
语言百科2024-11-13 08:06:24留学世界



1. 介绍twice



2. twice的发展历程

自出道以来,twice就获得了巨大的成功。他们的首张迷你专辑《The Story Begins》中的主打歌曲《Like OOH-AHH》在韩国音源榜上取得了第10名的好成绩,并在日本Oricon周榜上排名第7位。随后,他们陆续发行了多张专辑和单曲,在韩国和日本都获得了极高的销量和知名度。

3. twice在英语中怎么读


4. twice的意思是什么

twice在英语中是一个副词,意为“两次”。它可以用来表示某件事情发生了两次,也可以用来表示某人做了同样的事情两次。例如,“I have been to Japan twice.”(我去过日本两次),“She failed the exam twice.”(她考试不及格两次)。

5. twice的其他含义

除了作为副词表示“两次”外,twice还可以作为名词和形容词使用。作为名词时,它指的是“两倍”,常用于计量单位中。例如,“The price is twice as much as before.”(价格是之前的两倍)。作为形容词时,它指的是“双倍的”,常用于修饰数量或程度。例如,“She is twice as tall as me.”(她比我高一倍)



1. 发音:Twice的发音为/twaɪs/,其中/tw/发音类似于英文单词"two"中的/t/和/w/的结合,而/i/则发成长音。整体发音非常接近于"twice"这个单词本身。

2. 读法:除了正常的发音外,在日常生活中,我们也可以使用一些俏皮话来快速地表达出Twice这个名字。比如:

- 如果你想要问别人是否听过Twice,可以说:"Have you heard of Twice? It's pronounced like 'twice' but with a 'w' in front."(你听过Twice吗?它的发音类似于'twice',但前面多了一个'w'。)

- 如果你想要介绍Twice给别人认识,可以说:"Do you know Twice? It's a Korean girl group, and their name is spelled as 'T-W-I-C-E', but it's pronounced like the word 'twice'."(你知道Twice吗?它是一支韩国女子组合,名字拼写为'T-W-I-C-E',但发音类似于单词'twice'。)

3. 为什么要这么读:你可能会问,为什么不直接按照字母的发音来读呢?其实,这是因为Twice的名字本身就是一种俏皮话,意为"两次"。所以,他们的发音也希望能够和这个意思相呼应,让人感受到轻松、愉快的氛围。



1. "Twice"作为副词,表示“两次”,通常用于描述动作的重复。例如:

- She brushed her hair twice before going to bed. (她睡前梳了两次头发。)

- The teacher repeated the instructions twice for the students. (老师为学生重复了两遍指示。)

2. "Twice"也可以用作形容词,表示“两倍”的意思。例如:

- This car is twice as expensive as my old one. (这辆车比我的旧车贵两倍。)

- The new building is twice the size of the old one. (新楼比旧楼大两倍。)

3. "Twice"还可以用于表示“频率”,相当于“每……次”。例如:

- We have a meeting twice a week. (我们每周开两次会。)

- She goes to the gym twice a month. (她每月去健身房两次。)

4. "Twice"也可以和其他词组合使用,构成常见的表达方式,如:

- twice as many/much:是……的两倍

例句:There are twice as many students in this class as in the other one.


- twice a day/week/month/year:每天/周/月/年二次

例句:I take my medicine twice a day, once in the morning and once at night.


- not think/believe/know twice about:不假思索地

例句:She didn't think twice about quitting her job and traveling the world.


5. "Twice"的双语例句:

- 我每天早上都要跑步两次。

I go for a run twice every morning.

- 她的新书卖得比上一本好两倍。

Her new book is selling twice as well as her previous one.

- 他不会想两次就决定接受这份工作。

He won't think twice before accepting this job offer.

- 我们每周开两次会,一次是周一,一次是周三。

We have two meetings a week, on Mondays and Wednesdays


1. Twice a day - 每天两次

例如:I brush my teeth twice a day, once in the morning and once at night.

2. Twice as much - 两倍的数量

例如:I paid twice as much for this shirt compared to the other one.

3. Twice the size - 两倍的大小

例如:This house is twice the size of my previous one.

4. Twice the amount - 两倍的数量

例如:You need to use twice the amount of flour for this recipe.

5. Twice a week/month/year - 每周/每月/每年两次

例如:I go to the gym twice a week to stay fit.

6. Twice over - 再一次,第二次

例如:I had to read that book twice over before I could understand it.

7. Think twice - 三思而后行,慎重考虑

例如:You should think twice before making such an important decision.

8. Twice-told tale - 老生常谈,陈词滥调

例如:His excuses were just a twice-told tale, I didn't believe him anymore.

9. Double or nothing/twice as much - 加倍赌注,冒双倍风险

例如:He lost all his money and then decided to go double or nothing on his last bet.

10. Once bitten, twice shy - 一朝被蛇咬,十年怕井绳。意为上过当一次之后就会小心谨慎。

例如:After getting food poisoning from that restaurant, I am once bitten, twice shy about eating there again.

11. Two-time/twice cheated on someone - 对某人出轨两次

例如:She couldn't forgive her husband for two-timing her twice.

12. Twice the fun - 两倍的乐趣

例如:Having a twin sister is twice the fun, we always have each other's back.

13. Twice the trouble - 两倍的麻烦

例如:Having twins means twice the trouble, but also twice the love.

14. Twice-baked - 双烤的,意为食物需要先烤一次再重新放入烤箱。

例如:Twice-baked potatoes are a delicious side dish for any meal.

15. Twice removed - 指关系较远,意为比较遥远的亲戚关系。

例如:She is my cousin twice removed, I don't really know her that well.

16. Twice-born - 重生的,意为经历了一次巨大变化之后变得不同。

例如:After surviving cancer, she felt like a twice-born person with a new outlook on life.

17. Twice as nice - 双倍美好,意为比原来更加出色。

例如:The renovated house is now twice as nice as it was before.

18. Once or twice/twice or thrice - 一两次/二三次。用于表示模糊的数量。

例如:I've only been to that restaurant once or twice, I can't remember exactly how many times.

19. A bird in hand is worth two in the bush - 手中一只鸟胜过林中两只鸟。意为眼前利益比未来可能获得的利益更重要。

例如:I decided to take the job offer, a bird in hand is worth two in the bush.

20. Twice the man/woman - 意为比原来更强大,更出色。

例如:After going through that hardship, she came out as twice the woman she was before


1. Double

- 例句:She had to double her efforts to finish the project on time.

- 同义词:twice, twofold, dual, two times

2. Twice over

- 例句:He counted the money twice over to make sure it was correct.

- 同义词:twice, two times, double, dual

3. Two times

- 例句:The price of the product has increased two times in the past year.

- 同义词:twice, double, dual, twofold

4. Dual

- 例句:She has a dual role as both a teacher and a mentor.

- 同义词:twice, double, twofold, two times

5. Twofold

- 例句:The company's profits have increased twofold since last year.

- 同义词:twice, double, dual, two times

6. Duplicated

- 例句:The experiment was duplicated twice to ensure accurate results.

- 同义词:twice, doubled, replicated, repeated

7. Second time

- 例句:I've been to that restaurant a second time and the food was just as good as the first time.

- 同义词: twice, again, once more

8. Dualistic

- 例句: The author presents a dualistic view of human nature in his novel.

同义词: twofold,two-sided,dichotomous,binary

9. Bifold

- 例句: He folded the paper bifold before putting it in his pocket.

同义词: twofold,double,folded in half,twice over

10. Duplex

- 例句: The building has a duplex apartment on the top floor.

同义词: twofold, dual, double, two-story

