
语言百科2024-12-04 14:11:59留学世界




你是否经常在阅读英文资料时遇到过“vice versa”这个词组?它的意思其实很简单,就是“反之亦然”。这个词源于拉丁语,由vice(相反)和versa(转向)两个词组合而成,所以它的字面意思就是“转向相反”。当然,在英语中这个词组也可以作为副词使用,表示“反过来”、“相反地”等含义。


比如,在讨论某件事情的两种情况时,我们可以用“on the one hand...on the other hand...”来表达。但如果我们想强调两种情况之间的对称性和相互影响关系,就可以用“vice versa”的形式。“Vice versa, if you don't take care of yourself, you won't be able to take care of others.”(反过来说,如果你不好好照顾自己,就无法照顾他人。)

除了在翻译行业中使用外来语,我们在日常生活中也常常能听到或使用“vice versa”。比如,当我们说“you scratch my back, I'll scratch yours”(你帮我,我帮你)时,对方可以回答“vice versa”(反过来也一样)。这时,“vice versa”也可以用作回答对方提出的建议或要求


1. 什么是vice versa

在翻译行业中,vice versa是一个常用的拉丁语短语,意为“反之亦然”或“相反”。它通常用来表示两个事物之间的相互关系,表明两者可以互换或互相影响。在英文中,vice versa被广泛使用,并且经常出现在书面语和口语中。

2. 发音指南

根据英文发音规则,vice versa应该被读作/vaɪs vɜːrsə/。其中,“v”发音为清辅音/v/,“a”发音为长元音/aɪ/,“s”发音为清辅音/s/,“v”发音同样为清辅音/v/,“e”发音为短元音/ə/,“r”发音为浊辅音/r/,最后的“sa”组合读作/sə/。

3. 重点注意的地方

在正式场合或学术讨论中,有时会将vice versa缩写为v.v.或vv。这种缩写形式也可以在书面语和口语中使用,但是需要注意避免过度使用缩写形式,以免造成阅读和理解上的困难。

4. 如何运用vice versa

vice versa可以用来表达两个事物之间相反的关系。例如:“我喜欢你,你也喜欢我,所以我们可以说是相互喜欢的(I like you and you like me, so we can say it's vice versa)”。此外,它还可以用来表示两个事物之间的互换。例如:“如果你不喜欢这个工作,那么我们可以互换一下(If you don't like this job, we can vice versa)”。

5. 与vice versa相关的词汇

在英文中,除了vice versa之外,还有一些与之相关的词汇。例如,“mutatis mutandis”意为“必要的变动已经做出”;“reciprocal”意为“相互的”;“conversely”意为“相反地”。这些词汇都可以用来表达与vice versa类似的意思。

6. 常见用法

除了上述提到的常见用法外,vice versa还经常出现在以下情况中:

- 在逻辑推理中,用来表示一个命题与另一个命题之间相反的关系。

- 在数学中,用来表示两个量或两个方程式之间相反的关系。

- 在法律文件中,用来表示两种情况下适用相同的规则或原则。

- 在艺术作品中,用来表达对称性和镜像效应。



1. 什么是vice versa?

Vice versa是拉丁语中的短语,意为“反之亦然”或“互换”,常用于表达两个事物之间相互影响或相互转换的关系。在英语中,vice versa作为一个副词短语,通常放在句子的末尾,用于表示两个事物之间的相互转换或相反情况。

2. vice versa的用法

Vice versa通常用于表示两个事物之间的对称关系,即A与B相反或相互转换。它可以作为一个副词短语放在句子的末尾,也可以作为一个形容词放在名词前面。例如:

- You can learn from your students, and vice versa. (你可以从你的学生那里学*,反过来也一样。)

- The company is not only interested in profits, but also in the well-being of its employees, and vice versa. (公司不仅关注利润,也关心员工的福祉,反之亦然。)

- The relationship between teachers and students is vice versa. (教师和学生之间的关系是对称的。)

3. 双语例句

- We often think that exercise leads to weight loss, but vice versa can also be true – weight loss can lead to more exercise. (我们常常认为运动会导致减肥,但事实上也可能是反过来,减肥会促使更多的运动。)

- Some people believe that money brings happiness, but vice versa is also possible – happiness can bring more money. (有些人认为金钱带来幸福,但事实上也可能是反过来,幸福会带来更多的金钱。)

- It's important to have open communication in a relationship – both partners should feel comfortable expressing their feelings and vice versa. (在一段关系中保持开放的沟通很重要,双方都应该感到舒服地表达自己的感受,反之亦然。)

- The teacher can learn from the students, and vice versa, creating a dynamic learning environment for everyone. (老师可以从学生那里学*,反之亦然,为每个人创造一个充满活力的学*环境。)


1. "Turn the tables"

- 用于描述情况发生了逆转,与vice versa相似的含义。

例:She used to be the boss, but now she's just an employee. Oh how the tables have turned! Vice versa, isn't it?

