1. transit的定义
2. transit的起源
3. transit的用法
a. 作名词时:
- Transit可以指代旅行或运输过程中经过的地点或途径。
- Transit也可以指代货物或人员运输。
- Transit还可以指代一种交通工具,如公交车、火车等。
b. 作动词时:
- Transit可以表示通过某个地方或途径。
- Transit也可以表示运输货物或人员。
- Transit还可以表示穿过某个地点。
4. transit的相关词汇
a. transit作为名词时,常见的相关词汇有:
- Transit system:运输系统
- Transit route:运输路线
- Transit point:中转点、过境点
b. transit作为动词时,常见的相关词汇有:
- Transiting:正在经过、通过中
- Transitable:可通过的、可运输的
- Transit time:运输时间
5. transit在不同领域的用法
a. 在天文学领域,transit指代星体通过天空的现象。例如,“水星凌日是一种罕见的transit现象”。
b. 在交通运输领域,transit指代货物或人员的运输过程。例如,“海关要求所有进入该国境内的货物都必须经过transit检查”。
c. 在城市规划领域,transit通常指代公共交通系统。例如,“政府计划建设更多的轨道交通线路来改善城市的transit系统”
1. transit的英文意思是“运输、过境、中转”等。
2. 它的读音为[ˈtrænzɪt],其中重点在于第一个音节的发音,读作[træn],注意不要读成[træns]。
3. 在美式英语中,也可以听到一些人将transit的最后一个音节发成[tɪt],但这种发音并不标准,建议还是按照[ˈtrænzɪt]的方式来读。
4. transit这个词源于拉丁语transitum,意为“通过、穿越”,后来演变为transitus,在英语中则变成了transit。它最早出现在15世纪,表示“通过某地或某物”,后来引申为“运输、交通”等含义。
5. 在日常生活中,我们可以用transit来指代各种运输方式,比如公共交通工具、货运车辆等。例如:I usually take the bus as my transit to work.(我通常乘坐公交车去上班。)
6. 另外,在航空领域中,transit也可以指代航班的中转或连接。例如:Our flight has a transit in Dubai before reaching New York.(我们的航班在迪拜中转后才会到达纽约。)
7. 此外,在商业和贸易领域,transit也可以指代货物的中转运输。例如:The goods will be shipped to China via transit in Singapore.(这批货物将通过新加坡中转运往中国。)
8. 最后,transit还可以用作动词,表示“通过、穿越”等含义。例如:We transited through three countries before reaching our final destination.(我们在到达最终目的地之前经过了三个国家。)
9. 总的来说,transit是一个十分常用且灵活的词汇,在不同领域都有着广泛的应用。希望通过本小节,您已经掌握了它的正确发音和基本意思,能够在日常交流中更加自信地使用它
1. Transit的基本含义
2. Transit的常见用法
(1) 作为名词:
a. 过境:例如,“I have a transit in London before arriving in Paris.”(我在抵达巴黎之前会在伦敦中转。)
b. 中转:例如,“The package is currently in transit and will arrive at your location tomorrow.”(包裹目前正在运输途中,明天将会送达你的地址。)
c. 运输:例如,“The transit of goods between these two countries has been greatly facilitated by the new trade agreement.”(这两个国家之间的货物运输由于新的贸易协定而*便利。)
(2) 作为动词:
a. 通过:例如,“We need to transit through this tunnel to get to the other side of the mountain.”(我们需要通过这条隧道才能到达山的另一边。)
b. 穿越:例如,“The hikers transited through the dense forest, facing many challenges along the way.”(徒步旅行者们穿越茂密的森林,在路上面临着许多挑战。)
3. Transit的双语例句
a. The shipment is currently in transit and will arrive at its destination in two days. (货物目前正在运输途中,将在两天后到达目的地。)
b. Passengers who are transiting through this airport must go through security screening again before boarding their connecting flight. (在这个机场中转的乘客必须在登上下一班航班之前再次接受安全检查。)
c. The train will transit through several cities before reaching its final destination. (这趟火车将会经过几个城市,在到达最终目的地之前。)
1. In transit - 在运输中,指物品或人员正在被运输的过程中。
2. Transit visa - 过境签证,指在旅行途中需要经过某个国家时所需的签证。
3. Transit lounge - 过境休息室,指机场或火车站等交通枢纽内提供给旅客休息和等待的场所。
4. Transit hub - 过境枢纽,指连接多条交通线路的重要交通枢纽,如机场、火车站等。
5. Transit system - 运输系统,指由多种交通方式组成的整体运输网络。
6. Transit pass - 通行证,指可以在一定时间内使用多种交通工具的票证。
7. Transit time - 运输时间,指物品从出发地到目的地所需的时间。
8. Transit point - 中转点,指物品或人员在运输途中需要停留或转换交通工具的地点。
9. Transit fee - 运费,指为使用某种交通工具而支付的费用。
10. Transit zone - 过境区域,指允许旅客在不入境情况下转机或转车的特定区域
1. Transport - This word can be used as a synonym for transit, as it also refers to the movement of people or goods from one place to another.
2. Passage - Transit can also be replaced by this word, which means the act of passing through or traveling from one place to another.
3. Transfer - This term can be used as a synonym for transit when referring to the movement of people or goods from one mode of transportation to another.
4. Journey - Transit can also be described as a journey, especially when talking about long-distance travel or transportation.
5. Conveyance - This word refers to the act of transporting someone or something from one place to another and can be used interchangeably with transit.
6. Commute - When referring to daily travel between home and work, commute can be used instead of transit.
7. Movement - Transit involves the movement of people or goods, so this word can also be used as a synonym for it.
8. Passage - Similar to "passage," this word refers to the act of traveling through a place and can replace transit in certain contexts.
9. Transporting - This term is often used when talking about the physical act of moving someone or something from one place to another, making it an appropriate synonym for transit.
10. Traveling - Another alternative for transit, this word emphasizes the act of going from one place to another and can refer to either short or long-distance trips.
11. Conveying - Similar to "conveyance," this word refers to transporting someone or something and can be used in place of transit in certain situations.
12. Carrying - When talking about moving objects from one location to another, carrying is an appropriate synonym for transit.
13. Shipment - In terms of goods being transported, "shipment" is a suitable replacement for transit.
14. Voyage - This term is often associated with long-distance travel, and can be used as a synonym for transit in certain contexts.
15. Transferal - Similar to "transfer," this word refers to the act of moving someone or something from one place to another and can be used interchangeably with transit