1. 原始含义:除了指代香草植物和其果实外,vanilla还有一个原始含义——“空无一物”。这可能与香草植物本身比较单薄的外观有关。
2. 幽默含义:在美国俚语中,vanilla也可以指代“普通”、“无聊”或者“平庸”的事物。例如,“他们去看电影了,我却被留在家里做vanilla”。这里的意思就是说,“他们去看电影了,我却被留在家里无聊地待着”。
3. 色情含义:在色情行业中,vanilla也被用来表示传统、普通或者缺乏创新的性行为。这种用法源于BDSM(一种性行为)中的术语,指代与BDSM相反的传统性行为。
4. 形容词含义:除了作为名词,vanilla也可以用来作为形容词,表示“普通的”、“无趣的”或者“缺乏创意的”。例如,“这个设计太vanilla了,没有任何新意”
1. 发音
- 第一个音节“və”类似于英语单词“the”中的“th”,嘴唇微微张开,舌头放在上齿床后面。
- 第二个音节“nɪl”类似于英语单词“nil”的发音,唇齿不接触,舌头放在上齿后面。
- 最后一个音节“ə”类似于英语单词“about”的发音,嘴唇微微张开,舌头放在下齿后面。
2. 含义
3. 起源
4. 用法
5. 相关短语
- vanilla extract:香草精
- vanilla ice cream:香草冰淇淋
- vanilla bean:香草豆
- vanilla flavor:香草味道
1. 起源故事:vanilla一词源自拉丁语“vagina”,意为“草药”,最初是指墨西哥的一种香草植物,后来演变为指代香草味道。
2. 含义解析:在英语中,vanilla一词可以作为名词和形容词使用。作为名词时,它指代一种香料或调味品,也可以用来形容某种食物的味道;作为形容词时,它表示平凡、普通或缺乏创意。
3. 双语例句:
- I love the vanilla flavor of this ice cream. (我喜欢这种冰淇淋的香草味道。)
- He always wears a vanilla suit to work, he needs to be more creative with his fashion choices. (他总是穿着一套平淡无奇的衣服去上班,他需要在时尚选择上更有创意。)
- Vanilla is one of the most commonly used flavors in baking. (香草是烘焙中最常用的调味料之一。)
- This movie is so vanilla, it's just like every other romantic comedy out there. (这部电影太平庸了,就像其他所有浪漫喜剧电影一样。)
- She added a touch of vanilla essence to the cake batter to enhance the flavor. (她在蛋糕面糊中加了一点香草精来增强味道。)
1. Vanilla bean:香草豆
2. Vanilla extract:香草提取物
3. Vanilla flavor:香草味道
4. Vanilla essence:香精
5. Vanilla ice cream:香草冰淇淋
6. Vanilla pod:香草荚
7. Vanilla sugar:香草糖
8. Vanilla scent:香草气味
9. Vanilla orchid:兰花属植物中的一种,产生香草豆的植物。
10. Bourbon vanilla:波旁式香草,来自马达加斯加岛的一种高品质的香草。
11. Tahitian vanilla:大溪地式香草,来自大溪地岛的一种具有浓郁花果气息的香草。
12. Mexican vanilla:墨西哥式香草,来自墨西哥的一种具有浓郁甜味和苦味的香草。
13. Madagascar vanilla:马达加斯加式香草,来自马达加斯加岛的一种广泛使用于食品和调味料中的高品质香草。
14. Indonesian vanilla:印尼式香草,来自印度尼西亚的一种具有浓郁甜味和苦味的高品质香草。
15. French vanilla:法式香草,一种含有蛋黄和牛奶的香草味冰淇淋。
16. Vanilla latte:香草拿铁,一种加入香草糖浆的拿铁咖啡。
17. Vanilla scented candle:香草气味蜡烛,一种散发出香草气息的蜡烛。
18. Vanilla fragrance oil:香草芳香油,一种用于制作香水和美容产品的提取自香草的精油。
19. Vanilla lip balm:香草唇膏,一种含有香草提取物的滋润唇部护理产品。
20. Vanilla body lotion:香草身体乳液,一种含有天然香草成分的滋润身体护理产品
1. Plain
Vanilla is often used as a synonym for plain or basic. It can refer to something that is simple, unadorned, or lacking in special features. For example, a vanilla cake is a basic cake without any added flavorings or decorations.
2. Ordinary
In the same vein as plain, vanilla can also be used to describe something that is ordinary or common. It may refer to something that is not particularly exciting or unique, but rather something that is standard or typical.
3. Traditional
Vanilla can also be used to describe something that is traditional or conventional. This may refer to customs, practices, or beliefs that have been passed down through generations and are widely accepted within a culture.
4. Classic
Similar to traditional, vanilla can also be used to describe something that is classic or timeless. This may refer to things like fashion, music, or literature that have stood the test of time and continue to be relevant and appreciated by many.
5. Basic
Vanilla can also be used as a synonym for basic in certain contexts. This may refer to things like essential knowledge or skills that are necessary for understanding more complex concepts.
6. Standard
In some cases, vanilla can also mean standard or normal. This may refer to accepted norms and standards within a particular industry or field of study.
7. Generic
Similar to standard, vanilla can also be used as a synonym for generic in some contexts. This may refer to products or services that are not branded and lack unique features.
8. Bland
Another synonym for vanilla is bland, which refers to something that lacks flavor or excitement. It may also mean uninteresting or dull.
9. Simple
Vanilla can also be used as a synonym for simple in certain cases. This may refer to things like instructions, processes, or designs that are easy to understand and follow.
10. Unremarkable
Lastly, vanilla can also mean unremarkable or unimpressive. This may refer to things that are forgettable or not worth noting.
In conclusion, while vanilla is often associated with plainness or simplicity, it can also have positive connotations of tradition, timelessness, and simplicity. It all depends on the context in which it is used