
语言百科2024-12-04 11:49:00留学世界



1. 什么是vet?



2. vet的发音


3. 兽医职业


4. 兽医的工作内容


5. 兽医的教育背景


6. 兽医的职业前景


7. 其他含义




1. 发音:vet的发音为/vet/,其中v发音为/v/,e发音为/ɛ/,t发音为/t/。

2. 读音规则:在英语中,vet通常被用作兽医的简称,在正式场合一般会被读作/vetərənɛri/。但在非正式的场合,人们更倾向于简化读法,直接读作/vet/。

3. 俏皮解释:如果你觉得说出完整的“veterinarian”太麻烦,那就直接叫他们“vet”吧!这个简单易记的词汇不仅可以让你省下几个字母的打字时间,还能让你听起来更酷一些。

4. 幽默元素:不知道是不是因为vet这个词听起来有点像“wet”(湿的),所以很多人都会开玩笑说兽医师就是处理“湿问题”的专家。当然这只是一个玩笑,并不代表兽医师只会处理湿润的问题哦!

5. 反问技巧:你知道吗?其实大部分人都不知道vet这个词到底怎么读。难道你也是其中之一吗?别担心,继续阅读下面的内容,你就可以轻松掌握这个词的发音啦!

6. 举例说明:如果你有宠物,那么你一定会经常和兽医师打交道。那么,下次当你需要提到兽医师的时候,就可以自信地说“我要带我的狗狗去看vet了”,是不是感觉很顺口呢?


1. vet的基本含义


2. vet的发音


3. vet作为名词的用法

a. I took my dog to the vet for a check-up. (我带我的狗去兽医那里做了一次检查。)

b. The vet recommended a special diet for my cat. (兽医建议给我的猫吃特殊饮食。)

4. vet作为动词的用法

a. The veterinarian will vet the animals before they are allowed to enter the country. (这位兽医将会在动物入境前对其进行检查。)

b. I need to find a reliable person to vet my dog while I'm away on vacation. (我需要找一个可靠的人来照顾我的狗,在我度假期间对其进行治疗或检查。)

5. 与vet相关的双语例句

a. The vet gave my dog a shot to prevent rabies. (兽医给我的狗打了一针来预防狂犬病。)

b. The vet advised me to spay my cat to prevent unwanted pregnancies. (兽医建议我给我的猫做绝育手术,以防止意外怀孕。)


1. Vet的意思是兽医,它是veterinarian的缩写形式。

2. Vet school指的是兽医学院,也可以简称为vet college。

3. Vet clinic是指兽医诊所,它通常由一位或多位兽医师负责管理。

4. Vet tech是指兽医技术人员,他们通常负责协助兽医师进行各种检查和治疗。

5. Vet assistant是指兽医助理,他们通常负责协助vet tech和vet进行日常工作。

6. Vet nurse也可以用来指代兽医护士,他们通常在动物诊所或动物医院工作。

7. Vet practice是指兽医实践,也可以称为vet office或者vet hospital。

8. Vet fee指的是兽医服务费用,这些费用通常包括诊断、治疗和手术等项目。

9. Vet insurance是一种保险形式,旨在帮助主人支付动物看病的费用。

10. Vet prescription则是由兽医开具的处方药品,在购买时需要出示给药房或者网上药店


1. Veterinarian

- Definition: a person qualified to treat diseased or injured animals

- Example sentence: The veterinarian examined the dog and prescribed medication for its ear infection.

2. Animal doctor

- Definition: a person who specializes in treating animals

- Example sentence: The animal doctor performed surgery on the injured horse and saved its life.

3. Vet

- Definition: short for veterinarian, also used informally to refer to someone with experience in a particular field (e.g. finance vet)

- Example sentence: My cat is sick, I need to take her to the vet for a check-up.

4. Animal physician

- Definition: a medical practitioner who treats animals

- Example sentence: The animal physician recommended a special diet for my dog's allergies.

5. Pet doctor

- Definition: a veterinarian who focuses on treating household pets such as dogs and cats

- Example sentence: Our pet doctor advised us on how to properly care for our new puppy.

6. Animal healer

- Definition: someone who uses alternative or holistic methods to heal animals

- Example sentence: The animal healer used acupuncture to relieve the horse's muscle pain.

7. Zoo doctor

- Definition: a veterinarian who works at a zoo and cares for exotic animals

- Example sentence: The zoo doctor conducted routine check-ups on all the animals at the zoo.

8. Animal surgeon

- Definition: a veterinarian who specializes in surgical procedures for animals

- Example sentence: The animal surgeon successfully removed a tumor from the cat's stomach.

9. Wildlife vet

- Definition: a veterinarian who focuses on treating wild animals in their natural habitats

- Example sentence: The wildlife vet treated an injured eagle and released it back into the wild after it recovered.

10. Livestock doctor

- Definition: a veterinarian who specializes in caring for farm animals such as cows, pigs, and sheep

-Example sentence: The livestock doctor vaccinated the herd of cows to protect them from diseases

