
语言百科2024-11-12 06:52:28留学世界





1. 对待、处理

首先,treat可以表示对待或处理某件事情。比如,“How did you treat your guests last night?”(你昨晚对待你的客人怎么样了?)这里的treat就是指对待客人的方式。

2. 款待、招待

另外,treat也可以表示款待或招待。比如,“I'll treat you to dinner tonight.”(今晚我请你吃饭。)这里的treat就是指请客吃饭。

3. 治疗、医治

当然,我们最熟悉的意思还是“治疗”的意思啦!比如,“The doctor will treat your illness with antibiotics.”(医生会用抗生素来治疗你的疾病。)这里的treat就是指医治。

4. 买单、付账

除此之外,treat也可以作为一个名词使用,表示买单或付账。比如,“It's my treat this time.”(这次我来买单。)这里的treat就表示由自己来付账。

5. 好吃的东西、美食



1. “treat”是一个多义词,可以作为动词、名词和形容词使用。

2. 作为动词,它的意思是“对待”、“治疗”、“款待”等。

3. 作为名词,它可以指“款待”、“美食”、“乐趣”等。

4. 作为形容词,它的意思是“精心制作的”、“特别的”等。

5. 在口语中,我们通常会把“treat”的发音简化成/tɹit/,即/t/和/r/连读的音


1. Treat的基本意思


2. 对待的意思


- The teacher always treats her students with kindness and patience. (老师总是以善良和耐心对待她的学生。)

- I treat my friends as my family. (我把我的朋友当作家人一样对待。)

3. 治疗的意思


- The doctor is treating me for a cold. (医生正在给我治感冒。)

- She has been treated for depression for years. (她多年来一直在接受抑郁症治疗。)

4. 款待的意思


- We were treated to a delicious dinner by our host. (我们的主人招待我们享用了一顿美味的晚餐。)

- My parents always treat me to a trip on my birthday. (我的父母总是在我的生日时给我安排一次旅行。)

5. 双语例句


- The company treats its employees with respect and offers them good benefits. (公司以尊重的态度对待员工,并为他们提供良好的福利。)

- The doctor treated the patient's wounds with care. (医生小心地给病人处理伤口。)

- She was treated for cancer at the best hospital in the city. (她在城里最好的医院接受了癌症治疗。)

- The hotel treated us to a complimentary breakfast every morning. (酒店每天早晨都免费为我们提供早餐。)

- My boss always treats me like a friend, not just an employee. (我的老板总是把我当作朋友,而不仅仅是员工。)


1. Treat as: 将...视为,把...当作

例如:We should treat everyone as equals. (我们应该把每个人都当作平等的。)

2. Treat with: 以...对待,对...表示

例如:She always treats her friends with kindness and respect. (她总是以善良和尊重的态度对待她的朋友。)

3. Treat to: 款待,招待

例如:We treated our guests to a delicious dinner last night. (昨晚我们招待我们的客人享用了一顿美味的晚餐。)

4. Treat for: 为...而治疗,给予治疗

例如:The doctor prescribed some medicine to treat the patient's illness. (医生开了一些药给病人治疗疾病。)

5. Treat of: 讨论,谈论

例如:The book treats of various social issues in great detail. (这本书详细讨论了各种社会问题。)

6. Treat with care: 小心处理,小心对待

例如:These fragile items should be treated with care during transportation. (这些易碎物品在运输过程中应该小心处理。)

7. Treat someone like royalty: 对某人像皇室成员一样款待

例如:The hotel staff treated us like royalty during our stay there. (在酒店住宿期间,工作人员对我们像皇室成员一样款待。)

8. Treat yourself: 奖励自己,给自己好的东西

例如:After a long week of work, I like to treat myself to a spa day. (工作了一整周后,我喜欢奖励自己享受一天的水疗。)

9. A treat for the eyes: 眼睛的享受,美景

例如:The view from the top of the mountain was a real treat for the eyes. (从山顶上看到的景色真是眼睛的享受。)

10. Treat someone with respect: 尊重某人

例如:We should always treat others with respect, regardless of their background or status. (无论别人的背景或地位如何,我们都应该尊重他人。)


1. Pamper - It means to indulge or spoil someone with special treatment, often in a luxurious way.

Example: He treated himself to a day at the spa, indulging in massages and facials.

2. Spoil - Similar to pamper, it refers to giving someone special treatment or attention.

Example: The boss spoiled his employees with a fancy dinner to celebrate their hard work.

3. Delight - This word conveys a sense of pleasure and enjoyment, often through special treatment or surprises.

Example: The hotel staff delighted their guests with complimentary champagne upon arrival.

4. Lavish - It means to give generously or extravagantly, often in terms of money or resources.

Example: The wealthy businessman lavished his family with expensive gifts during the holidays.

5. Dote - This word implies showing excessive love and attention towards someone.

Example: The grandparents doted on their grandchildren, always treating them with sweets and toys.

6. Indulge - It means to allow oneself or someone else to enjoy something pleasurable, often without restraint.

Example: She indulged in a shopping spree, treating herself to designer clothes and accessories.

7. Gratify - This word suggests satisfying someone's desires or needs through special treatment or favors.

Example: The chef gratified his customers' taste buds by preparing a delicious five-course meal for them.

8. Regale - It means to entertain someone lavishly or delightfully with food, drink, or stories.

Example: The host regaled his guests with tales from his travels while treating them to a feast fit for kings.

9. Cherish - This word conveys the idea of treasuring someone by showing them love and affection through special treatment.

Example: She cherished her best friend by treating her like family and always being there for her.

10. Honor - It means to treat someone with great respect and admiration due to their achievements or qualities.

Example: The company honored its top performers by treating them to an all-expenses-paid trip to a tropical island

treat是一个常用的英语单词,其意思为“对待、治疗、款待”等。它的发音为/triːt/,可以用作动词和名词,在不同的语境中有着不同的含义。例如,在工作场合中,我们应该以礼相待(treat)他人;在医学领域,医生会给病人进行治疗(treat);而在社交活动中,我们可以邀请朋友来享受一顿美味的饭菜(treat)。此外,treat还有许多常用的词组,如“treat someone with respect”(尊重某人)、“a special treat”(特别款待)、“trick or treat”(不给糖就捣蛋)等。与treat意思相近的单词还有deal、handle、entertain等。希望本文能够帮助大家更好地理解和使用这个词汇。