2. "Flip-flop"

- 指事物发生了完全相反的变化,与vice versa同义。

例:Her opinion on the matter has completely flip-flopped. Vice versa, his stance hasn't changed at all.

3. "Role reversal"

- 形容角色发生了交换,与vice versa有着类似的意思。

例:In this play, the actors will experience a role reversal halfway through. Vice versa, their characters will have to adapt to new roles.

4. "Two sides of the same coin"

- 表示两个事物虽然表面上看起来相反,但实际上却是相关联的。与vice versa有着相同的含义。

例:Some people see them as enemies, but really they are two sides of the same coin. Vice versa, they both want what's best for their country.

5. "Backwards and forwards"

- 形容事物发生了反向运动,与vice versa类似。

例:I've been trying to teach her how to ride a bike for weeks now, but she still can't go backwards and forwards without falling off. Vice versa, I'm starting to think she's teaching me instead.

6. "From one extreme to another"

- 表示从一个极端到另一个极端,与vice versa意思相同。

例:He used to be so shy he couldn't even speak in public, now he's the life of the party. From one extreme to another, isn't it? Vice versa, she used to be the center of attention, but now she prefers to stay home and read.

7. "The other way around"

- 用于描述情况发生了反转,与vice versa有相似的含义。

例:I thought he was the one who broke up with her, but it was actually the other way around. Vice versa, I thought she was the one who did something wrong, but it turns out he was at fault.

8. "In reverse"

- 形容事物发生了反向运动,与vice versa近义。

例:He accidentally drove in reverse and bumped into a tree. Vice versa, he had to drive forward to get out of the parking lot.

9. "Upside down"

- 形容事物发生了颠倒,与vice versa意思相同。

例:She turned his world upside down when she left him. Vice versa, he didn't realize how much he loved her until she was gone.

10. "The opposite direction"

- 描述事物发生了反向运动,与vice versa有着相似的含义。

例:I thought we were going in the opposite direction, but it turns out we were both heading towards the same place. Vice versa, I thought we were on the same page, but our paths diverged along the way


1. Reverse

- "Viceversa" is often used as a synonym for "reverse", meaning to do or say something in the opposite way or order.

- Example: The teacher asked the students to write their names on the board, and vice versa, to see if they were paying attention.

2. Conversely

- Another word that can be used interchangeably with "viceversa" is "conversely", which means in an opposite or contrary manner.

- Example: The team was confident when playing at home, but conversely, they struggled on the road.

3. Conversely

- Similar to "conversely", "contrariwise" also means in an opposite or contrary manner and can be used as a synonym for "viceversa".

- Example: The company's profits were high last year; contrariwise, this year they have been declining.

4. Conversely

- In some cases, "viceversa" can also be replaced with "on the other hand", which implies a contrast or alternative.

- Example: Some people prefer coffee over tea, while others viceversa, it's all a matter of personal preference.

5. The other way around

- This phrase is often used to express the same idea as "viceversa", indicating a reversal of roles or positions.

- Example: She usually drives me to work, but today I will drive her instead, just to do things the other way around.

6. Reversed

- Another word that can be used as a synonym for "viceversa" is simply "reversed", which means turned in an opposite direction.

- Example: When you look at the picture from left to right, it shows one thing; but when you look at it vice versa (or reversed), it shows something completely different.

7. Contrary

- Similar to "contrariwise", "contrary" can also be used as a synonym for "viceversa", indicating an opposite or contrary situation.

- Example: The boss thought the project was a success, but the employees felt vice versa (or contrary), as they had to work overtime and had no time for personal lives.

8. Conversely

- Another word that can be used interchangeably with "viceversa" is "inversely", which means in an opposite or reverse order.

- Example: As the temperature increases, the demand for ice cream decreases, and vice versa (or inversely).

9. Conversely

- In some cases, "viceversa" can also be replaced with "the other way round", which implies a reversal of roles or positions.

- Example: I usually cook dinner while my wife sets the table; tonight we'll do it the other way round, just for fun.

10. The opposite

- Finally, "viceversa" can also be expressed as "the opposite", which means something that is completely different from what has been mentioned before.

- Example: She said she loved him, but her actions showed vice versa (or the opposite)

