
语言百科2024-12-05 12:17:01留学世界



在英文中,vt是一个常见的缩写词,它代表的是“verb transitive”,即“及物动词”的意思。如果你曾经学过英语语法,或者对英文语言比较了解,可能会对这个缩写词并不陌生。但是如果你刚开始接触英文,或者从未听说过这个缩写词,那么请跟着我一起来探索一下它的含义吧!


首先,让我们来看看“及物动词”这个概念。在英语中,动词可以分为两种类型:及物动词和不及物动词。简单来说,及物动词是指需要有一个宾语(object)来接受其作用的动词,而不及物动词则不需要宾语。举个例子,“I eat breakfast”中的“eat”就是一个及物动词,“breakfast”就是它的宾语;而“I sleep”中的“sleep”就是一个不及物动词。

那么为什么要用缩写vt来表示“及物动词”呢?其实这主要是为了方便书写和阅读。在日常生活中,我们可能会遇到很多需要使用到及物动词的情况,比如填写表格、撰写文章等等。如果每次都要把完整的“verb transitive”写出来,不仅费时费力,而且也不够简洁。因此,使用缩写vt可以让我们更快速地表达出所需的意思。


除了代表“及物动词”,vt还可能有其他含义。比如在医学领域中,它也可以表示“ventricular tachycardia”,即“室速”。所以如果你在医学文献中看到vt这个缩写,就要根据上下文来确定它的具体含义了



首先,让我们来看一下vt的发音。它的发音是/viː tiː/,即“vee-tee”。这个发音和它的字母组合有些相似,但并不完全相同。所以,当你在说“vt”时,记得要把重点放在第二个音节上。


那么,在什么情况下我们会用到“vt”这个缩写呢?通常情况下,“vt”会出现在句子中作为动词后面的标记符号。比如说,“I will vt the document tomorrow.”(我明天将会处理这份文件)。在这个句子中,“vt”就表示将要执行的动作。

除了作为动词后面的标记符号外,“vt”还可以作为动词的缩写形式出现。比如说,“I vt-ed the document yesterday.”(我昨天处理了这份文件)。在这个句子中,“vt”代表的就是“verb”的过去式形式。



1. vt的含义

vt是英文单词“verb transitive”的缩写,意为“及物动词”。它是指需要一个宾语来完成意思的动词,即动作的执行者会影响到某个对象。通常在句子中,及物动词会直接跟在主语后面,然后再接上宾语。

2. vt的用法


a. 表示行为或动作:例如,“She opened the door.”(她打开了门。)

b. 表示感情或想法:例如,“I love you.”(我爱你。)

c. 表示变化或转移:例如,“The company moved to a new location.”(公司搬到了新地点。)

3. vt的例句


a. The teacher explained the lesson to the students.


b. He gave me a present for my birthday.


c. She cooked dinner for her family.


d. They built a new house in the countryside.


e. The doctor prescribed some medicine for my headache.


4. vt的注意事项


a. 宾语必须与动词的意思相符:即宾语必须是可以被动作影响或作用的对象。

b. 宾语通常位于动词之后,但也有例外情况,如“He gave me a present.”(他给了我一份礼物。)中,“me”位于动词“gave”的前面。

c. 有些动词既可作及物动词,也可作不及物动词,如“open”(打开)和“close”(关闭)。当它们作及物动词时,需要加上宾语;当它们作不及物动词时,则不需要加上宾语


1. 翻译 (Translation)


2. 转变 (Transform)


3. 验证 (Validate)

在科技领域,vt也可以表示“验证”的含义。比如,当你在注册一个账号时,系统可能会要求你输入一个验证码(Verification Code),这个过程就是为了验证你的身份。

4. 证明 (Prove)


5. 认可 (Endorse)


6. 预约 (Book)


7. 视觉效果 (Visualize)


1. Verb transitive (动词) - Transitive Verb (直接宾语动词)

- Definition: A verb that requires a direct object to complete its meaning.

- Example: "She wrote a letter." In this sentence, "wrote" is a transitive verb and "a letter" is the direct object.

2. Action verb (动作动词) - Dynamic Verb (动态动词)

- Definition: A verb that shows an action or movement.

