1. 腰部身材
首先,waist可以指人体的腰部身材。比如,当我们说“她有一条纤细的腰”,就可以用英文表达为“She has a slim waist”。所以,如果你想夸奖别人的腰部线条美丽,可以用这个词来形容哦。
2. 腰围尺寸
除了指人体腰部外,waist也可以表示腰围尺寸。比如,在购买裤子时,我们会被问及自己的waist size(腰围尺寸)。另外,在健身时,我们也会关注自己的waistline(腰围线)是否变细了。
3. 背景
除了上述两种含义外,waist还有一个比较特殊的用法。在英文中,“to have a good waist”也可以指某个人在某个领域具有出色的能力或成就。比如,“She has a good waist in cooking”就表示“她在烹饪方面有出色的能力”。
4. 一些有趣的表达
除了以上三种含义外,waist还可以用来表示一些有趣的概念。比如,我们常说“waist of time”(浪费时间),“waist of money”(浪费金钱)或者“waist of space”(浪费空间)。这些表达都是在夸张地形容某件事情是多么无用或无意义。
1. 腰围是指人体腰部的周长,通常用于衡量身材的好坏。
2. 在英语中,waist的发音为/weɪst/,读作“威斯特”。
3. 这个单词在英文中也可以用作动词,意为“缩小腰围”。
4. 如果你想要拥有一个纤细的腰部,可以尝试一些运动和健康饮食来达到目标。
5. 但是不要忘记,每个人都有自己独特的身材和美丽,不必过分追求完美的腰线
1. 关于waist的定义
2. waist作为身体部位的用法
例句1:She wrapped her arms around his waist, leaning her head on his shoulder.
例句2:The dress was tight at the waist, but loose around the hips.
3. waist作为腰围大小的用法
例句1:I need to buy a new belt because I've lost weight and my waist has gotten smaller.
例句2:Her waist measurement is 26 inches.
4. 关于waist的幽默用法
例句1:I can't fit into my jeans anymore, I must have gained an inch on my waist!
例句2:I have to wear high-waisted pants to hide my food baby after a big meal.
1. "Waist-deep":指水深到腰部,也可用来形容某件事情非常深入。
例如:"I was waist-deep in work all day." (我整天都忙得不可开交。)
2. "Waistline":指腰围,也可用来指身材的曲线。
例如:"She has a tiny waistline." (她的腰部非常纤细。)
3. "Waistcoat":指背心,一种没有袖子的上衣。
例如:"He wore a waistcoat over his shirt." (他在衬衫外面穿了一件背心。)
4. "Waste away":指消瘦,身体逐渐变瘦弱。
例如:"The illness caused her to waste away." (这种疾病让她消瘦下去。)
5. "Waste not, want not":指节约是财富之本。
例如:"My grandmother always said, waste not, want not." (我奶奶总是说,节约才能致富。)
6. "Waste time":指浪费时间,做无用的事情。
例如:"Stop wasting time and get back to work!" (别再浪费时间了,回去工作吧!)
7. "Waste disposal":指垃圾处理,处理废物的过程。
例如:"The city has a strict waste disposal policy." (这个城市有严格的垃圾处理政策。)
8. "Waste of space":指废物,毫无用处的人或物。
例如:"That old couch is just a waste of space." (那张旧沙发就是个废物。)
9. "Waste management":指废物管理,包括收集、运输、处理和回收废弃物的过程。
例如:"The company has implemented a new waste management system." (公司实施了一套新的废物管理系统。)
10. "Waste product":指废弃产品,生产过程中产生的副产品。
例如:"The factory has to find a way to dispose of their waste products." (工厂必须找到一种处理副产品的方法。)
1. Midsection
- This refers to the area of the body between the chest and hips.
- Example: The dress was fitted at the midsection, accentuating her waist.
2. Abdomen
- This is another term for the stomach or midsection.
- Example: He had a six-pack abdomen, with a slim waistline.
3. Tummy
- This is a casual term for the stomach or waist area.
- Example: She had been doing sit-ups every day to tone her tummy and waist.
4. Belly
- This is another casual term for the stomach or midsection.
- Example: The belt was too tight around his belly, making it difficult to breathe.
5. Core
- This refers to the central muscles of the body, including those in the waist area.
- Example: Pilates is great for strengthening your core and toning your waist.
6. Middle
- This can be used as a synonym for waist, especially when referring to clothing sizes.
- Example: She needed a medium size because she had a small waist but wider hips.
7. Girth
- This refers to the measurement around one's waist or any other part of the body.
- Example: The girth of his waist had increased since he stopped working out.
8. Hips
- While not an exact synonym, this term is often used in conjunction with waist when talking about body measurements.
- Example: Her dress hugged her hips and cinched at her tiny waist.
9. Waistline
- This refers specifically to the measurement around one's natural waist.
- Example: She measured her waistline before and after her weight loss journey and was amazed by the difference.
10. Hourglass figure
- This term describes a curvy body shape with a well-defined waist and proportionate hips and bust.
- Example: She was proud of her hourglass figure and always accentuated her waist with belts or form-fitting clothing.
11. Svelte
- This adjective describes someone who is slender and graceful, often with a defined waistline.
- Example: The model had a svelte figure, with a tiny waist and long, lean legs.
12. Trim
- This can be used to describe someone who is in good physical shape, often with a small waist.
- Example: She was very trim and fit, with a toned waistline from her daily workouts.
13. Slender
- This adjective describes someone who is thin and delicate.
- Example: She had a slender frame, with a narrow waist that made her look taller than she actually was.
14. Curvy
- While not an exact synonym, this term can be used to describe someone with an hourglass figure or shapely hips and waist.
- Example: She loved her curvy figure and often wore form-fitting dresses to show off her small waist.
15. Lithe
- This adjective describes someone who is thin and graceful, often with a defined waistline.
- Example: The dancer had a lithe body, with a slim waist that made her movements look effortless.
16. Petite
- This term refers to someone who is short in stature but can also be used to describe someone who is small and delicate in build.
- Example: She was petite but had a well-defined waist that gave her an elegant appearance.
17. Tiny
- This adjective describes something or someone that is very small in size.
- Example: Her tiny waist was the envy of all her friends, who struggled to find clothes that fit them as well as she did.
18. Narrow
- This term can be used to describe something or someone that is slim or thin in width.
- Example: The dress had a narrow belt that cinched at the model's tiny waistline.
19. Delicate
- This adjective can be used to describe something or someone that is small and fragile.
- Example: She had a delicate waistline, which she was careful not to injure during her intense workouts.
20. Dainty
- This term can be used to describe something or someone that is delicate and pretty.
- Example: The dress had a dainty bow at the waist, adding a feminine touch to the outfit