1. touch的基本含义
在英语中,touch是一个常用的动词,它的基本含义是“触摸、碰触”,可以指人或物与另一物体发生接触的动作。例如:She touched the wall with her hand.(她用手碰了一下墙。)
2. touch的引申含义
- 感动:当我们被某件事情或某个人深深地感动时,可以使用touch来表达。例如:The movie touched my heart.(这部电影让我感动了。)
- 影响:touch也可以表示影响,特别是在情感方面。例如:His words really touched me.(他的话真的让我感动。)
- 接近:当某人或物体靠近另一个人或物体时,也可以使用touch来表达。例如:The bird touched the tree branch with its wings.(鸟儿用翅膀轻轻碰了一下树枝。)
- 碰到难题:在某些情况下,touch也可以表示遇到难题或困难。例如:I'm afraid we have touched a sensitive issue.(恐怕我们碰到了一个敏感问题。)
3. touch作为名词
- 触觉:touch可以指人体感知外界事物的能力,也可以指触摸的感觉。例如:Her sense of touch is very sensitive.(她的触觉非常敏感。)
- 联系:touch也可以指人与人之间的联系或沟通。例如:We lost touch after she moved to another city.(她搬到另一个城市后,我们失去了联系。)
- 尝试:在某些情况下,touch还可以表示尝试或接近某事物。例如:I'll give it a touch and see if it works.(我会试一下看看它是否有效。)
4. touch的常用搭配
- touch on/upon sth: 简要提及某事物
例如:The speaker touched on some important issues in his speech.(演讲者在演讲中简要提到了一些重要问题。)
- keep in touch: 保持联系
例如:We promised to keep in touch after graduation.(我们毕业后承诺保持联系。)
- out of touch: 失去联系
例如:I've been out of touch with my old classmates for years.(我和老同学们失去联系已经好几年了。)
5. 其他相关表达
- feel (up)on: 触摸、摸索
例如:The blind man felt upon the wall to find his way.(盲人摸索着墙壁找路。)
- handle: 触摸、操作
例如:Please handle the vase with care.(请小心操作花瓶。)
- stroke: 轻抚、抚摸
例如:She gently stroked her child's hair.(她轻轻地抚摸着孩子的头发。)
1. “touch”的读音是/tʌtʃ/,其中/t/发音为清辅音,舌尖轻触上齿龈,/ʌ/发音为中央元音,嘴唇微微张开,舌头放松平放在嘴底,/tʃ/发音为清辅音,舌尖抵住上齿龈后快速脱离。
2. 需要注意的是,在英语中,“ch”的发音有时会变成/k/或者/sh/。例如在单词“church”中,“ch”就发/k/的音,而在单词“machine”中,“ch”则发/sh/的音。但是在“touch”这个单词中,“ch”的发音仍然是/tʃ/。
3. 如果你想更加准确地掌握“touch”的发音,可以去网上搜索相关视频进行听力训练。同时也可以多听一些英语原声电影或者英文歌曲来提高自己的听力水平。
4. 另外,在学*“touch”的发音时,也可以结合手势来帮助记忆。比如将手指轻轻触碰,模拟出“touch”的动作,这样可以更加生动形象地帮助我们记忆
1. "Touch"作为动词,常用于表示触摸或接触某物的意思,但在翻译行业中,它还有其他的用法。
2. 在翻译过程中,我们经常会遇到需要修改或改进原文的情况。这时,我们可以使用"touch up"这个短语来表示对文本的微调或润色。例如:"I'll just touch up this translation before sending it to the client."(在把这份翻译发给客户之前,我会对它进行一些微调。)
3. "Touch on"也是一个常见的短语,在翻译中通常用来表示提及或涉及到某个话题。例如:"The article touched on the importance of cultural sensitivity in translation."(本次介绍提及了在翻译中文化敏感性的重要性。)
4. 除了作为动词外,"touch"还可以作为名词使用,在翻译行业中指代一次接触或联系。例如:"I had a touch with the client yesterday to discuss the project."(昨天我和客户有过一次接触,讨论了这个项目。)
5. 另外,"touch base"也是一个常用的短语,在翻译行业中指与某人取得联系或沟通。例如:"I'll touch base with you next week to go over the final details."(下周我会与你联系,讨论最后的细节。)
6. 在翻译行业中,我们也经常会遇到需要与客户沟通的情况。这时,我们可以使用"get in touch"这个短语来表示与客户取得联系。例如:"I'll get in touch with the client to confirm the deadline."(我会与客户联系,确认截止日期。)
7. 最后,"touch"还可以用作形容词,在翻译行业中表示某个文本或翻译的质量很高。例如:"This translation is very well done, it has a nice touch."(这份翻译做得非常好,有一种特别的感觉。)
1. Touch upon: 碰触,提及,涉及
例句:The speaker did not touch upon the controversial topic during the conference.
