
语言百科2024-11-13 07:56:24留学世界




1. 作为副词,twice通常用来表示“两次”或“两倍”。比如,“I have been to Paris twice.”(我去过巴黎两次。)和“He earns twice as much as me.”(他挣的钱是我两倍。)所以如果你想表达某件事情发生了两次或数量翻倍,可以使用twice这个词哦!


2. 作为名词,twice指的就是韩国女子组合TWICE啦!这个组合由九位成员组成,包括Nayeon、Jeongyeon、Momo、Sana、Jihyo、Mina、Dahyun、Chaeyoung和Tzuyu。她们以可爱活泼的形象和优美动听的歌曲赢得了众多粉丝的喜爱。如果你也喜欢TWICE,那么你就是一个ONCE(TWICE粉丝名)啦!



1. 什么是twice?


2. 如何正确发音twice?


3. 如何使用twice?

a) 作为副词:当twice用作副词时,意为“两次”,表示某件事情发生了两次。例如:“I have been to Paris twice.”(我去过巴黎两次。)

b) 作为形容词:当twice用作形容词时,意为“双倍的”,表示数量是原来的两倍。例如:“The room is twice the size of my old one.”(这个房间是我以前那个房间的两倍大。)

c) 作为动词:当twice用作动词时,意为“做两次”,表示重复做某件事情。例如:“I have twice asked him to come over.”(我已经两次邀请他过来。)

4. 与twice相关的短语

a) twice a day:每天两次

b) twice as much/many:两倍的

c) twice over:再一次,重复一遍

5. 与twice相似的词汇

a) double:双倍的,两倍的

b) dual:双重的,二元的


1. What does "twice" mean in English?

- "Twice" means two times or double the amount of something.

- "Twice" is used to indicate repetition or multiplication of an action or quantity.

2. How to use "twice" in a sentence?

- I brush my teeth twice a day, once in the morning and once at night.

- The recipe calls for twice the amount of sugar than what I usually use.

- She has been to Paris twice this year already.

- The movie was so good, I watched it twice in a row.

3. Can "twice" be used as an adverb?

- Yes, "twice" can be used as an adverb to modify a verb, adjective, or another adverb.

- Example: He ran twice as fast as his opponent.

- Example: The cake was twice as delicious as the one I made last week.

4. Are there any synonyms for "twice"?

- Yes, some synonyms for "twice" are double, two times, dual, and twofold.

5. What is the difference between "twice" and "two times"?

- Both words mean the same thing but have different grammatical functions.

- "Twice" is an adverb while "two times" is a noun phrase that can function as an adverb or adjective.

6. Is there a formal way to say "twice"?

- Yes, you can use the word "double", which has a similar meaning to twice but is more formal and often used in mathematical contexts.

7. Is there an informal way to say "twice"?

- Yes, you can use slang terms like "two times", which is commonly used among young people in casual conversations.

8. Can you give me some examples of using slang terms for "twice"?

- Sure! "I'm going to the gym two times a week now, trying to get fit for summer."

- "I've watched that movie two times already, but I still can't get enough of it!"

- "He asked me out on a date twice, but I keep turning him down."


1. Two times:twice的直译,简单明了,没有什么花里胡哨的。

2. Double the fun:这句话既能表达“两倍”的意思,又能带来一丝幽默感。

3. Twice the charm:这个短语可以用来形容某件事情或者人有着双倍的魅力,也可以用来形容twice的音乐和舞蹈。

4. Two times over:这个词组可以表达“两次以上”的意思,也可以用来形容某件事情发生了两次。

5. Double trouble:这是一个常用的俏皮说法,表示有两个人或者事物会给你带来麻烦,也可以用来形容twice的活泼和可爱。

6. Twice as nice:这个词组可以表示某件事情比原先更加美好和令人满意,也能体现出twice成员们的美丽和可爱。

7. Two times the love:这句话可以表达对twice成员们的喜爱之情,也能够代表twice以及他们所传递出的爱和正能量。

8. Double take:这个词组通常用于形容某件事情让你惊讶到需要再看一遍,也可以用来形容twice出色的舞台表现。

9. Twice in a blue moon:这个短语表示某件事情发生的频率很少,也可以用来形容twice每次回归都是一次难得的盛会。

10. Two times the talent:这句话可以表达twice成员们的多才多艺,也能够体现出她们在音乐和舞蹈方面的出色表现


1. Double: "Twice" is often used as a synonym for "double" in English. For example, if you say "I have to do it twice," it means you have to do it two times.

2. Dual: Another word that can be used interchangeably with "twice" is "dual." It means having two parts or aspects. For example, "She has a dual role as a mother and a career woman."

3. Two times: This is a more literal way of saying "twice." For instance, if someone asks you how many times you have been to Paris, you can reply with "Two times."

4. A couple of times: This phrase is often used informally to mean "twice." For example, "I've been to that restaurant a couple of times and the food was amazing."

5. Twice over: This expression means doing something twice in succession. For instance, if someone says "I had to read the instructions twice over before I understood them," it means they had to read them two times in a row.

6. Twice as much/many: This phrase is used when comparing quantities or amounts that are double in size or number. For example, "She earns twice as much as I do."

7. Two-fold: Similar to "twice as much/many," this word describes something that has doubled in size or number. For instance, "The company's profits have increased two-fold compared to last year."

8. Dualistic: This adjective refers to the concept of having two opposing parts or aspects. For example, "The novel explores the dualistic nature of human existence."

9. Duplicated: If something has been duplicated, it means it has been copied or reproduced exactly twice. For instance, if you say "The document was duplicated for each team member," it means there are now two copies.

10. Twice the fun: This phrase is often used in a playful or humorous way to mean something is twice as enjoyable or entertaining. For example, "Going to Disneyland with my best friend was twice the fun!"

