toxic是一个英文单词,意思是“有毒的”或“有害的”。它通常用来形容一些物质,比如化学品、废气、废水等,具有危害性和毒性。但在当下年轻人的语境中,toxic也被用来形容一种关系或行为模式,指的是有害的、消极的、不健康的。比如,“toxic relationship”就指一段不良的感情关系,“toxic behavior”则指有害的行为方式。
那么,为什么toxic这个词会在当下年轻人中流行起来呢?这可能与现代社会中压力大、竞争激烈、焦虑普遍等因素有关。在这样的环境下,人们往往会表现出一些消极甚至有害的行为模式。比如,在工作场所,某些同事之间存在着勾心斗角、互相攀比、排挤他人等不良竞争现象,这就被称为“toxic workplace”。而在感情关系中,某些人可能会表现出控制欲强、暴力倾向或者精神虐待等不健康的行为方式,这就被称为“toxic relationship”
1. “toxic”一词的含义
2. 发音及拼写
3. 同义词及反义词
4. 用法示例
(1) Toxic chemicals can cause serious health problems.
(2) The toxic fumes from the factory affected the nearby residents.
(3) Some plants have developed a defense mechanism against toxic substances.
5. 常见短语及搭配
(1) toxic chemicals 有毒化学物质
(2) toxic waste 有毒废物
(3) toxic gas 有毒气体
(4) toxic effect 毒性影响
(5) toxic substance 有毒物质
(6) toxicology 毒理学
6. 延伸阅读:toxic在流行文化中的使用
“toxic”一词在流行文化中也有广泛的应用,常被用来形容某种事物具有强烈的吸引力,但又具有危险性。例如,布兰妮·斯皮尔斯(Britney Spears)的歌曲《Toxic》就是以这个词为题材,描绘了一段充满诱惑和危险的恋情。
1. 什么是toxic?
2. toxic的用法
- 形容词:toxic可以修饰物质、环境、关系等,表示其具有毒性或危险性。例如:“The toxic chemicals leaked into the river, causing serious damage to the environment.”(有毒化学物质泄漏到河里,对环境造成严重破坏。)
- 名词:toxic也可以作为名词使用,指代有毒物质或有害物质。例如:“The factory was accused of dumping toxic into the nearby lake.”(这家工厂被指控向附近的湖泊排放有毒物质。)
3. 双语例句
- The air in the city is filled with toxic pollutants from factories and vehicles.
- The relationship between them has become toxic and they can no longer work together.
- She had to go to the hospital after accidentally ingesting a toxic substance.
- The toxic effects of smoking are well-known, yet many people still choose to smoke.
1. "Toxic waste" - 有毒废物
2. "Toxic chemicals" - 有毒化学物质
3. "Toxic relationship" - 毒性关系
4. "Toxic behavior" - 有害行为
5. "Toxic culture" - 有害文化
6. "Toxic people" - 毒人们
7. "Toxic environment" - 有害环境
8. "Toxic substances" - 有毒物质
9. "Toxic air pollution" - 有毒空气污染
10. "Toxic masculinity" - 毒性男性气质
1. Poisonous
- Definition: containing poison; harmful or deadly
- Example: The berries on this plant are poisonous to humans.
2. Noxious
- Definition: harmful, toxic, or very unpleasant
- Example: The fumes from the factory were noxious and caused many people to become ill.
3. Venomous
- Definition: capable of injecting venom by means of a bite or sting; poisonous
- Example: The snake's venomous bite can be deadly if not treated immediately.
4. Hazardous
- Definition: involving risk or danger; potentially harmful or dangerous
- Example: The chemicals in this cleaning product can be hazardous if not used properly.
5. Contaminated
- Definition: made impure by exposure to or addition of a poisonous or polluting substance
- Example: The water in the river was contaminated by the nearby factory, making it unsafe to drink.
6. Toxicant
- Definition: a substance that is toxic or poisonous to living organisms
- Example: Pesticides are toxicants that can harm both pests and beneficial insects.
7. Deadly
- Definition: causing or able to cause death; fatal
- Example: Inhaling too much carbon monoxide can be deadly.
8. Lethal
- Definition: sufficient to cause death; deadly
- Example: The amount of arsenic found in the water supply was lethal to many residents in the area.
9. Virulent
- Definition: extremely severe or harmful in its effects; highly infectious
- Example: The virus was highly virulent and spread quickly throughout the community.
10. Harmful
- Definition: causing harm; detrimental
- Example: Smoking is harmful to your health and can lead to various diseases