
语言百科2024-12-05 11:17:01留学世界




1. voted的基本含义


2. voted的其他含义


(1) 表示“赞成”、“同意”

在日常生活中,我们经常会听到类似这样的句子:“我投票支持这项提案”,其实就是说“我voted for this proposal”。这里的for可以省略,因为vote本身已经表达了“支持”的意思。

(2) 表示“选择”、“决定”

当我们需要做出一个重要决定时,也可以使用voted来表示。例如,“我最终选择了留在这个城市”,就可以说成“I voted to stay in this city”。

(3) 表示“赞成通过”、“通过”

当议员们在国会或议会上进行表决时,如果多数人投票赞成通过某项法案或提案,就可以说该法案或提案被voted through(被通过)。

3. voted与vote之间的区别


此外,vote还可以作为名词使用,表示“选举权”、“表决权”。例如,“每个公民都有投票的权利(the right to vote)”。

4. voted的发音


5. voted在句子中的用法

在句子中,voted通常作为谓语动词出现。例如,“他们都投票支持了这项提案(They all voted for this proposal)”。此外,它也可以作为过去分词出现在被动语态中,“这项提案被通过了(This proposal was voted through)”。

6. voted的相关词汇


(1) voter:选民、投票人

(2) voting:投票、表决

(3) ballot:选票、投票纸

(4) election:选举、选举活动




1. 重音在哪里?


2. "o"的发音


3. "t"的发音

4. 综合练*



1. voted的用法


a. 作为及物动词,voted后面通常接宾语,表示“投票给某人/某事物”。例如:

- The citizens voted the new mayor into office.(市民们投票选举了新市长。)

- The committee voted to approve the budget proposal.(委员会投票通过了预算提案。)

b. 作为不及物动词,voted后面通常接介词for或against,表示“投票赞成/反对某事物”。例如:

- The students voted for a change in the school's dress code.(学生们投票赞成改变学校的着装规定。)

- The shareholders voted against the merger with another company.(股东们投票反对与另一家公司的合并。)

2. 双语例句

a. The members of parliament voted on the new tax reform bill yesterday.


b. The board of directors unanimously voted to increase employee benefits.


c. After much debate, the city council finally voted to build a new hospital.


d. The public voted in favor of the new environmental protection measures.


e. The committee voted against the proposal to raise tuition fees.


f. The citizens will have the opportunity to vote on the proposed changes to the city's transportation system.


g. The company's shareholders will vote on whether to merge with a larger corporation next month.



1. Vote for - 投票支持

2. Vote against - 反对投票

3. Cast a vote - 投票

4. Vote in favor of - 赞成投票

5. Vote in opposition to - 反对投票

6. Vote of confidence - 信任投票

7. Voice vote - 声音投票

8. Secret ballot vote - 秘密投票

9. Absentee vote - 缺席投票

10. Proxy vote - 代理投票

11. Majority vote - 多数通过投票

12. Minority vote - 少数反对投票

13. Unanimous vote - 全体一致通过投票

14. Recorded vote - 记名表决

15. Roll call vote - 点名表决

16. Show of hands vote - 举手表决

17. Split vote - 分裂投票

18. Tie-breaking vote- 平局破除者投票

19.Vote counting- 计算选举结果

20.Vote rigging- 非法操纵选举结果


1. Casted: "Voted" is often used to describe the act of casting a vote in an election or poll.

2. Elected: Another synonym for "voted" is "elected," which implies that a person has been chosen or selected through a voting process.

3. Chosen: Similar to "elected," "chosen" can also be used as a synonym for "voted," emphasizing the selection aspect of the voting process.

4. Supported: When someone votes for a candidate or issue, they are showing their support for it, making "supported" another possible synonym for "voted."

5. Endorsed: This word can be used to describe the act of giving one's approval or support to something, such as a candidate or policy, through voting.

6. Approved: In some cases, people may use "approved" as a synonym for "voted," particularly when referring to a decision made by a group through voting.

7. Balloted: This word specifically refers to the act of casting votes in an election, and can be used as an alternative to "voted."

8. Polled: When people are asked to vote on their opinion or preference on a particular topic, they are being polled, which can also be considered a form of voting.

9. Decided: When people vote on an issue, they are making a decision collectively, so this word can also be used as another synonym for "voted."

10. Expressed: Voting is often seen as a way for individuals to express their opinions and make their voices heard, making this word another potential synonym for "voted."

