1. 介绍
2. 名词用法
作为名词,ward通常表示“病房”或“监护”。在医院中,ward是指一间或一组病房,用于收治病人。例如,“I was admitted to the surgical ward for my operation.”(我被送往外科病房接受手术治疗)。此外,在法律上,ward也可以指被监护的人或财产。例如,“The court appointed a guardian for the minor ward.”(法院指定了一个监护人来管理未成年人的财产)。
3. 动词用法
作为动词,ward主要表示“防止”、“避免”、“保卫”。例如,“She used her umbrella to ward off the rain.”(她用雨伞挡住雨水)。此外,在医学领域,ward也可以表示“防止某种疾病发生”。例如,“Vaccines are used to ward off diseases.”(疫苗被用来预防疾病)。
4. 形容词用法
作为形容词,ward通常表示“保护的”、“防御的”。例如,“The castle had strong walls to ward off attacks.”(这座城堡有坚固的城墙来抵御攻击)。此外,ward也可以用来表示“指定的”、“特定的”。例如,“The teacher gave us a list of ward topics for our essay.”(老师给了我们一份指定的主题列表来写文章)。
5. 其他用法
1. 简介
2. 发音
3. 含义
4. 用法
“ward”作为名词,可以用来描述医院中的不同部门,如儿科病房、产科病房等。它也可以用来指代特定的病人,比如“the pediatric ward”(儿科病房里的小患者)。在法律上,“ward”常被用来描述受到法庭监护的未成年人,比如“court-appointed ward”(法院指定的监护人)。
此外,“ward”还可以作为动词使用,意思是“保护”或者“防止”。例如,“The fence warded off trespassers.”(篱笆阻挡了入侵者)。它也可以表示“避免”,如“I tried to ward off the temptation.”(我试图避免诱惑)。
5. 例句
1) The patient was transferred to the intensive care ward.
2) The orphan was placed under the care of his legal guardian.
3) The court appointed a guardian for the minor child.
4) The dog warded off potential intruders with its fierce barking.
5) She tried to ward off the negative thoughts by focusing on positive things.
1. Ward的基本含义
2. 病房的意思
作为名词时,ward最常见的含义是指医院内的病房。例如:“She was admitted to the ward for observation.”(她被送进病房观察)。这里ward表示一个特定的医院部门,即病房。
3. 监护室的意思
在美国英语中,ward还可以指监护室或看管人员。例如:“The children were placed in the care of a social worker while their parents were in jail.”(孩子们在父母入狱期间由社工负责看管)。这里ward表示监护人员或监护职责。
4. 行政区域的意思
除了医院内部和监护室,ward还可以指行政区域。在美国和加拿大等国家,city被分成若干个小区域,每个小区称为ward。例如:“He was elected as the councilor for Ward 3.”(他当选为第三区的议员)。这里ward表示城市内的一个特定行政区域。
5. 保护区域的意思
在环境保护方面,ward也可以指保护区域。例如:“The national park is a ward for endangered species.”(这个国家公园是濒危物种的保护区)。这里ward表示一个受到特殊保护的地区。
6. 防止、避免的意思
作为动词时,ward表示防止或避免某种情况发生。例如:“She tried to ward off the attacker with her umbrella.”(她用伞挡住袭击者)。这里ward表示防止某人或某物接近自己。
7. 双语例句
- The patient was transferred to the intensive care ward for closer monitoring.
- The city councilor for Ward 5 proposed a new policy to improve public transportation.
- The government has declared this area as a protected ward for wildlife.
- He raised his hand to ward off the blow.
1. ward off: 挡开,防止,避免
2. award: 奖励,颁发奖项
3. forward: 向前,转发
4. backyard: 后院
5. inward: 内向的,向内的
6. onward: 向前的,继续进行的
7. downward: 向下的,下降的
8. afterward: 之后,后来
9. outward: 外部的,朝外的
10. awkward: 尴尬的,笨拙的
1. Ward: district, region, area
- Example: The patient was admitted to the pediatric ward of the hospital.
- Translation: 病人被送往医院的儿科病区。
2. Ward: protect, guard, defend
- Example: The security guard warded off the intruders.
- Translation: 保安挡开了入侵者。
3. Ward: ward off, fend off, repel
- Example: She used a bug spray to ward off mosquitoes.
- Translation: 她用杀虫剂驱赶蚊子。
4. Ward: hospital room, chamber
- Example: The patient was transferred to a private ward for better care.
- Translation: 病人被转移到私人病房接受更好的护理。
5. Ward: division, department, unit
- Example: The police officer works in the homicide ward of the department.
- Translation: 这位警官在部门的谋杀组工作。
6. Ward: protectorate, territory, colony
- Example: This island was once a British ward in the Pacific Ocean.
- Translation:这个岛曾经是太平洋上英国的保护国。
7. Ward off evil spirits:
- Synonyms:protect from malevolent forces, keep away bad luck or misfortune
- Example:The villagers hung charms on their doors to ward off evil spirits during the festival.
- Translation:村民们在节日期间在门上挂上符咒来避邪。
8. Warden:guardian, keeper, supervisor
- Example: The warden of the prison was responsible for the safety of the inmates.
- Translation: 监狱长负责犯人的安全。
9. Wardrobe:closet, cabinet, dresser
- Example:She organized her clothes neatly in the wardrobe.
- Translation:她把衣服整齐地放在衣柜里。
10. Wards of court:minors under legal guardianship
- Example: The judge appointed a guardian for the wards of court.
- Translation: 法官为法院的未成年人指定了监护人。
11. Wardship:guardianship, protection, custody
- Example: The orphan was placed under the wardship of his uncle.
- Translation: 孤儿被委托给他的叔叔监护。
12. Inward:inner, internal, inside
- Example: She kept her feelings inward and didn't share them with anyone.
- Translation: 她把自己的感情深藏内心,没有和任何人分享。
13. Outward:external, outside, exterior
- Example: His outward appearance was deceiving as he was actually very kind-hearted.
- Translation: 他外表看起来欺骗性很强,实际上他是个很善良的人