1. 首先,我们需要知道“triggered”的正确发音。它的读音为/trɪɡərd/,其中的“r”发音要轻一些。
2. “Triggered”是一个形容词,意为“被激怒的、受触发的”。它通常用来形容某人因为某件事而情绪激动或受到影响。
3. 这个词最初来源于枪支领域,在射击时扣动扳机(trigger)就会引发(trigger)子弹发射。随着时间的推移,“triggered”逐渐演变成了一个流行的网络用语,用来表达被激怒或受到触发的状态。
4. 比如,当你看到一则令人不快的新闻时,可能会说“I'm so triggered right now.”(我现在真的被激怒了。)或者当你朋友开玩笑惹你生气时,你也可以说“You really know how to trigger me.”(你真是知道如何惹我生气。)
5. 总之,“triggered”这个词可以用来形容任何让人情绪激动或受到影响的情况,它的发音也很简单,记住/trɪɡərd/就可以了。现在你可以上演一番“triggered”的表情了!
1. 用法解释
2. 动词用法举例
a) The loud noise triggered a panic among the crowd.
b) The smell of freshly baked bread always triggers my appetite.
c) The decision to raise taxes has triggered a heated debate among politicians.
3. 形容词用法举例
a) She was triggered by the sight of her ex-boyfriend with another girl.
b) His triggered response to criticism showed his insecurity.
c) The comedian's jokes often have a triggered effect on his audience.
4. 双语例句
a) The sudden drop in temperature triggered a snowstorm in the mountainous region. (突然降温在山区引发了一场暴风雪。)
b) The release of the new iPhone triggered a frenzy among tech enthusiasts. (新iPhone的发布在科技爱好者中引发了疯狂。)
c) The controversial statement made by the politician triggered a wave of protests. (政治家的有争议言论引发了一波抗议活动。)
d) The smell of her mother's cooking always triggers fond memories for Jane. (母亲做饭的气味总是会唤起简对美好回忆。)
e) The movie triggered a range of emotions in the audience, from laughter to tears. (这部电影在观众中引发了各种情绪,从笑声到泪水。)
1. Triggered response
Triggered response是指由某种刺激引发的反应或反应链。这个词组通常用于描述生物学或心理学中的现象,如触发性记忆、触发性反应等。
2. Triggered event
Triggered event指的是由某个特定事件或条件所引发的事件。在计算机科学领域,这个词组通常用于描述软件系统中的事件驱动机制,如触发器(triggers)、事件处理器(event handlers)等。
3. Triggered mechanism
Triggered mechanism是指由特定刺激所引发的生理或心理机制。这个词组常用于描述人类身体对外部环境变化做出的自动调节反应,如光线、温度、声音等。
4. Triggered behavior
Triggered behavior是指由外界刺激所引发的行为模式。这个词组通常用于描述动物在特定环境下做出的自然反应,如捕食行为、求偶行为等。
5. Triggered emotions
Triggered emotions是指由某种刺激所引起的情绪变化。这个词组通常用于描述人类在面临压力、挑战或紧急情况时产生的强烈情绪反应。
6. Triggered reaction
Triggered reaction是指由某种刺激所引发的生理或心理反应。这个词组通常用于描述人类对外界刺激做出的自动反应,如痛觉反应、恐惧反应等。
7. Triggered memories
Triggered memories是指由特定刺激所唤起的记忆。这个词组通常用于描述人类在经历某些事件后,由相关的刺激引发的记忆回忆。
8. Triggered state
Triggered state是指由外界刺激所导致的身体或心理状态改变。这个词组通常用于描述人类在面对不同环境时,身体和心理上的自动调节。
9. Triggered response system
Triggered response system是指由特定刺激所引发的生物学或心理学系统。这个词组通常用于描述人类身体对外部环境变化做出的自动调节反应系统。
10. Triggered chain reaction
Triggered chain reaction指的是由特定事件或条件所引发的连锁反应。这个词组通常用于描述物理学、化学等领域中连锁反应机制
1. Provoked: This word is often used to describe a strong emotional reaction, similar to triggered. For example, "The news of his betrayal provoked her to tears."
2. Incited: This word can also be used to describe something that causes a strong emotional response. For instance, "The politician's speech incited anger among the crowd."
3. Enraged: This word is often used to describe intense anger or fury, similar to being triggered. For example, "The unfair treatment of the workers enraged the union leader."
4. Infuriated: Similar to enraged, this word also describes intense anger or rage. For instance, "Her rude behavior infuriated her coworkers."
5. Riled up: This phrase is commonly used to describe someone who is agitated or angry due to a certain situation or event. For example, "The students were riled up about the new dress code policy."
6. Irritated: This word can be used to describe a slight annoyance or frustration, similar to being triggered. For instance, "His constant tapping on the desk irritated his classmates."
7. Set off: This phrase can be used as a synonym for triggered in certain contexts. It means to cause something or someone to react in a strong way. For example, "The loud noise set off my dog's barking."
8. Ignited: Similar to set off, this word also means to cause something or someone to react strongly and quickly. For instance, "His careless comment ignited an argument between the two friends."
9. Sparked: This word can also be used as a synonym for triggered when describing an emotional response that is suddenly and intensely ignited by something external.
10. Activated: Similar to sparked and set off, this word can also mean causing something or someone to react strongly and quickly due to a certain event or situation.
11 . Stirred up: This phrase is often used to describe a strong emotional reaction that is caused by something or someone. For example, "The controversial article stirred up a lot of debate among readers."
12. Aroused: This word can be used to describe an intense emotional response, similar to being triggered. For instance, "The graphic images in the movie aroused fear and disgust in the audience."
13. Inflamed: This word can also be used as a synonym for triggered when describing a strong emotional response that is caused by something or someone. For example, "The politician's inflammatory remarks inflamed tensions between the two countries."
14. Elicited: This word means to draw out or evoke a certain reaction or response from someone or something. For instance, "The comedian's jokes elicited laughter from the audience."
15. Spurred: Similar to elicited and sparked, this word also means to cause something or someone to react strongly and quickly due to a certain event or situation