1. vase的定义与起源
2. vase在日常生活中的使用
3. vase在艺术领域中的应用
4. vase在文学作品中的象征意义
5. vase与中国文化的联系
1. 花瓶:如果vase指代一种用来装鲜花的容器,那么它的正确读音是/veɪs/。这个发音更接近于英语中字母"a"的发音,所以记住"vase"就像是在说"vayz"。
2. 古董:如果vase指代一件古董或者艺术品,那么它的正确读音则为/vɑːz/。这个发音更接近于法语中原始的发音,所以记住"vase"就像是在说"vahz"。
无论你选择哪种读法,在日常生活中都可以使用。但如果你想要表现出一些幽默感,不妨尝试一下将两种读法结合起来。比如,在花店里看到一只漂亮的花瓶时,你可以调侃道:"Look at that beautiful vase (veɪs), it's a real work of art (vɑːz)!" 这样既能展示你对英语发音的掌握,又能让气氛更加轻松愉快
1. vase的基本释义
2. vase的用法
- a flower vase: 一只花瓶
- a crystal vase: 一只水晶花瓶
- a decorative vase: 一只装饰性花瓶
3. 双语例句
- The vase on the table is filled with beautiful flowers.
- She received a delicate porcelain vase as a gift.
- The museum has a collection of ancient Greek vases.
4. 表达“vase”的同义词
- flowerpot: 花盆
- urn: 骨灰盒
- jar: 瓶子
5. vase在不同语境中的用法
1. Flower vase - 花瓶
2. Antique vase - 古董花瓶
3. Ceramic vase - 陶瓷花瓶
4. Glass vase - 玻璃花瓶
5. Crystal vase - 水晶花瓶
6. Porcelain vase - 瓷器花瓶
7. Bronze vase - 青铜花瓶
8. Hand-painted vase - 手绘花瓶
9. Decorative vase - 装饰性花瓶
10. Vase arrangement - 花瓶布置
11. Tall vase - 高脚花瓶
12. Short vase - 矮脚花瓶
13. Wide-mouthed vase - 宽口花瓶
14. Narrow-necked vase - 窄颈花瓶
15. Round-bottomed vase - 圆底花瓶
16. Square-shaped vase - 方形花瓶
17. Cylindrical vase - 圆柱形花瓶
18. Filled with flowers – 花朵盛满的花瓶
19. Empty flower holder – 空的小型容器
20.Vase for display – 用于展示的装饰性物品
21.Artistic flower container – 艺术性的盛放鲜花的容器
22.Decorative centerpiece – 装饰性中心点
23.Bouquet holder – 束花盛放容器
24.Floral display – 花卉展示
25.Flower pot – 花盆
26.Indoor vase – 室内花瓶
27.Outdoor vase – 室外花瓶
28.Tabletop vase – 桌面用花瓶
29.Floor vase – 地面用大型花瓶
30.Hanging vase – 悬挂式花瓶
1. Vessel - This word is derived from the Latin word "vas" and can be used to describe a vase or any other container used for holding liquids or other substances.
2. Urn - This word is often used to describe a vase with a narrow neck and a rounded body, commonly used for holding the ashes of the deceased.
3. Pitcher - This term is typically used to describe a vase with a handle and spout, often used for pouring liquids.
4. Jar - A jar is a type of vase with a wide opening and cylindrical body, commonly used for storing food or other items.
5. Amphora - This term comes from ancient Greek and refers to a two-handled vase with a narrow neck and pointed base, often used for storing wine or oil.
6. Pot - A pot can also be considered as a type of vase, typically made of clay or ceramic material and used for holding plants or flowers.
7. Crock - Similar to a pot, this term refers to a large earthenware vessel, often used for storing food or water.
8. Decanter - This word is usually associated with glass vases that are specifically designed for serving wine or spirits.
9. Ewer - An ewer is similar to a pitcher but has a more decorative design, often used as an ornamental vase in traditional homes.
10. Cachepot - This term refers to an ornamental container that holds another smaller pot inside, commonly used for displaying flowers or plants indoors.