- Example: "The dog chased the cat." In this sentence, "chased" is an action verb and shows the movement of the dog.

3. Causative verb (使役动词)

- Definition: A verb that indicates that someone or something causes something to happen.

- Example: "I had my car washed." In this sentence, "had" is a causative verb and shows that the subject caused their car to be washed by someone else.

4. Auxiliary verb (助动词)

- Definition: A verb used in conjunction with another main verb to express tense, mood, voice or other grammatical categories.

- Example: "She is studying for her exams." In this sentence, "is" is an auxiliary verb and helps to express the present continuous tense.

5. Modal verb (情态助动词)

- Definition: A type of auxiliary verb used to show likelihood, ability, permission or obligation.

- Example: "You should study for your exams." In this sentence, "should" is a modal verb and expresses advice or obligation.

6. Phrasal verbs (短语动词)

- Definition: A combination of a main verb and an adverb or preposition that together have a different meaning from the individual words.

- Example: "I ran into my old friend at the store." In this sentence, "ran into" is a phrasal verb and means to meet unexpectedly.

7. Transitive phrasal verbs (及物短语动词)

- Definition: Phrasal verbs that have a direct object.

- Example: "I turned off the lights before leaving." In this sentence, "turned off" is a transitive phrasal verb and "the lights" is the direct object.

8. Intransitive phrasal verbs (不及物短语动词)

- Definition: Phrasal verbs that do not have a direct object.

- Example: "The car broke down on the highway." In this sentence, "broke down" is an intransitive phrasal verb and does not have a direct object.

9. Prepositional verbs (介词动词)

- Definition: A combination of a main verb and a preposition that together have a different meaning from the individual words.

- Example: "She takes after her mother." In this sentence, "takes after" is a prepositional verb and means to resemble or be like someone else.

10. Separable verbs (可分割动词)

- Definition: Verbs that can be separated from their particle or preposition.

- Example: "I will pick you up at 8 PM." In this sentence, "pick up" is a separable verb and can be separated by the pronoun "you."

11. Non-separable verbs (不可分割动词)

- Definition: Verbs that cannot be separated from their particle or preposition.

- Example: "She always looks after her younger siblings." In this sentence, "looks after" is a non-separable verb and cannot be separated by any word or phrase.

12. Stative verbs (状态动词)

- Definition: Verbs that express a state or condition rather than an action.

- Example: "I know the answer." In this sentence, "know" is a stative verb and expresses a state of knowing.

13. Dynamic verbs (动态动词)

- Definition: Verbs that express an action or process.

- Example: "The children are playing in the park." In this sentence, "playing" is a dynamic verb and shows an ongoing action.

14. Linking verbs (连系动词)

- Definition: Verbs that connect the subject to a noun, pronoun or adjective that renames or describes the subject.

- Example: "She seems tired." In this sentence, "seems" is a linking verb and connects the subject "she" to the adjective "tired."

15. Copular verbs (连系动词)

- Definition: Another term for linking verbs.

- Example: "I am a doctor." In this sentence, "am" is a copular verb and links the subject "I" to the noun "doctor."

16. Finite verbs (限定动词)

- Definition: Verbs that show tense, person and number according to their subject.

- Example: "They were watching TV when I arrived." In this sentence, "were watching" is a finite verb and shows past tense, third person plural.

17. Non-finite verbs (非限定动词)

- Definition: Verbs that do not show tense, person or number according to their subject.

- Example: "He enjoys reading books." In this sentence, "reading" is a non-finite verb as it does not change according to the subject.

18. Regular verbs (规则动词)

- Definition: Verbs that follow standard patterns for conjugation in different tenses.

- Example: Present tense - I walk, you walk, he/she walks, we walk, they walk.

19. Irregular verbs (不规则动词)

- Definition: Verbs that do not follow standard patterns for conjugation in different tenses.

- Example: Present tense - I go, you go, he/she goes, we go, they go.

20. Reflexive verbs (反身动词)

- Definition: Verbs that indicate that the subject is also the object of the action.

- Example: "He hurt himself while playing soccer." In this sentence, "hurt" is a reflexive verb and shows that the subject and object are the same person

