twice是一个英文单词,意为“两次”。它可以作为副词或介词使用,表示“两次地”或“两倍地”。例如,“I have to go to the store twice a week.”(我每周要去两次商店。)和“I paid twice as much for this shirt.”(我为这件衬衫付了两倍的价钱。)
除了这个基本的意思,twice也可以用来表示重复或再次发生的意思。比如,“She told me twice not to touch the stove.”(她已经告诉过我两次不要碰炉子了。)和“He fell off his bike twice before he finally learned how to ride it.”(他在学会骑自行车之前摔了两次。)
另外,twice也可以用来表示“双倍”的概念,通常用于比较中。比如,“Her salary is twice that of her colleague.”(她的薪水是她同事的两倍。)和“This car can go twice as fast as my old one.”(这辆车能开我的旧车的两倍速度。)
1. 嘿,你知道吗?twice是一支来自韩国的女子组合,由九位可爱的成员组成。他们的歌曲总是能让人忍不住跟着节奏一起摇摆,而且他们也很受欢迎哦!那么,twice这个词在英语里怎么读呢?
2. 首先,我们需要知道twice的正确发音是[twais]。不过,如果你想要用更加生动有趣的方式来读twice,也可以尝试[tw-eye-s]或者[tw-ee-s]这样的读法。毕竟,音乐就是要让我们随心所欲地表达自己嘛!
3. 有时候,在英语里我们也会把twice和两次联系在一起。所以,如果你想要用两次来表达twice的意思,在英语里可以说“two times”。当然啦,在歌词中使用twice会更加酷炫。
4. 不管你选择哪种发音方式,记住要把重音放在第一个音节上。这样才能更加地流畅地唱出twice这个词。
5. 还有一个小提示:如果你想要在英语里表达“两倍”的意思,可以使用“double”这个单词哦!比如说,twice the fun就可以翻译成“double the fun”。
6. 最后,不管你是想要跟着twice的歌曲一起唱,还是想要用英语表达自己对twice的喜爱,记得保持愉快的心情哦!毕竟,音乐和语言都是让我们更加快乐的工具。所以,让我们一起大声地唱出:twice!
1. 用法:
2. 双语例句:
- I have to go to the store twice this week to buy groceries.
- She had to repeat the instructions twice before he understood.
- This is twice as big as that one.
- I have been to Paris twice in my life.
- He was twice her age.
3. 注意事项:
- She is twice as beautiful as her sister.
- I am not going to do it, not even for twice the money!
4. 拓展:
- double:双倍地
例如:I earn double what I used to make at my old job.(我现在挣的是以前工作时候的双倍)
- twice as much/many:两倍的
例如:She has twice as many books as I do.(她有我两倍多的书)
- two times:两次地
例如:I have been to New York two times this year.(今年我去过纽约两次)
1. twice
2. twice a day
twice a day是一个常用的短语,读作/twaɪs ə deɪ/,意为“一天两次”。
3. twice a week
twice a week是另一个常用的短语,读作/twaɪs ə wiːk/,意为“一周两次”。
4. twice the size
twice the size是一个常用的短语,读作/twaɪs ðə saɪz/,意为“两倍大小”。
5. twice as fast
twice as fast是另一个常用的短语,读作/twaɪs æz fæst/,意为“速度是原来的两倍”。
6. once or twice
once or twice是一个常用的短语,读作/wʌns ɔː twaɪs/,意为“一两次”。
7. not twice but thrice
not twice but thrice是一个常用的短语,读作/nɒt twaɪs bʌt θraɪs/,意为“不是两次而是三次”。
8. think twice
think twice是一个常用的短语,读作/θɪŋk twaɪs/,意为“三思而后行”。
9. once bitten, twice shy
once bitten, twice shy也是一个常用的短语,读作/wʌns bɪtn twaɪs ʃaɪ/,意为“一朝被蛇咬,十年怕井绳”。
10. twice-told tales
twice-told tales是一个常用的短语,读作/twaɪs təʊld teɪlz/,意为“反复讲述的故事”。
11. twice over
twice over是另一个常用的短语,读作/twaɪs əʊvə/,意为“两次”。
12. twice upon a time
twice upon a time也是一个常用的短语,读作/twaɪs əpɒn ə taɪm/,意为“从前有一次”。
13. twice-baked potatoes
twice-baked potatoes是一个美食名词,读作/twaɪs beɪkt pəˈteɪtəʊz/,意为“双层烤土豆”。
14. twice-daily dose
twice-daily dose是一个医学术语,读作/twaɪs deɪli dəʊz/,意为“每日两次剂量”。
15. twice-monthly meeting
twice-monthly meeting是一个商务术语,读作/twaɪs mʌnθli miːtɪŋ/,意为“每月两次会议”
1. Pronunciation of twice in English
Twice is pronounced as "twahys" in English. It is a word that means two times or double the amount.
2. Synonyms for twice
- Dual: This word is used to indicate two things or parts.
Example: The device has a dual function, it can be used as a phone and a tablet.
- Double: This word also means two times or twice the amount.
Example: The company's profits have doubled since last year.
- Biennial: This term refers to something that happens every two years.
Example: The biennial conference will be held next month.
- Bimonthly: This word describes something that occurs every two months.
Example: The magazine is published bimonthly, in January, March, May, etc.
3. Other ways to say twice
- Two times: This phrase can be used interchangeably with "twice".
Example: I have been to Paris two times already.
- In twofold: This expression means double or twice the amount.
Example: The company's revenue has increased in twofold since last year.
- Twice over/throughout/during/etc.: These phrases are used to indicate something happening twice within a specific period of time or throughout a certain duration.
Example: He checked his phone twice during the meeting.
4. Colloquial terms for twice
- Twice as nice/much/good/etc.: These idiomatic expressions are used to emphasize the doubling effect of something.
Example: The new car is twice as nice as my old one.
- Twofer/two-for-one deal/bargain/etc.: These terms refer to getting two items for the price of one, usually used in sales and promotions.
Example: I got a great deal on these shoes, it was a twofer!
- Double trouble/troublemaker/etc.: These phrases are often used to describe someone or something that causes twice the amount of problems.
Example: The twins are double trouble, always getting into mischief.
5. Common phrases with twice
- Twice the size/amount/length/etc.: These phrases are used to compare something to another thing that is twice as big, long, etc.
Example: The new house is twice the size of our old one.
- Twice as likely/probable/etc.: These expressions are used to show the increased likelihood or probability of something happening twice.
Example: You are twice as likely to win the lottery if you buy two tickets instead of one.
6. Examples in sentences
- She had to read the instructions twice before understanding them.
- I only eat chocolate cake once a year, but I could eat it twice a day if I could.
- My flight was delayed not once, but twice!
- The doctor advised her to take her medication twice a day.
- He has been promoted not once, but twice in the past year