
语言百科2024-12-03 17:29:57留学世界




那么,它到底是什么意思呢?简单来说,use可以指代多种含义。首先,它可以表示使用某物或某事物的能力或权利。比如说,“I can use this pen to write.”(我可以用这支笔写字)。其次,use也可表示利用某物或某事物来达到特定目的。“We can use technology to improve our lives.”(我们可以利用科技来改善生活)。此外,在口语中,use还可以表示“*惯于”、“擅长”等含义。



当然,在翻译行业中,“use”也有着特殊的含义。它可以指代使用某种语言或工具来进行翻译工作。“I often use online dictionaries when translating.”(我在翻译时经常使用在线词典)。此外,它还可以表示利用某种方法或技巧来解决翻译难题。“I use my own experience to deal with difficult translations.”(我运用自己的经验来处理难翻译的内容)


1. “use”一词在英语中有多种读音,具体的读音取决于它的词性和所处的语境。下面将为你介绍几种常见的读法。

2. 作为动词时,“use”的基本读音为[juːz],发音时要注意舌尖轻触上颚。这个发音与单词“juice”中的发音相似。例如,“I use my phone to call my friends.”

3. 作为名词时,“use”的基本读音为[juːs],发音时要注意舌尖轻触上颚,但声调要比动词时低沉。例如,“The use of technology has greatly improved our lives.”

4. 在某些特殊情况下,动词“use”也可以读作[juːzɪd],即在后面加上-s或-ed后变成过去式或第三人称单数形式。例如,“She used to live in New York.” “He often uses his phone during class.”

5. 当“use”作为名词时,还有一种特殊情况是它可以被读作[juːzə],即在后面加上-ing后变成现在分词形式。例如,“The use of mobile phones is becoming more and more common.”

6. 另外,在口语中,“use”的发音可能会缩短成[jus],尤其是在非正式场合下。例如,“I don't use that app anymore.”

7. 此外,当“use”作为名词时,它还有一个复数形式“uses”,读音为[juːzɪz]。例如,“There are many uses for this tool.”

8. 最后,需要注意的是,动词“use”的过去式和过去分词形式都是“used”,但读音却不同。过去式读作[juːzd],过去分词读作[juːzd]或[juːst]。例如,“I used to go to the gym every day.” “She has used this product before.”

9. 总的来说,“use”这个单词的读音并不复杂,但要注意根据不同的语境和词性来选择正确的发音。希望本次介绍可以帮助你更好地了解如何正确地读音英语中的“use”


1. use的基本用法

- 作为动词,use是使用、运用的意思,发音为 [juːz]。

- 作为名词,use是用途、用法的意思,发音为 [juːs]。

2. 双语例句

- Could you please use this pen to sign the document? (请用这支笔签署文件好吗?)

- I use my phone to take pictures every day. (我每天都用手机拍照。)

- This medicine has many uses, it can cure different illnesses. (这种药有很多用途,可以治疗不同的疾病。)

3. 另类发音:[juːzɪd]


- This is a used car, but it still runs well. (这是一辆二手车,但仍然跑得很好。)

- Can I have a used copy of this book? (我能拿一本二手书吗?)

4. 拓展用法:used to do sth.

在英语中,used to do sth.表示过去经常做某事但现在已经不再做了。例如:

- I used to play soccer every weekend when I was in high school. (我高中时经常每个周末踢足球,但现在已经不再踢了。)

- She used to live in New York, but now she lives in London. (她过去住在纽约,但现在住在伦敦。)

5. 幽默用法:make use of

make use of是利用的意思,但也可以用来表达幽默的意味。例如:

- I need to make use of my cooking skills to impress my date tonight. (我今晚需要利用我的烹饪技巧来给约会对象留下深刻印象。)

- Let's make use of this rainy day and have a movie marathon! (我们趁着这个雨天好好利用,来一场电影马拉松吧!)



1. Use up:用完,消耗光


2. Make use of:利用,使用


3. Put to good use:有效利用,发挥作用


4. Useless:无用的,无效的


5. In use:正在使用中


6. Out of use:不再使用,废弃


7. Make use of the opportunity:抓住机会


8. Use caution:小心谨慎


9. Make good use of time:合理安排时间


10. Put to practical use:实际运用



1. Utilize - This word is often used in formal situations, but it means the same thing as "use". For example, "I will utilize this tool to complete the task."

2. Employ - Another formal synonym for "use", often used in professional settings. For instance, "We will employ this strategy to increase sales."

3. Apply - This word can be used interchangeably with "use" in certain contexts. For example, "You can apply this cream to your skin for better results."

4. Utilization - This noun form of "use" is commonly used in technical or academic writing. For instance, "The utilization of renewable energy sources is crucial for a sustainable future."

5. Make use of - This phrase is a more descriptive way of saying "use". For example, "You should make use of your time wisely."

6. Exploit - In addition to its negative connotation, this word can also mean to make full use of something. For instance, "We must exploit our resources efficiently."

7. Harness - Similar to "exploit", this word means to utilize or control something effectively. For example, "We must harness the power of technology for our benefit."

8. Avail oneself of - This phrase means to take advantage of something or make use of it for one's own benefit. For instance, "You should avail yourself of all the opportunities presented to you."

9. Put into practice/use - These phrases are often used when discussing applying knowledge or skills in real-life situations. For example, "It's important to put into practice what you learn in school." or "We must use our knowledge and experience to solve this problem."

10.Useful/Functional/Effective/Efficient/Practical/Handy/Convenient/Helpful/Beneficial/Necessary - These adjectives all describe something that is suitable for a specific purpose and can be used in place of "useful". For instance, "This tool is very practical for everyday use."

