
语言百科2024-11-12 05:12:29留学世界



1. 简介



2. “trashy”的含义


3. “trashy英文”的使用场景


4. 如何避免写出“trashy英文”的内容?



1. 咋读?

2. 垃圾英文怎么念?

3. 有没有更酷的读法?

4. 比较时髦的发音是什么?

5. 能不能让你的英文听起来更时尚?

6. 垃圾英文如何发音才能不落俗套?

7. 如何在说垃圾英文时不被人嘲笑?

8. 如何让你的英语听起来更有范儿?

9. 有没有一种更潮流的读法?

10. 如何让你的英语听起来更有个性?







- This movie is so trashy, I couldn't even finish watching it.(这部电影太烂了,我甚至都没法看完。)

- The lyrics of this song are so trashy, I can't believe it's even allowed to be played on the radio.(这首歌的歌词太粗俗了,我都不敢相信它能在广播里播放。)

- I can't believe people actually enjoy reading such trashy articles.(我无法相信人们居然喜欢阅读这种垃圾文章。)

- The comments on this post are so trashy, I can't believe people would say such things.(这篇帖子下面的评论太低俗了,我无法相信人们会说出这样的话。)




- 多阅读优质的英文文章,提高自己的语言修养。

- 注意选择合适的词汇和表达方式,避免使用粗俗或不雅的词汇。

- 如果在社交媒体上看到一些低俗内容,可以选择不予评论或用更礼貌的方式表达自己的观点


1. Tacky language - 粗俗的语言

2. Vulgar phrases - 下流的词语

3. Trashy slang - 庸俗的俚语

4. Tasteless expressions - 无品味的表达方式

5. Crude words - 粗鄙的话语

6. Raunchy terms - 下流的术语

7. Cheesy sayings - 俗气的说法

8. Low-class jargon - 低级阶层的行话

9. Smutty language - 淫秽的语言

10. Gaudy idioms - 俗艳的*语

11. Trashy colloquialisms - 庸俗的口语*惯用语

12. Crass expressions - 粗野的表达方式

13. Tasteless vernacular - 无品味的方言用语

14. Lewd phrases - 淫猥的词组

15. Inappropriate slang - 不合适的俚语

16. Vulgar colloquialisms - 下流的口头禅

17. Rude terms - 粗鲁的词汇

18. Trashy catchphrases- 庸俗的口号

19.Tacky idioms- 粗俗的成语

20.Smutty expressions- 淫秽的表达方式


1. Garbage English

Garbage English is a term used to describe poorly written or spoken English that is of low quality or value. It can refer to both written and spoken language, and is often used to describe language that is vulgar, offensive, or lacking in substance.

2. Shoddy English

Shoddy English refers to language that is poorly constructed, unrefined, or lacking in quality. It can also refer to language that is careless or sloppy in its use of grammar and vocabulary.

3. Lowbrow English

Lowbrow English is a term used to describe language that is considered crude, unsophisticated, or lacking in intellectual depth. It can also refer to language that caters to popular culture and entertainment rather than more serious topics.

4. Trashy Language

Trashy language refers to any form of communication that is considered vulgar, obscene, or distasteful. It can include both written and spoken language and often involves the use of swear words or other offensive terms.

5. Tacky English

Tacky English refers to language that is considered cheap, gaudy, or tasteless. It can also refer to language that lacks refinement or sophistication.

6. Vulgar English

Vulgar English refers to any form of communication that is considered crude, rude, or offensive. It often involves the use of profanity or other inappropriate language.

7. Poorly Written/Spoken English

This term simply refers to any form of written or spoken communication that is poorly constructed, unclear, or difficult to understand.

8. Inelegant English

Inelegant English refers to language that lacks gracefulness or beauty in its expression. It can also refer to clumsy writing or speaking style.

9. Substandard English

Substandard English refers to any form of communication that does not meet expected standards of quality or accuracy. This could include poor grammar usage, spelling errors, or lack of coherence.

10. Trashy Slang

Trashy slang refers to informal language that is considered vulgar, offensive, or inappropriate. It often involves the use of slang words or phrases that are considered crude or distasteful.

11. Crude English

Crude English refers to language that is considered rough, unrefined, or lacking in sophistication. It can also refer to language that is overly simplistic or basic in its use of vocabulary and grammar.

12. Unpolished English

Unpolished English refers to language that is not refined or polished in its style or expression. It can also refer to language that lacks finesse or attention to detail.

13. Raunchy English

Raunchy English refers to language that is considered sexually explicit, obscene, or indecent. It often involves the use of vulgar terms and references to sexual acts.

14. Gaudy English

Gaudy English refers to language that is showy, flashy, or overly ornate in its style. It can also refer to language that is lacking in taste or refinement.

15. Tawdry English

Tawdry English refers to language that is cheap, tasteless, or vulgar in its expression. It can also refer to language that lacks class or sophistication

