1. 什么是turnoff?
2. turnoff的常见用法
2.1 关闭电器设备
Turnoff最常见的用法就是指关闭电器设备。比如我们要离开家时,会说“我要把灯关掉(turn off the light)”;在开车时,会提醒乘客“请把手机关掉(turn off your phone)”;在使用电脑时,也会有提示说“请勿忘记关掉(turn off)电源”。
2.2 停止某项活动
除了表示关闭电器设备外,turnoff还可以用来表示停止某项活动。比如我们可能听到过这样的话:“我今天早上起晚了,所以错过了火车(turn off the train)”;或者在工作中,“老板突然决定取消今天的会议(turn off the meeting)”。
2.3 让人感到不舒服或不满意
除了上述两种用法外,turnoff还可以用来形容让人感到不舒服或不满意的事物。比如我们可能会说某个人的行为让我们“觉得很反感(turn off)”;或者在餐厅用餐时,发现菜品不新鲜,“这道菜真的很令人失望(turn off)”。
3. turnoff的同义词
3.1 Shut off
Shut off也是指关闭电器设备或停止某项活动。它与turnoff在用法上基本相同,只是shut off更多地强调关闭的动作。
3.2 Switch off
Switch off也可以用来表示关闭电器设备,但它更多地指使用开关来控制。比如我们通常会说“请把灯关掉(switch off the light)”;或者在开车时,“请把手机关掉(switch off your phone)”。
3.3 Turn down
Turn down通常用来表示拒绝或拒绝接受某件事情。它也可以用来形容让人感到不舒服或不满意的事物。比如我们可能会说“我向他提出了建议,但他却把我拒绝了(turn me down)”;或者在外出吃饭时,“这家餐厅实在是太差劲了(turn me down)”
1. turnoff的含义
2. 怎么读?
3. turnoff的用法
turnoff作为名词时,可以表示某种事物或行为让人感到厌烦、不感兴趣。例如:“The constant advertisements were a real turnoff for me.”(频繁出现的广告让我很反感。)此外,它也可以指代某种地方或物品让人失去兴趣。例如:“The dirty and run-down hotel was a major turnoff for tourists.”(那家肮脏破旧的旅馆让游客们对此地失去了兴趣。)
作为动词时,turnoff可以表示关闭某个设备或系统。例如:“Please remember to turn off the lights when you leave the room.”(离开房间时请记得关灯。)此外,它还可以指代停止做某件事情。例如:“The bad weather turned off many people from attending the event.”(恶劣的天气让很多人放弃参加这次活动。)
4. turnoff的同义词
如果你想要表达类似的意思,除了使用turnoff之外,还可以使用其他一些同义词。例如,dislike、disgust、repel等都可以表示厌烦或不感兴趣的情绪。而shut down、power off、close等则可以替代turnoff作为动词使用
1. turnoff的定义和用法
2. turnoff的双语例句
- The turnoff to the highway was blocked by a fallen tree.
- Can you please turn off the TV? I can't concentrate on my work.
- The constant negativity of the news is such a turnoff for me.
- He had a habit of constantly checking his phone, which was a real turnoff for his date.
- The party was fun until the loud music became a major turnoff for some guests.
3. 如何避免使用turnoff
如果你想要避免使用turnoff这个词,可以考虑使用一些同义词,比如“shut down”、“switch off”、“put off”等。同时,也可以使用一些形容词来描述某人或某物让人感到不愉快、厌烦或失去兴趣,比如“disgusting”、“annoying”、“boring”等
1. "Off-putting" - 指令人反感的,让人不愉快的。
2. "A turnoff" - 令人厌恶的事物或特征。
3. "Unappealing" - 不吸引人的,缺乏吸引力的。
4. "A deal-breaker" - 无法接受的事情,让人无法继续下去的原因。
5. "A mood killer" - 打破气氛的事情,让人心情大受影响。
6. "A buzzkill" - 扫兴的事情,让人失去兴致。
7. "A turnoff factor" - 影响令人反感程度的因素。
8. "A turnoff trait" - 令人厌恶的特征。
9. "A turnoff behavior" - 让人反感的行为举止。
10. "Offensive" - 冒犯性的,令人不快的
1. Put off: This phrase is often used to describe something that causes someone to lose interest or become uninterested in a particular topic or activity. For example, "The poor quality of the food at the restaurant really put me off from ever going back there again."
2. Buzzkill: This slang term is used to describe something or someone that ruins a fun or exciting atmosphere. For instance, "The constant rain was a real buzzkill for our outdoor party."
3. Mood killer: Similar to buzzkill, this term refers to something that dampens the mood or energy of a situation. For example, "His negative attitude was such a mood killer during our vacation."
4. Turn down: This phrase can be used to indicate rejection or refusal of something, which can be a turnoff for some people. For instance, "She turned down his invitation to go out on a date, which was a big turnoff for him."
5. Deal breaker: This term is often used in dating scenarios and refers to something that is unacceptable or intolerable in a potential partner. For example, "Smoking is a deal breaker for me when it comes to relationships."
turnoff是一个常用的英语单词,它可以表示关闭、关闭电源、关掉等意思。它的读音为[ˈtɜːrnɒf],在口语中常被缩写为“TO”。turnoff的用法也非常灵活,可以作为动词、名词和形容词使用,并且有许多常用的相关词组。例如,我们可以说“Please turn off the lights before leaving the room.”(请在离开房间前关灯。)或者“His rude behavior was a major turnoff for me.”(他粗鲁的行为让我很反感。)另外,turnoff还有一些同义词,如shut down、switch off等。总之,掌握好turnoff这个单词对于提高英语水平和日常交流都非常重要。