1. 什么是umbrella?
你是否听过这首歌?它的歌词中有一句“you can stand under my umbrella”,那么,这首歌到底在唱什么呢?让我来为你揭晓umbrella的真正含义吧。
2. 撑伞的意思
在英文中,umbrella一词最常见的意思就是“雨伞”,用来保护我们不被雨水打湿。那么,当Rihanna唱着“you can stand under my umbrella”时,她想要表达什么呢?
3. 倾诉爱意
4. 超越雨季
5. 你的专属伞
这首歌的歌词中还有一句“you can run into my arms”,这也是umbrella的另一层含义。它不仅是保护,更是温暖和安全感。当你遇到困难时,你可以跑进对方的怀抱,找到安慰和依靠
1. 原文歌词:Umbrella
2. 发音:/ʌmˈbrɛlə/
3. 意思:雨伞,保护伞
4. 解释:这首歌的主题是为了表达作者对爱情的保护和支持,将爱情比作一把雨伞,可以在任何困难和挑战面前保护彼此。
5. 幽默:虽然发音有些复杂,但是只要你记住“um”和“brella”这两个音节就好啦!想象一下自己手里拿着一把*的雨伞,就能轻松地唱出这首歌啦!
1. Umbrella的用法
2. 双语例句
- I always carry an umbrella with me in case it rains.
- The umbrella protects me from the scorching sun.
- He used his wealth as an umbrella to shield himself from criticism.
3. Umbrella作为比喻
- The organization provides an umbrella for all its members.
- The new policy will act as an umbrella for small businesses.
- She sees education as the best umbrella against poverty.
4. Umbrella作为动词
- The organization umbrellas the rights of its members.
- The government should umbrella the interests of its citizens.
- She always umbrellas her younger siblings from any harm.
1. "You have my heart, we'll never be worlds apart" - 这句歌词表达了两个人之间的感情很坚定,永远不会分开。
2. "Under my umbrella" - 这是歌曲的主要歌词,意为在我的伞下,可以理解为保护、照顾对方。
3. "You can stand under my umbrella" - 通过这句歌词,歌手向对方表达了愿意为对方提供庇护和支持的意思。
4. "Ella ella eh eh eh" - 这是一种重复的节奏,在歌曲中起到了增加节奏感和吸引听众的作用。
5. "Raindrops keep falling on my head" - 这句歌词暗指生活中的困难和挑战,但也表达了愿意与对方一起面对困难的决心。
6. "When the sun shines, we'll shine together" - 歌手用阳光来比喻幸福和美好的时光,表示只要两个人在一起,就能共同享受美好时光。
7. "Told you I'll be here forever" - 此句表明了歌手对对方的承诺,无论发生什么都会一直陪伴在身边。
8. "It's raining, raining, oh baby it's raining" - 这句歌词用连续的"raining"来表现下雨的声音,给听众带来强烈的感觉。
9. "You can run into my arms, it's okay don't be alarmed" - 此句表达了对方可以依靠歌手的意思,不用害怕。
10. "You'll always be my endless love" - 通过这句歌词,歌手向对方表达了自己深深的爱意,永远不会改变
1. Parasol
- This word is derived from the Spanish word "paraguas", which means umbrella. It is often used to refer to a small, lightweight umbrella that is used for protection against the sun.
- Example: "She carried a parasol to shield herself from the scorching heat of the sun."
2. Brolly
- This is a commonly used slang term for umbrella in British English. It is believed to have originated from the word "brother" as umbrellas were often shared among family members.
- Example: "Don't forget to bring your brolly, it looks like it's going to rain."
3. Canopy
- This word can be used interchangeably with umbrella, although it usually refers to a larger and more decorative type of umbrella.
- Example: "The bride walked down the aisle under a beautiful canopy held by her bridesmaids."
4. Sunshade
- As the name suggests, this term specifically refers to an umbrella used for protection against the sun.
- Example: "We sat under a sunshade at the beach, enjoying the cool breeze and warm sunshine."
5. Gamp
- This old-fashioned term for umbrella was popularized by Charles Dickens in his novel "Martin Chuzzlewit". It is believed to have originated from an English actress named Mrs. Sarah Gamp who always carried an umbrella on stage.
- Example: "The gentleman offered his gamp to shelter us from the rain as we walked home."
6. Shelterer
- This word may not be commonly used but it is another synonym for umbrella that emphasizes its function as a shelter or protection against rain or sun.
- Example: "She held her shelterer tightly as she walked through the stormy streets."
7. Sunbrella
- A combination of the words sun and umbrella, this term is often used for umbrellas specifically designed for use at the beach or other sunny locations.
- Example: "She spent the entire afternoon lounging under her sunbrella, reading a book and sipping on a cold drink."
8. Sunshade Parasol
- This is a more elaborate and descriptive term for an umbrella used for sun protection. It is often used in fashion or lifestyle contexts.
- Example: "The fashionista completed her beach look with a stylish sunshade parasol."
9. Rainshade
- Similar to sunshade, this word combines rain and shade to describe an umbrella's function.
- Example: "The little girl skipped happily in the rain, holding her colorful rainshade above her head."
10. Bumbershoot
- This is another slang term for umbrella that originated in America in the late 19th century. Its origin is uncertain but it is believed to have been derived from the word "umbrella shoot", referring to its shape when opened.
- Example: "He twirled his bumbershoot as he walked down the street, humming a tune."