
语言百科2024-12-03 11:23:58留学世界



1. urban的定义



2. urban的含义


- 城市化:urbanization,指人口从农村地区向城市地区迁移的过程。

- 城市居民:urbanite,指居住在城市中的人。

- 城市特征:urbane,指具有都市风格和文化特征的。

- 城市环境:urban environment,指城市中的自然和人造环境。

3. urban与rural的对比


4. urban在不同领域中的应用

- 地理学:urban geography,研究城市空间结构、发展和变化规律。

- 社会学:urban sociology,研究城市社会结构、社会关系和社会问题。

- 经济学:urban economics,研究城市经济发展和运行机制。

- 政治学:urban politics,研究城市政治体系和政治决策。

- 文化学:urban culture,研究城市文化特征和文化变迁。

5. urban的相关词汇


- urbanization rate:城市化率

- urban sprawl:城市扩张

- urban renewal:城市更新

- urban planning:城市规划

- urban development:城市发展

6. urban的例句


- The rapid urbanization has led to many social problems.


- She prefers the rural life to the hustle and bustle of urban living.


- The city government is facing challenges in managing the urban environment.




1. 首先,我们来看一下这个词的发音。它的读音是 [ˈɜːrbən],其中的重音在第一个音节上。如果你觉得这个发音有点复杂,不用担心,我们可以用更简单的方式来记忆它。把“urban”分成两部分来读:第一部分是“ur”,像是英文单词“you”的发音;第二部分是“ban”,像是英文单词“band”的发音。把它们连起来就是“ur-ban”。

2. 如果你想更加准确地模仿美国人的发音,可以注意一下两点:第一,在发出 “b” 的时候要带点气,让它听起来更像 “p”的发音;第二,在最后一个音节上要稍微拉长一点,“an”的读法更接近于 “en”。

3. 当然,在不同国家或地区,“urban”的发音也可能会有所差异。比如在英国和澳大利亚,“urban”通常会被读作 [ˈɜːbən],重音在第二个音节上。

4. 不过,无论你是想要模仿美式发音还是英式发音,在正式场合都可以使用。如果你想要更加随意一点,那么就可以把它读得更像 “ur-ben”,这样就更接近于它的拼写了。

5. 最后,我想提醒大家的是,“urban”这个词并不是一个很难读的词汇。所以,如果你在朋友面前自信地说出它的正确发音,也许会给人留下深刻的印象哦!



1. Urban是一个形容词,用来描述与城市相关的事物或地区。例如:urban lifestyle (城市生活方式)、urban areas (城市地区)。

2. 在英语中,urban通常与suburban(郊区)和rural(乡村)相对应。

3. 以下是一些双语例句,展示urban这个词的用法:

- She prefers the urban lifestyle because of its convenience and diversity. (她喜欢城市生活方式,因为它方便且多样化。)

- The urban areas are experiencing rapid development in recent years. (近年来,城市地区正在经历迅速发展。)

- Many people choose to move from suburban areas to urban areas for better job opportunities. (许多人选择从郊区搬到城市地区寻求更好的工作机会。)

- The rural landscape is vastly different from the urban one, with its wide fields and peaceful atmosphere. (乡村的景观与城市大不相同,有着广阔的田野和宁静的氛围。)

- The government is implementing policies to improve the living conditions in urban slums. (政府正在实施政策改善城市贫民窟的居住条件。)

4. 总的来说,urban这个词可以用来描述与城市相关的各种事物,它也可以指代生活在城市中的人们。无论是忙碌繁华的都市还是充满活力的城市文化,urban都是一个充满活力的词汇


1. Urban jungle - 城市丛林,指城市中高楼大厦林立的景象。

2. Urban sprawl - 城市扩张,指城市不断向外扩张,占用农田和郊区的现象。

3. Urban renewal - 城市更新,指对老旧城区进行改造和重建的过程。

4. Urban planning - 城市规划,指对城市发展进行规划和管理的过程。

5. Urbanization - 城市化,指农村人口向城市转移的过程。

6. Urban decay - 城市衰败,指城市中老旧建筑和社会问题日益严重的现象。

7. Urban legend - 都市传说,指流传于城市中的神秘故事或传闻。

8. Urban chic - 都会时尚,指具有都会气质和风格的时尚潮流。

9. Urban lifestyle - 都市生活方式,指居住在城市中人们所追求的生活方式。

10. Urban retreat - 都会避难所,指在繁忙都市中寻求宁静和放松的场所


1. Metropolitan - The term metropolitan is often used to describe the urban areas of a city or town. It refers to the densely populated and developed parts of a city, usually the central business district and surrounding neighborhoods.

2. City - A city is a large and highly populated urban area, typically characterized by its infrastructure, economic activity, and cultural diversity. It is often used interchangeably with urban, but can also refer to the administrative boundaries of a municipality.

3. Cosmopolitan - Cosmopolitan describes an urban environment that is diverse and global in nature. It implies a mix of cultures, languages, and lifestyles within a city, often due to its international trade connections or immigration patterns.

4. Metropolis - A metropolis is a large and important city that serves as the center for commerce, culture, and politics within a region or country. It is usually densely populated and has significant economic influence on its surrounding areas.

5. Town - A town is a smaller urban area compared to a city, often with less population and economic activity. It may still have some characteristics of an urban environment such as commercial centers and public transportation systems.

6. Municipality - A municipality refers to the local government unit responsible for governing an urban area. It can also be used as another term for a city or town.

7. Megacity - A megacity is an extremely large and densely populated urban area with over 10 million inhabitants. These cities are often characterized by rapid growth, high levels of pollution, and complex social issues.

8. Conurbation - Conurbation refers to an extended urban area formed by the merging of several cities or towns into one continuous built-up region.

9. Built-up Area - This term describes an urban area that has been developed with buildings and other structures for residential, commercial, or industrial purposes.

10.Cityscape - Cityscape refers to the visual appearance or physical features of an urban landscape. It can include buildings, streets, parks, and other elements that make up the city's overall design.

11. Downtown - Downtown is a term used to describe the central business district of a city or town. It is usually the commercial and cultural hub of the urban area.

12. Inner City - Inner city refers to the older and more densely populated areas of a city, often characterized by lower-income residents and a lack of resources compared to the suburbs.

13. Suburb - A suburb is a residential area on the outskirts of a city or town. It is often considered a quieter and more suburban alternative to living in an urban environment.

14. Urbanized - The term urbanized refers to an area that has undergone significant development and population growth, resulting in an urban environment with all its characteristics.

15. Built Environment - The built environment refers to all human-made structures within an urban area, including buildings, roads, parks, and other infrastructure.

16. Megalopolis - A megalopolis is a chain of interconnected cities or urban areas that have grown together into one massive metropolitan region.

17. Skyscraper - A skyscraper is an extremely tall building that dominates the skyline of an urban area. They are often found in major cities as symbols of economic power and development.

18. Concrete Jungle - This term refers to an urban environment that is heavily built-up with concrete structures and lacks green spaces or natural elements.

19. Urbanization - Urbanization describes the process of people moving from rural areas into cities, resulting in increased population density and development within those cities.

20. Industrialized City - An industrialized city is one that has developed primarily due to its manufacturing industries, often leading to pollution and environmental concerns within the urban area