2. Keep in touch: 保持联系
例句:We promised to keep in touch after graduation.
3. Touch and go: 危险的,岌岌可危的
例句:The patient's condition is still touch and go, we need to monitor him closely.
4. Touch base: 联系,沟通
例句:Let's touch base next week to discuss our progress on the project.
5. Midas touch: 金手指,赚钱的能力
例句:He seems to have the Midas touch, everything he invests in turns into gold.
6. Light touch: 轻触,轻柔的感觉
例句:Her massage has a light touch that relaxes my muscles.
7. Keep your hands off/touch off: 不要碰,不要触碰
例句:Keep your hands off my phone, it's private.
8. Out of touch: 脱离联系,不了解最新情况
例句:After living abroad for years, he feels out of touch with his hometown.
9. Touch wood/knock on wood: 摸木头(以避免厄运)
例句:I've never been in a car accident, knock on wood!
10. In touch with: 与...保持联系,了解情况
例句:She is in touch with her old classmates through social media.
11. A human touch: 人性化的关怀/接触
例句:The hospital added a human touch by allowing patients to bring their pets for visits.
12. A personal touch: 个人风格/特色
例句:She added a personal touch to the wedding invitations by hand-writing the addresses.
13. Touchy subject: 敏感话题
例句:Let's avoid discussing politics, it's a touchy subject at family gatherings.
14. Lose your touch: 失去灵感/技巧
例句:He used to be a great painter, but he seems to have lost his touch in recent years.
15. Touch and feel: 触摸和感觉
例句:Children learn about different textures through touch and feel books.
16. Touch screen: 触摸屏幕
例句:The new smartphone has a larger touch screen for better user experience.
17. Touch-type: 盲打,不看键盘打字
例句:I can type faster when I touch-type instead of looking at the keyboard.
18. A light/dark touch: 轻微的/严厉的方式
例句:The teacher used a light touch when correcting the students' mistakes.
19. Touch off/on something: 引发,激起某事物
例句:Her speech touched off a heated debate among the audience.
20. Velvet touch: 丝绒般的触感,轻柔的手法
例句:The masseuse has a velvet touch that relaxes all my muscles
1. Contact - "Touch"的最常见近义词,可以用于表示与某人建立联系或接触。例如:"I will try to contact you as soon as possible."(我会尽快与你联系。)
2. Reach - 可以用来表示触及或达到某物。例如:"The tree branches were so high that I couldn't reach them."(树枝太高了,我够不着。)
3. Connect - 可以用来表示与某人建立联系或沟通。例如:"I feel like I can really connect with you."(我感觉我们真的能够沟通。)
4. Grasp - 通常用来表示抓住或理解某物。例如:"I couldn't grasp the concept until my teacher explained it to me."(直到老师向我解释,我才能理解这个概念。)
5. Feel - 可以用来表示触摸或感受某物的质地。例如:"The fabric feels very soft and smooth."(这种布料摸起来很柔软光滑。)
6. Tap - 通常用来表示轻轻碰触某物,也可以指点击屏幕操作电子设备。例如:"She tapped me on the shoulder to get my attention."(她轻拍了一下我的肩膀,想要引起我的注意。)
7. Graze - 可以用来形容轻轻擦过或刮过某物的动作。例如:"The bird's wing grazed my cheek as it flew by."(鸟儿飞过时,它的翅膀擦过了我的脸颊。)
8. Brush - 通常用来表示轻轻触碰某物的动作,也可以指刷牙或刷洗东西。例如:"He brushed his hand against mine as we walked."(我们走路时,他轻轻碰了一下我的手。)