understand 的翻译是

语言百科2024-12-03 02:44:00留学世界


understand 的翻译是

understand 是什么意思

1. 翻译行业的重要性


2. understand 的含义

在英语中,understand 是一个非常常用的词汇。它可以作为动词使用,意思是“理解”、“明白”、“领会”等。它也可以作为名词使用,表示“理解力”、“领悟力”等。

3. understand 的翻译

根据不同的语境和含义,understand 可以有多种翻译方式。下面我将介绍几种常见的翻译方法:

3.1 理解、明白

这是最常见也是最基本的翻译方式。当 understand 用作动词时,表示对某件事情有了理解或者明白。比如,“I understand what you mean.”(我明白你的意思。)

3.2 领会、体会

这种翻译方式强调对信息或者感情的领悟和体会。比如,“I understand the pain you're going through.”(我能体会你所经历的痛苦。)

3.3 理解力、领悟力

当 understand 作为名词时,表示理解或者领悟的能力。比如,“She has a good understanding of the subject.”(她对这个主题有很强的理解力。)

3.4 理解程度、认识程度

这种翻译方式强调理解或者认识的程度。比如,“He has a limited understanding of the culture.”(他对这个文化有有限的认识。)

4. 不同语言中 understand 的翻译差异

不同语言中,understand 的翻译也会有一些差异。下面我将以中文和日语为例进行简单介绍。

4.1 中文

在中文中,understand 可以翻译为“理解”、“明白”、“懂得”等。在一些特定的语境下,也可以使用“了解”来表示。

4.2 日语

在日语中,understand 可以翻译为“分かる”、“わかる”。它们可以用来表示对某件事情的理解、明白或者领会。


understand 怎么读

1. 什么是understand?


2. understand的发音


3. 如何正确读写understand?


4. understand的同义词


5. understand的反义词


6. 如何提高理解能力?






understand 的用法和双语例句

1. understand的用法


1.1 understand + 名词/代词


- I can't understand the meaning of this word.


- Can you understand me?


1.2 understand + 介词短语


- I can't understand why he did that.


- Do you understand the instructions?


2. 双语例句

- I couldn't understand what she was saying because she was speaking too quickly.


- It took me a while to understand the concept, but eventually I got it.


- He couldn't believe that she understood him without him having to explain.


- It's important to understand the cultural differences when traveling to a foreign country.


- The teacher made sure that every student understood the lesson before moving on.


understand 的词组

1. 理解为:to comprehend, to grasp, to make sense of

2. 理解意义:understand the meaning, understand the significance

3. 明白了:got it, figured it out, got the gist

4. 领会到:to realize, to perceive, to recognize

5. 懂得了:to know, to understand fully, to be aware of

6. 理解背后的含义:understand the underlying meaning, understand the implied message

7. 熟悉了:familiarized with, acquainted with, well-versed in

8. 掌握了:mastered, learned thoroughly, gained a solid understanding of

9. 领悟到:to comprehend deeply, to have a deep understanding of

10. 明白其中的道理:understand the reasoning behind it, understand the logic behind it

understand 同义词示例

1. Comprehend

- She was able to comprehend the complex instructions easily.

- He failed to comprehend the gravity of the situation.

- I cannot comprehend why she would do such a thing.

2. Grasp

- It took me a while to grasp the concept.

- He grasped my hand tightly as we walked through the dark forest.

- She was able to grasp the main points of the lecture.

3. Perceive

- I perceive a hint of sadness in her voice.

- The artist's work is open to interpretation and can be perceived in many ways.

- It is important to perceive the needs of others in order to build strong relationships.

4. Understand

- I understand what you're trying to say.

- It took me a while, but I finally understand how to use this new software.

- Do you understand the consequences of your actions?

5. Comprehend

- She couldn't comprehend why he would lie about such a trivial matter.

- The students were struggling to comprehend the difficult math problem.

- We need to find a way for everyone to comprehend the importance of recycling.

6. Realize

- It wasn't until later that she realized her mistake.

- He didn't realize how much he missed his family until he moved away for college.

- We need to realize that our actions have consequences.

7. Grasp hold of

- The dog grasped hold of his owner's hand with its teeth and wouldn't let go.

- She was able to grasp hold of her dream and make it a reality through hard work and determination.

8. Get a handle on

- I'm still trying to get a handle on this new project, but it's proving to be quite challenging.

- Can you help me get a handle on this difficult concept?

9. Take in

- It took some time for her to take in all the information presented during the meeting.

- He couldn't take in the beauty of the view from the top of the mountain.

- She struggled to take in all the different cultures she encountered while traveling.

10. Absorb

- The sponge was able to absorb all the water spilled on the counter.

- Children's minds are like sponges, they can absorb information quickly and easily.

- It's important to absorb new information and adapt to change in order to grow as a person.

11. Master

- He was determined to master the art of cooking, so he enrolled in culinary school.

- After years of practice, she finally mastered playing the piano.

- In order to succeed, you must first master your own mind and emotions.

12. Fathom

- I cannot fathom why he would say such hurtful things.

- The depth of the ocean is hard for humans to fathom.

- It took me a while to fathom how much work goes into planning a wedding.

13. Decipher

- The code was difficult to decipher, but eventually they were able to crack it.

- It took some time for her to decipher his handwriting on the letter.

- Can you help me decipher this ancient text?

14. Figure out

- I'm still trying to figure out how this machine works.

- She was able to figure out a solution to their financial problems.

- We need more time to figure out a plan for our trip.

15. Get one's head around

- It took me a while, but I finally got my head around this complex topic.

- She couldn't get her head around why he would act that way towards her.

- We need more time to get our heads around this new company policy.

16. See eye-to-eye

- They don't always see eye-to-eye on everything, but they still make a great team.

- In order for us to work together effectively, we need to see eye-to-eye on this project.

- It's important for parents to see eye-to-eye when it comes to raising their children.

17. Grasp the meaning of

- It's difficult for me to grasp the meaning of this poem, can you explain it to me?

- She was able to grasp the meaning of the foreign language after studying it for a year.

- It took him a while, but he finally grasped the meaning of his dream.

18. Get the picture

- After seeing all the evidence, I finally got the picture and realized what had happened.

- I don't think she gets the picture, we need to explain it in simpler terms.

- It's important for everyone on the team to get the picture and understand their role in this project.

19. Take on board

- He wasn't willing to take on board any new ideas or suggestions.

- We need to take on board all feedback, both positive and negative, in order to improve.

- The company decided to take on board a new approach in order to increase sales.

20. Catch on

- She caught on quickly and was able to finish her work ahead of schedule.

- The trend didn't catch on until a few months later.

- He struggled at first, but eventually caught on and was able to complete the task successfully.

21. See through

- She saw through his lies and knew he couldn't be trusted.

- It's important for us to see through our own biases in order to make fair decisions.

- We need someone who can see through all obstacles and still reach their goals.

22. Get one's mind around

- I'm still trying to get my mind around how much money we spent last month.

- He couldn't get his mind around how different life would be without his best friend by his side.

- She struggled with getting her mind around all the new information presented to her in the training session

