1. 作为动词,toy意为“玩弄、摆弄”,通常用于形容对某物或某人的轻浮、不认真的态度。比如,“He likes to toy with his food instead of eating it.”(他喜欢玩弄食物而不是吃掉它。)
2. 另外一个常见的含义是“模仿或者模拟”,比如,“She toyes with the idea of becoming an actress.”(她在考虑模仿成为一名演员。)
3. 在美国俚语中,toy也可以指代“性伴侣”,尤其是指年轻女性和年长男性之间的关系。这种用法通常带有贬义。
4. 最后一个意思就比较有趣了,toy还可以用来形容某件事情很简单或者没什么挑战性。比如,“This task is just a toy for me, I can finish it in no time.”(这个任务对我来说太简单了,我很快就能完成。)
1. 首先,让我们来看一下toy这个单词的发音。它的发音为/tɔɪ/,其中/t/发音类似于汉语拼音中的“t”,/ɔɪ/发音类似于汉语拼音中的“oi”。
2. 如果你觉得这个发音有点难以理解,没关系,让我们来分解一下。首先是/t/的发音,它是一个清辅音,在发出时舌头要抵住上齿龈,然后突然松开,同时声带震动。接着是/ɔɪ/的发音,它是一个双元音,由两个元音组合而成。首先是开口元音/o/的发音,舌头放平并稍微向后移动;然后是半元音/i/的发音,舌头稍微向前移动并抬起。
3. 如果你还是觉得有些困难,可以试着跟着我的示范一起练*。先说出“t”,然后再说出“oi”,最后快速地连在一起就可以了。
4. 需要注意的是,在英语中,“oy”这个字母组合通常都会读作/ɔɪ/这样的双元音。所以不仅toy这个单词如此,其他像boy、joy、royal等单词也都是这样发音的。
5. 除了这个基本的发音规则,还有一些特殊情况需要注意。比如在一些美式英语中,toy可能会被读作/tɔɪj/,多了一个/j/的音。而在一些方言中,toy也可能会被读作/tɔɪə/,多了一个弱化元音/ə/。
6. 总之,要想准确地发出toy这个单词的音,最重要的是练*和模仿。通过不断地听、说、读、写来熟悉这个单词的发音,相信很快就可以轻松地掌握啦!
1. Toy的基本含义
2. Toy作为名词的用法
a. 指儿童玩具:Toy通常指一些小巧、可爱、适合儿童玩耍的物品,如玩偶、积木、拼图等。
例句:She loves playing with her new toy car.(她喜欢和她新买的玩具车一起玩。)
b. 指成人收藏品:在英语中,Toy还可以指成人收藏的一些小型模型,如火车模型、汽车模型等。
例句:He has a large collection of vintage toys in his room.(他房间里有很多复古玩具收藏品。)
c. 指某种装饰物:在时尚界,Toy也可以指一些小巧可爱的装饰品。
例句:The designer used colorful toys to decorate the children's clothing store.(设计师用五颜六色的小装饰品来装饰儿童服装店。)
3. Toy作为动词的用法
a. 表示玩耍:Toy作为动词时,常用于与介词with连用,表示“和某物一起玩耍”。
例句:The children were toying with their new gadgets.(孩子们正在和他们的新玩具一起玩。)
b. 表示嬉戏:Toy也可以指一种轻松愉快的嬉戏活动。
例句:The couple was toying with each other in the park.(这对夫妇在公园里相互嬉戏。)
4. 双语例句
a. He was playing with a toy car on the floor.
b. The little girl's room was filled with all kinds of toys.
c. The cat loves to toy with the balls of yarn.
d. The designer used toy soldiers as decorations for the fashion show.
e. He was just toying with her feelings, he never intended to marry her.
1. Toy store - 玩具店
Toy store is a retail establishment that sells a variety of toys for children of all ages. It is a popular destination for parents and children to shop for toys and games.
2. Toy car - 玩具车
A toy car is a miniature version of a real car that can be played with by children. It can be made of plastic, metal or other materials and often has movable parts such as doors and wheels.
3. Toy train - 玩具火车
A toy train is a small model train that is powered by electricity, batteries or manual force. It is a popular toy among young children and hobbyists who enjoy collecting different types of trains.
4. Soft toy - 毛绒玩具
Soft toys, also known as plush toys or stuffed animals, are made from soft materials such as cotton, wool or synthetic fibers. They are often designed to resemble animals and are cuddly companions for children.
5. Wooden toy - 木制玩具
Wooden toys are made from natural materials such as wood and are known for their durability and eco-friendliness. They come in various shapes and sizes, including puzzles, blocks, and figurines.
6. Educational toy - 教育玩具
Educational toys are designed to teach children certain skills or knowledge while they play. They can range from simple puzzles to more complex building sets, helping children develop their cognitive abilities.
7. Remote control toy - 遥控玩具
Remote control toys are operated by remote controllers that allow users to control the movement of the toy from a distance. They often include cars, drones, helicopters, and boats.
8. Action figure - 动作人偶
An action figure is a poseable character figurine based on characters from movies, TV shows or comic books. They are popular among children and collectors alike.
9. Board game - 桌游
Board games are played on a board with counters or pieces that represent players' moves. They can be educational, strategic, or purely for entertainment purposes.
10. Building blocks - 积木
Building blocks are small, interlocking pieces that can be assembled to create different structures and shapes. They are commonly used as a learning tool for young children to develop their motor skills and creativity.
11. Dollhouse - 娃娃屋
A dollhouse is a miniature house used for playing with dolls and other small toys. It often includes furniture and accessories to create a realistic living space for the dolls.
12. Play kitchen - 儿童厨房
A play kitchen is a toy kitchen set designed for children to imitate cooking and preparing food. It often includes pots, pans, utensils, and play food items.
13. Musical toy - 音乐玩具
Musical toys produce sound or music when played with by children. They can range from simple instruments like drums and xylophones to electronic keyboards and toy guitars.
14. Water toy - 水上玩具
Water toys are designed for playing in the water, such as pools, bathtubs or beaches. They can include inflatable floats, water guns, and other water games.
15. Outdoor toy - 室外玩具
Outdoor toys encourage physical activity and play outside of the house. Examples include bikes, scooters, swings, slides, and trampolines
1. Plaything - 玩具
2. Trinket - 小饰物
3. Knickknack - 小摆设
4. Bauble - 小玩意儿
5. Amusement - 娱乐
Toy和amusement都有娱乐的含义,但amusement更偏向于形容一种活动或场所,而toy则更偏向于形容一种物品。例如:amusement park(游乐园)和toy store(玩具店)。
6. Diversion - 消遣
Toy也可以指消遣的物品,如puzzle toy(拼图玩具)和fidget toy(小玩具)。Diversion则更广泛地指消遣的活动,如reading as a diversion(阅读作为一种消遣)。
7. Game - 游戏
Toy也可以指游戏中的道具,如board game pieces(桌游棋子)。Game也可以用来指玩具,如video game(电子游戏)。
8. Trifle - 琐事
9. Knickknackery - 小摆设店
Toy store和knickknackery都是卖小玩意儿的商店。但knickknackery更强调出售小摆设的店铺。
10. Miniature - 小型模型
Toy也可以指小型模型,如toy cars(小汽车模型)。Miniature则更偏向于形容缩小比例的物品。例如:miniature dollhouse(缩小比例的娃娃屋)