
语言百科2024-11-13 04:46:24留学世界







1. 转向/转动:最常见的意思就是指物体或身体改变方向或位置。例如,“Turn left at the next intersection.”(在下一个十字路口左转。)或者,“He turned his head to look at me.”(他转过头来看着我。)

2. 变成:指某物从一种状态变为另一种状态。例如,“The leaves have turned red in autumn.”(树叶在秋天变红了。)

3. 轮到/轮换:用于表示轮流做某事或轮流拥有某物。例如,“It's your turn to do the dishes.”(现在轮到你洗碗了。)或者,“It's my turn to use the computer.”(现在该我用电脑了。)

4. 机会:指某人有做某事的机会。例如,“This job is my big turn to prove myself.”(这份工作是我证明自己的大好机会。)

5. 转变/改变:表示从一种情况、状态或想法转变为另一种。例如,“He has had a complete turn of heart.”(他已经彻底改变想法了。)

6. 轮廓/形状:指物体的外形或轮廓。例如,“The vase has a beautiful turn to it.”(这个花瓶有一个漂亮的轮廓。)

7. 变成…的样子:表示某人或物体变得某种样子。例如,“She turned pale when she saw the ghost.”(她看到鬼时脸色变白了。)或者,“The milk has turned sour.”(牛奶已经变酸了。)

8. 旋转/转动:用于描述物体以圆周运动或自转。例如,“The Earth turns on its axis once every 24 hours.”(地球每24小时绕着自己的轴旋转一次。)



1. 什么是turn

Turn是一个英语单词,意思是“旋转”、“转动”、“转变”等。它可以作为动词使用,也可以作为名词使用。在日常生活中,我们经常会用到这个单词,比如说“turn left”(左转)、“turn on the light”(打开灯)、“a sharp turn”(急转弯)等等。

2. 发音


3. 转变意义


(1) 转向:指改变方向或位置。“Please turn right at the next intersection.”(请在下一个十字路口右转。)

(2) 打开:指将某物打开。“Can you help me turn on the TV?”(你能帮我把电视打开吗?)

(3) 变成:指从一种状态或情况变成另一种状态或情况。“The weather has turned cold.”(天气变冷了。)

(4) 改变:指使某事物或某人发生改变。“He turned his life around after meeting her.”(遇见她后,他改变了自己的生活。)

(5) 转移:指将注意力或关注点转移到其他事物上。“Let's turn our attention to the next topic.”(让我们把注意力转移到下一个话题上。)

4. 用法示例


(1) turn + 方向:turn left(左转)、turn right(右转)、turn around(转身)、turn back(回头)等。

(2) turn + 名词:turn off(关闭)、turn on(打开)、turn up(调高音量)、turn down(调低音量)等。

(3) be turned into:被变成。“The pumpkin was turned into a carriage by the fairy godmother.”(南瓜被仙女变成了马车。)

(4) turn + 形容词:指某物或某人发生改变。“The weather has turned cold.”(天气变冷了。)

(5) turn to sb/sth:求助于某人或某事物。“When in doubt, always turn to your parents for advice.”(当你有疑问时,总是可以求助于父母的建议。)

5. 注意事项


(1) 不要把它和其他含有“转”意思的单词混淆,比如“change”、“rotate”等。

(2) 在表示“打开”和“关闭”的意思时,需要加上物体名称,比如“turn on the light”(打开灯)、“turn off the TV”(关闭电视)。

(3) 在表示“改变方向”的意思时,需要加上具体的方向词,比如“turn left”(左转)、“turn right”(右转)。

(4) 在表示“变成”的意思时,需要加上介词into,即“be turned into”。



1. turn作为动词,有多种意思,常见的用法如下:

- 转动,旋转:The Earth turns on its axis. (地球围绕自转轴旋转)

- 改变方向或位置:He turned the car around and drove back home. (他把车掉头开回家)

- 变成,变得:She turned into a beautiful woman. (她变成了一位美丽的女人)

- 转向,朝向:He turned to me and asked for help. (他转向我并请求帮助)

- 使…变得:The accident turned him into a cautious driver. (事故让他变成了一个谨慎的司机)

2. turn也可以作为名词使用,表示“转弯处”、“轮流”等含义。例如:

- at the next turn(在下一个拐弯处)

- take turns(轮流)

- a sharp turn(急转弯)

3. 双语例句:

- He turned the key in the lock and opened the door.


- The leaves of the trees are turning yellow in autumn.


- It's your turn to do the dishes tonight.


- She turned her head and looked at him with a smile.


4. turn还可以与其他词组合使用,构成常用的短语,例如:

- turn on:打开(电器等)

- turn off:关闭(电器等)

- turn up:调高(音量等)

- turn down:调低(音量等)

- turn out:结果是

- in turn:依次地

- turn over a new leaf:翻开新的一页,开始新的生活

5. 在口语中,turn也可以表示“变得”,常用于描述某人的状态或情绪的改变。例如:

- He turned angry when he heard the news.


- The weather turned cold suddenly.




1. turn around: 转身,转向

2. turn up: 出现,露面

3. turn down: 拒绝,调低

4. turn over: 翻转,移交

5. turn on: 打开,启动

6. turn off: 关闭,停止

7. turn into: 变成,成为

8. turn out: 结果是,生产制造

9. turn back: 返回,折回

10. turn up the volume: 调高音量

11. turn a blind eye to: 对...视而不见

12. take a wrong turn: 走错路,做错决定

13. in the long/short run: 长期/短期来看

14. a sharp/quick/sudden turn of events:突然的变故

15. at every/each/few turns:每次,在每个转折点

16. make a U-turn:掉头,改变立场

17. take turns (doing):轮流(做)

18. on the turn of a dime:立刻,在瞬间

19.turn a phrase:善于说话,有文采

20.turn over a new leaf:改过自新


1. Spin - "How do you spin this word in English?"

2. Rotate - "What's the correct way to rotate this word in English?"

3. Twist - "Can you give me an example of how to twist this word in English?"

4. Revolve - "I'm having trouble with the pronunciation, can you help me revolve this word in English?"

5. Pivot - "Do you know how to pivot this word in English?"

6. Shift - "I'm not sure how to shift the pronunciation of this word in English."

7. Flip - "Can you show me how to flip this word in English?"

8. Swivel - "I need some tips on how to swivel this word in English."

9. Turn around - "Could you turn around the pronunciation of this word for me in English?"

10. Change direction - "I think I need to change direction with the way I say this word in English."

