
语言百科2024-12-03 05:13:59留学世界



1. units的定义



2. 单位


3. 单元


4. 部件




1. "units"这个词在英语中的发音是/juːnɪts/,读音类似于"you-nits"。

2. 如果你想更加地道一些,也可以将"units"的发音分成两个音节,即/juː/和/nɪts/,读起来就像是"yoo nits"。

3. 有些人也会将单词的最后一个字母"s"读得更加清晰一些,这样就变成了/juːnɪts/,读起来就像是"you-nits-s"。

4. 当然,在不同的地区或者不同的人群中,对于这个单词的发音可能会有所差异。所以无论你选择哪种发音方式,只要能够被别人理解就可以了。

5. 如果你还想增加一些幽默感,在和朋友聊天时可以试着说:"Hey, do you know how to say 'units' in English?"(嘿,你知道怎么用英语说'units'吗?)然后再故意用错误的发音来逗乐大家


1. Units的含义及用法


2. 一些常见的units表达方式

- Units of measurement: 计量单位

- Units of currency: 货币单位

- Units of time: 时间单位

- Units of length: 长度单位

3. 英语中表示“units”的其他表达方式


- Measurement units: 测量单位

- Unit of account: 计算单位

- Monetary unit: 货币单位

4. 双语例句


- The recipe calls for two units of flour. (这个食谱需要两个单位的面粉。)

- The distance between the two cities is measured in units of kilometers. (这两个城市之间的距离以公里为单位进行测量。)

- The translation agency has a team of professional translators who work as independent units. (这家翻译机构拥有一支由专业翻译人员组成的团队,他们作为独立的翻译单位工作。)

- The company's profits are reported in units of millions of dollars. (该公司的利润以数百万美元为单位进行报告。)


1. Units的英文表达:

- Units

- Measuring units

- Measurement units

- Unit of measurement

2. 表示数量的词组:

- A large number of units

- A significant amount of units

- A considerable quantity of units

3. 表示单位换算的词组:

- Convert between units

- Convert units of measurement

- Change from one unit to another

4. 表示单位比较的词组:

- Compare different units

- Compare the size of different units

- Make a comparison between units

5. 表示单位转换的词组:

- Convert from one unit to another

- Transform one unit into another

- Change the unit of measurement

6. 表示单位换算关系的词组:

- The relationship between different units

- The conversion rate between two units

- The correlation between various measurement units

7. 表示单位符号的词组:

- The symbol for a unit


1. Units in English

- How to say units in English

- Synonyms for units in English

- What is the English equivalent of units

2. Alternatives for units in English

- Terms related to units in English

- Other words for units in English

- Similar expressions for units in English

3. Units synonyms in English

- Words that mean the same as units in English

- Different ways to say units in English

- Units equivalents in English

4. Units translations in English

- Translations of units into English

- Units translations and synonyms

- Commonly used words for units

5. Units equivalents and synonyms

- Equivalents of units in other languages

- Synonyms for units across different languages

- Translation alternatives for units

6. Different ways to express units

- Variations of saying units

- Alternative phrases and terms for expressing units

- Ways to convey the meaning of units

7. Vocabulary related to units

- Words associated with the concept of units

- Related terms and expressions for describing units

