇到这样一个问题:tombs用英语怎么读?其实,tombs在英语中是一个很常见的单词,它的发音为/ tɔːmz /。但是,如果你想知道它的意思,那就要继续往下看了。





1. tombs是一个英文单词,读音为/tuːmz/。

2. 它的复数形式为tombs,读音仍然是/tuːmz/。

3. 这个词的意思是“墓地”,通常指大型的坟墓或陵墓。

4. 有时候也可以用来指代一座大型建筑物,比如埋葬了许多人的地下室。

5. tombs这个词源于古英语中的“tūm”,意为“土堆”或“坟墓”。

6. 在英语中,这个词通常用来描述古代文明的坟墓,如埃及金字塔、中国秦始皇陵等。

7. 如果要形容一个地方有很多坟墓,可以说“This area is filled with tombs.”(这个地区到处都是坟墓。)

8. 除了作为名词使用外,tombs也可以作为动词,意为“将某人或某物埋葬在坟墓中”。

9. 例如,“The pharaoh was tombed in the Valley of the Kings.”(法老被埋葬在国王谷。)

10. 总之,tombs这个单词虽然读起来有些复杂,但其实很容易理解。它不仅指代了古代文明留下的宏伟建筑,也是人们对逝者的一种尊重和纪念


1. tombs的用法

- Tombs是一个名词,读作/tuːmz/,意为“墓地”、“坟墓”,通常指埋葬死者的地方。

- Tombs也可以用作动词,读作/tuːmz/,意为“埋葬”,“安葬”。

2. 双语例句

- The ancient tombs were filled with treasures and artifacts. (古代的坟墓里充满了珍宝和文物。)

- The pharaoh's tomb was discovered by archaeologists last year. (考古学家去年发现了法老王的墓地。)

- The villagers were afraid to go near the haunted tomb at night. (村民们晚上不敢靠近那座闹鬼的坟墓。)

- She was buried in the family tomb next to her husband. (她被安葬在丈夫旁边的家族墓地里。)

- The tombs of the ancient kings were built to withstand the test of time. (古代国王的坟墓建造得经得起时间的考验。)


1. Tombstone - 墓碑

2. Tomb raiding - 盗墓

3. Tomb architecture - 墓葬建筑

4. Tomb excavation - 墓葬挖掘

5. Tomb inscription - 墓志铭

6. Royal tombs - 皇家陵墓

7. Ancient tombs - 古代墓葬

8. Burial tombs - 埋葬墓穴

9. Family tombs - 家族墓地

10. Underground tombs - 地下墓穴

11. Pyramid tombs - 金字塔陵墓

12. Funerary tombs - 葬礼用的墓穴

13. Tombs of the pharaohs - 法老的陵墓

14. Tombs of the kings - 国王的陵墓

15. Tombs of the queens - 王后的陵墓

16. Tombs of the nobles - 贵族的陵墓

17.Tombs of the warriors- 战士的陵墓

18.Tombs of the emperors- 皇帝的陵墓

19.Tombs of the empresses- 皇后的陵墓

20.Tombs of the saints- 圣人的陵墓


1. Graves

- Definition: a place where a dead body is buried, especially underground

- Example: The tombs of the ancient pharaohs were filled with treasures and mummies.

2. Sepulchers

- Definition: a small room or monument, cut in rock or built of stone, in which a dead person is buried

- Example: The sepulchers of the kings were carved into the side of the mountain.

3. Crypts

- Definition: an underground room or vault beneath a church, used as a chapel or burial place

- Example: The crypts of the cathedral held the remains of many important figures from history.

4. Mausoleums

- Definition: a large, impressive tomb, usually above ground and often containing multiple burials or memorials

- Example: The mausoleum of Emperor Qin Shi Huang was built to protect his body and treasures for eternity.

5. Cemeteries

- Definition: an area of land used for burying the dead; a graveyard

- Example: The old cemetery was filled with tombs and headstones dating back hundreds of years.

6. Necropolises

- Definition: a large ancient cemetery with elaborate tomb monuments and structures

- Example: The necropolis of Giza is home to the famous Great Pyramids and Sphinx.

7. Ossuaries

- Definition: a container or room for storing bones or skeletal remains after they have been exhumed from graves

- Example: The ossuary beneath the church held thousands of bones from previous burials.

8. Catacombs

- Definition: an underground cemetery consisting of tunnels with recesses for tombs

- Example: The catacombs beneath Paris are known for their intricate network of tunnels and tombs.

9. Burial grounds

- Definition: an area designated for burying the dead; a cemetery

- Example: The burial grounds of the Native American tribe were located on a sacred hill overlooking the village.

10. Resting places

- Definition: a final resting place for the deceased; a grave or tomb

- Example: The family gathered at the resting place of their ancestors to pay their respects and honor their memory

